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The King of Fighters XIII Gameplay discussion (All shortcuts on 1st page)

Started by Kane317, August 18, 2010, 12:06:37 AM

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Quote from: sibarraz on January 27, 2011, 01:02:50 PM
That's my problem with XIII, lots of cancels combos are like ''repeat 2 moves like 3 to 5 times''

I dunno. I think it's because more people opt for repeating 2 moves because either they're using characters like Elisabeth who really has a limited moveset, or the damage and chaining abilities of the two moves are really good, so much that why would people use other moves if they can work well with two moves just fine. Plus, it's also easier.

However, remember that SNKP also released technical references for each and every character and I realized there are still a lot of moves that I have yet to see people use Drive Canceling for. For example, Mai's Musasabi no Mai > EX Musasabi no Mai. Granted, it's not always practical but it shows that there are still a lot of options you can choose from.

Besides, If you hate using two moves over and over again, why not bring up your own combos?


Quote from: Aenthin on January 27, 2011, 05:48:14 PM
For example, Mai's Musasabi no Mai > EX Musasabi no Mai. Granted, it's not always practical but it shows that there are still a lot of options you can choose from.

Lol. Funny that you mention that, we decided to record some casuals and I did that very link on Duc haha! I might just upload that match for kicks.


lol, gg and bb has combos way more fresh and with way more variety, KOF XIII combos almost look like infinites

Also is stupid how some characters could be in the corner, and with only one combo put your opponent in the other corner (and we know how happy is K' in the corner) elizabeth comboing 2 dm's like nothing is incredible stupid, we add the horrible damage scaling that the game has and we got a game that still left lot to desire, I still think that with a revision the game would became the best KOF ever, but for now the game has lots of stupid errors

Waifu Material


Quote from: sibarraz on January 27, 2011, 07:45:15 PM
lol, gg and bb has combos way more fresh and with way more variety, KOF XIII combos almost look like infinites

Also is stupid how some characters could be in the corner, and with only one combo put your opponent in the other corner (and we know how happy is K' in the corner) elizabeth comboing 2 dm's like nothing is incredible stupid, we add the horrible damage scaling that the game has and we got a game that still left lot to desire, I still think that with a revision the game would became the best KOF ever, but for now the game has lots of stupid errors

I think damage scaling should be addressed immediately is pretty stupid right now.


hell I still had the little hope that XIV would be the 98 of KOF XIII 97,

97 was a game with lots of good ideas but with big errors too, then came 98 who fixed lots of things and became one of the most popular fighters ever

Waifu Material


Quote from: sibarraz on January 27, 2011, 07:45:15 PM
lol, gg and bb has combos way more fresh and with way more variety, KOF XIII combos almost look like infinites

If you like gg/bb then you roll in a whole different direction from me. I honestly find their style of comboing, dial a combo or whatever its called, way too long and boring, same with other games like them like melty blood.

For me XIII is the middle ground between SF4 and BB. SF4 damage scaling basically makes long combos pointless so most of the combos used are on the short side, whereas BBs are way too long, just endless pounding. XIII for me is the sweet spot, both short and long combos count and even the 100% combos don't last very long, aside from maybe Ash and his SDM+HD combos. And you don't have to rely on long HD combos at all, as seen in high level play they become pretty scarce. Ample damage can be done with normal/DC combos.

And I was refering to lenght and style, not balance. But even then, GG and BB didn't seem all that spectacularly balanced from the matches I've seen/


Sorry, any game with 100% combos are incredible stupid, and when they are short they are even more stupid, if you need a game to make a 100%, at least make it hard to do, not just connect something and repeat as hell. In BB and GG for do a lengthy and damaging combo you need to practice a lot and had a very good timing, with kof is not different,, you still need to practice A LOT to pull the harder combos, but at times here are incredible more easy and stupid, I still prefer the combo system in 2002um, you need bars to pull long combos, and also at times had the skill to connect 2 normals using a quick max (or others characters with normal of 2 hits which are way more easy) XIII not only make it easier, but also they include an AUTODASH, if you gonna do that at least care to do a better damage scaling, I always found the one used in XI a good one (btw, in XIII if you are in BC mode, the moves do more damage?, or the damage is reduced like 2002UM?)

I'm by no means more fan of GG and BB than KOF, lol, I would rather play 95 than BB now, but that doesn't means that I still found the system of comboing in XIII, because not only you had this thing of constantly repeating the same moves, but also you had the stupid damage scaling and the juggle system

Waifu Material



besides raiden's drop kick NM combo, which 100% is cheap (stock/hd wise) in 13?

sometimes i have the impression you're talking about a completely different game.
KoF XIII... Needs more Angel, Vanessa and Blue Mary! ^^


Quote from: sibarraz on January 27, 2011, 07:45:15 PM
lol, gg and bb has combos way more fresh and with way more variety, KOF XIII combos almost look like infinites

Well I respect your opinion, but looks are subjective.

Quote from: sibarraz on January 27, 2011, 07:45:15 PM
Also is stupid how some characters could be in the corner, and with only one combo put your opponent in the other corner (and we know how happy is K' in the corner) elizabeth comboing 2 dm's like nothing is incredible stupid, we add the horrible damage scaling that the game has and we got a game that still left lot to desire, I still think that with a revision the game would became the best KOF ever, but for now the game has lots of stupid errors

I agree on you with this.  XIII is still not as refined as it could be and it does need a lot of work.  Realistically, as much as I want a balanced roster, somebody is going to have  crazy combos (for the record, most of the regulars at AI don't touch Liz, K' or Raiden for the aforementioned reasons).

