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Kyo Kusanagi Wiki Thread

Started by desmond_kof, December 06, 2011, 11:18:30 PM

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12/6/11: I think his HD combo section needs some testing and rearranging. Is there anything confusing or not needed/redundant in that section? http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Kyo_Kusanagi_(XIII)&action=edit&section=18
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Since you asked in the other thread to also post here :

cr.B, cr.A, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb hcf+P, qcf+A, hcb+D

This is the 1 meter 50% drive combo everyone was using in the corner with Kyo in the arcade version . It's still very good in the console version, however, after trying a lot of stuff with him in training mode, I believe that his best 1 meter 50% drive combo in the corner is :

cr.B , cr.A, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, dp+A, (DC) qcf+D , (air) qcb hcf+P, hcb+B. 

It deals the same damage as the arcade bnb, but even if it's a bit harder to do due to the tiger knee orochinagi, It builds a lot of meter before using the super ( nearly a full meter actually ) so you can pretty much always do it if you have 1 drive. It also builds back more meter than used, builds a little bit of drive at the end , and is a hard knockdown.


i already mentioned this in the old kyo thread we were using

for meterless combos now that qcf d works midscreen i was wondering if someone could add right next to where it ends:  ( combo here ) if close enough qcf d, hcb k

psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'


Hi, I tested this stuff several times and I still wanna be sure so I'm wondering if someone can test these out before it becomes legit on the wiki. Of course some of these things can't be punished with certain blockstrings or certain spacings

I'll put an example and please let me know what do you guys think


•Standing C, Standing D, Standing CD & Down+C have Guard Points so you have to hit him low (Except Down+C, which you'll have to hop in with an attack)

•Use your quick movement to your advantage because you can bait out his normals & specials

•Remember that you'll have an easier time to cross up with Naraku Otoshi (Jumping Down+C)

Double Vapor Cannon (QCF X2 +P) has Guard Point all over his body in a form of a blue shell

-The regular one you can avoid it with Guard Cancel Roll Forward or just time your roll forward for a free punish

EX Double Vapor Cannon doesn't have Guard Point but it's 3 frames and does 2 hits

-You can block the first hit and just run forward & roll toward him before the second hits for a free punish

-If you can still get hit by him even if you're behind him but you can use super or EX moves

•When he does Standing C then Standing A then slightly pause, he can go for a D Version of Maxima Press so just jump up or just DP it or Vapor Cannon

-This is NOT a true Block String


-Blockstrings like Down+A to Down+B to 88 Shiki to Yamibarai (QCF+P) or Down+B x2 to Standing B (You can use Standing D after the Standing B to stuff the command grab if you know it's coming or else you'll eat a Vapor Cannon on counter hit)

•His Vapor Cannons are not safe when you roll toward him in early (Not Guard Cancel Roll)

All 3 Versions of Vapor Cannons are safe on block but you can just Down+B it to beat it!

-You can use the 88 Shiki (Down Forward+D) to Kai or HD Combo if he does it raw and you're somewhat close to him

-If he does Standing C into M9 Missile (Down Forward D) into any versions of the Vapor Cannon, you can just Guard Cancel Roll on the M9 Missile.

•His EX Air Vapor Cannons have Guard Point so just roll forward or block because he'll do a frametrap of Standing C into Vapor Cannon or just Vapor Cannon, the moment he lands to stop but keep in mind he can also do an command grab after the EX Air Vapor Cannon or Standing C


-You can just Guard Cancel Roll out of it and punish him as he lands

His M19 Blitz Cannon (DP+K) will NOT hit you if you're standing or crouching!

-His EX M19 Blitz Cannon is fast & will HIT you on Standing & Crouching so just block!

•His Maxima Press can grab you out of rolling but you can interrupt it by DP/Super/ SHORT HOP UP to punish him on reactions

-If you're in the corner then just Neutral Jump

-His EX Maxima Press is a HIT! NOT A GRAB SO JUST BLOCK IT!!


Been a while since I last posted, but in my abscence i've developed new tech for this fire starter.  Some midscreen air resets. Also note despite how deep you hit since the opponent lands before you none of these actually safe jump, even if you empty though you can mixup between crossing up and not crossing up.

Midscreen 75 Shiki resets
2B > 2A > 3D > 236D  > Sj. D

Land > SJ.2C (Meaty Crossup)
Land > sh. J2C
Land > sh (EMpty) > 2B
Land > sh (Empty) > EX command throw

Those are the basic ones for meterless 75 Shiki, now with EX 75 Shiki I haven't thoroughly tested the safety of these options, but i'll probably do that to day. Also these options above can also work with the setup below, but along with that the EX 75 Shikigives you two new options listed below.

2B > 2A > 3D > 236BD > SJ.D

Land > Dash Forward > 2B (crossunder meaty 2b Mixup)
Land > delay HH > J.2C (Meaty Deep crossup)

MBAA: Artifex Hyacinthinas
KOFXIII: Athena\ K' \ Leona or \Kyo


Kirah, I've been trying the resets and I'm finding out that hyper hopping j.D after the qcf+D is landing more consistently for me rather than superjumping, and all the landing options work great. Also, I do remember seeing one of the Top 8 Chinese (or Japanese) players use that reset with Kyo, and it's pretty dope.

I have noticed that after timing the hyper hop j.D certain ways you may or may not crossup with the sj.2C. If you hit them higher in the air, the sj.2C will crossup more than if you hit them later in the air with it.

With the qcf+BD, it seems a bit easier to reset with no matter proper height you hit them with the sj.D or hh.D. I'm not sure if I would personally want to spend a meter just for a reset while I can do one without meter, but I bet some other people wouldn't mind it if Kyo is fully stocked and placed last.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on December 06, 2011, 11:18:30 PM

12/6/11: I think his HD combo section needs some testing and rearranging. Is there anything confusing or not needed/redundant in that section? http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Kyo_Kusanagi_(XIII)&action=edit&section=18
Since I have been facing this problem recently I can say none of the corner combo listed works on a back turned opponent.
Plus the one which deals the more damages is also the one which works against back turned opponents and can be started at an further range than the qcf.D ones.
You must also keep in mind the fact your opponent stays back turned when he is knockdown with kyo hd combo.

790 dmg (819 starting with j.C)
Follow me on Twitter for a lot of stuff on KoF XIII :


Corner frame-trap reset:

5B, 236B, 5C, 236B

The first hit of the second 236B will whiff as the opponent goes back into neutral stance. The opponent must block the the second which will have +1 or +2 frame advantage or the opponent will get hit.  Basically, the last hit of the 236B will act as a meaty attack in the reset.


the main problem is that you'll get punish for doing 236B in guard ....
Follow me on Twitter for a lot of stuff on KoF XIII :


Quote from: Sharnt on October 31, 2012, 11:05:39 PM
the main problem is that you'll get punish for doing 236B in guard ....

Have you tried it out? If you time the 5C>236B right and the opponent guards, 236B becomes safe like +2.  I've does many times offline and never got punished once if they blocked and always I got a hit if they tried to press buttons.


Uh, if we're talking about B version Shiki Kai, isn't it like -1 on block? Unless someone has a 3 frame move and presses it on the first possible frame, they're not going to beat Kyo's st.C. Most of the cast have four frame moves or slower, all of which will trade if you do them on the first possible frame.

If we're talking DPs, then they could go through the st.C attempt while you're pressing st.C. You'll most likely get hit.

Other than that that's a pretty interesting string. It makes pretty good use of the move for pressure.


Even the B version of Shiki Kai has a gap between the two hits. One can just reversal through it.


There seems to be confusion to what I'm saying. I apologize for it.

The combo is not a blocksting. It's a hitconfirmed reset. 236B can become +2 on block if you make the opponent block only the second hit and kyo is near the ground while finishing the move.

This would be a good time for a recording equipment.

To find out what I'm talking about regarding 236b or qcf+b, go to practice mode with Kyo XIII, use another Kyo XIII as a dummy, set the dummy's guard to 1guard+jump, do the following combo in the corner:

cr. B, cr. A, df. D, qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, st.C, qcf+B

Basically, it is kyo's meter building combo except for the ending where st.C cancels into qcf+B. Obiviously, the first hop kick of 236B is going to whiff, but the second hop kick will hit the dummy as soon as they are in normal position. When the dummy resets into normal position and they block, jump vertically up immediatly and you will see your Kyo in the air first which shows qcf+B being +1 or +2 on block.


Oh, I see what you're saying. You reset them in the air and then you combo into this so that it's meaty. Once you do, you're at advantage so you can do whatever as a frame trap.

Okay. That fixes the punishing on block problem. But will it beat out invul DPs (Whatever you try afterwards). After a reset, some people like to DP atleast to get out of the corner (I do especially when someone's not respecting my space.)


Quote from: AmedoS310 on November 01, 2012, 03:13:42 PM
There seems to be confusion to what I'm saying. I apologize for it.

The combo is not a blocksting. It's a hitconfirmed reset. 236B can become +2 on block if you make the opponent block only the second hit and kyo is near the ground while finishing the move.

This would be a good time for a recording equipment.

To find out what I'm talking about regarding 236b or qcf+b, go to practice mode with Kyo XIII, use another Kyo XIII as a dummy, set the dummy's guard to 1guard+jump, do the following combo in the corner:

cr. B, cr. A, df. D, qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, st.C, qcf+B

Basically, it is kyo's meter building combo except for the ending where st.C cancels into qcf+B. Obiviously, the first hop kick of 236B is going to whiff, but the second hop kick will hit the dummy as soon as they are in normal position. When the dummy resets into normal position and they block, jump vertically up immediatly and you will see your Kyo in the air first which shows qcf+B being +1 or +2 on block.

I'm going to try that out, possibly even record it too. Thanks for sharing, Amedo.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."