Quote from: sibarraz on January 27, 2011, 10:16:03 PM
Sorry, any game with 100% combos are incredible stupid, and when they are short they are even more stupid, if you need a game to make a 100%, at least make it hard to do, not just connect something and repeat as hell.

There aren't that many 100% combos that are retarded anymore if you ask me, the only ones would pertain to Raiden only (like venusandeve said).  Any other 100% combos requires 5 stocks+HD and hence should be 100% if you're using that much drive+stocks.  

The ones that we should be concerned about are the easy 50%+ combos that require 1 stock etc...(Liz), that's much more of a threat than one 100% combo.

Quote from: sibarraz on January 27, 2011, 10:16:03 PM
In BB and GG for do a lengthy and damaging combo you need to practice a lot and had a very good timing, with kof is not different, you still need to practice A LOT to pull the harder combos, but at times here are incredible more easy and stupid, I still prefer the combo system in 2002um, you need bars to pull long combos, and also at times had the skill to connect 2 normals using a quick max (or others characters with normal of 2 hits which are way more easy) XIII not only make it easier, but also they include an AUTODASH, if you gonna do that at least care to do a better damage scaling, I always found the one used in XI a good one (btw, in XIII if you are in BC mode, the moves do more damage?, or the damage is reduced like 2002UM?)

Firstly, the HD combos do NOT do less damage like BC mode did for '02UM (at least '02).

I think that AUTODASH really balance out the activation system and once again is a refinement of '02's, I'll explain.  In '02(UM), some characters could do s.C/D, BC, dash s.C/D real easily and for some it was much harder.  Off the top of my head I can think of three reasons why:
1) Some characters have bigger hit boxes, and I remember some characters didn't even have to dash, it was just s.C, BC, s.C real fast
2) Some characters have two-hitter s.Cs like Clark making it easier to hit confirm the BC combos and give you much more time to execute the dash and
3) Some characters have different dash speeds.

If you ignore the first 2, the last one is the most important one and why AUTODASH solves everything; in XIII, the autodash speed is the same for all characters leveling the playing field.  

I can't stress it enough, it really irked me in '02 that faster combo friendly characters really took advantage of the BC system whereas most of the other characters were left hanging.  So I reiterate, the introduction of Ex moves and Autodashing HD activation really changes everything--not perfect but it gets as close as you can get it.

Quote from: Diavle on January 27, 2011, 09:43:17 PM
For me XIII is the middle ground between SF4 and BB. SF4 damage scaling basically makes long combos pointless so most of the combos used are on the short side, whereas BBs are way too long, just endless pounding. XIII for me is the sweet spot, both short and long combos count and even the 100% combos don't last very long, aside from maybe Ash and his SDM+HD combos. And you don't have to rely on long HD combos at all, as seen in high level play they become pretty scarce. Ample damage can be done with normal/DC combos.

I think this best describe how I feel and in retrospect, that's why I never liked the MvC series.


I've said this before and don't know what your guys opinion of it is, but I think KOF13 would benefit if the HD combo meter would actually drain a bit faster. It seems like when activated, it lasts longer than it should.


Quote from: Cibernetico on January 27, 2011, 11:06:26 PM
I've said this before and don't know what your guys opinion of it is, but I think KOF13 would benefit if the HD combo meter would actually drain a bit faster. It seems like when activated, it lasts longer than it should.

I don't know if you taken this point in consideration, on top of the normal time it takes to drain the HD meter (e.g activate it and don't do anything), every Hyper Drive Cancel takes an additional 10% so it's actually faster than most think.  Realistically, for most characters that equals 4-5 cancels.


yeah, I think that's is my main problem, the HD meter seems too large

and yeah, sorry, I exagerated with the 100% combos but still I got the feeling that lots of combos do lots of damage for the stocks and amount of moves to pull required (like the liz combo you mentioned) this is why I felt that the HD meter should be attached to the normal stocks, then it will not be as abusable as has been seen (or hell, make it that you can only cancel moves in hd mode, not only spending half HD meter)

At least there are lots of people who still sees this a kof as a ''is so broken but is funny'' like the criticized MVC2 here

At least my ideals KOF are still in 2002um an 98 um, XIII has lots of potential, but still felt it poorly done in lots of aspects, with a revision should be fine, but at the moment I still can't get behind the bandwagon of the game

Waifu Material


Quote from: sibarraz on January 27, 2011, 11:48:54 PM
At least my ideals KOF are still in 2002um an 98 um, XIII has lots of potential, but still felt it poorly done in lots of aspects, with a revision should be fine, but at the moment I still can't get behind the bandwagon of the game

Hopefully with more play time your opinion may change about XIII, but once again, I agree one more revision to XIII would be perfect.  =) 


Yeah no discussion for that, even though I had heard that the revision of 98um doesn't seem that good

Even though you're right about than 98 and 2002 has the advantage of the larger roster, I got the feeling that still lots of characters had a chance against the top tiers

In XIII is the same (at times I think that almost everybody is so broken that is balanced like some MK games) but still need more development, but I wish to see more KOF's is my favorite saga and I don't want to see it die

Waifu Material