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Explanations or Issues Sans-Culotte Related

Started by Sharnt, December 07, 2011, 08:59:30 PM

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King of Heart

Couldn't get an answer so here what i found out so far

I have 3 Corner Reps :

1]  ;a ;b ;c ;d-  (;bk ;d-  ;bk ;fd ;d -  ;bk ;b) X6 -  ;bk ;fd ;c

Damage = 314
+very easy one and can be done from mid screen (just skip the  ;bk ;b in the first rep)
+good damage and can go to HD combos from  ;bk ;d after it
-Doesn't give good damage after HD combos

2]  ;a ;b ;c ;d -  ;dn ;up ;b-  ;dn ;up ;b- (;dn ;up ;b-  ;bk ;d -  ;bk ;fd ;d- ;bk ;b-  ;bk ;fd ;c) X3

Damage = 292
- easy combo but works for corner only  
- less damage for SC stand alone combo
+ deals good damage after HD combos (145) per combo

3] The one in mission 8

couldn't pull it off so i don't know


what r some nice enders for sc ? could u list some examples of enders with CD or a way to get into HD ? finishing SC with  ;bk ;fd ;d, ;bk ;d,(SC finish) whats next ? cause  ;bk ;fd ;a comes out easy and then i can follow with  ;bk ;d and CD but if i want to do another SC i cant hit him (even if i buffer  ;a ;b ;c during the fireball then i run and press D).
for the HD after the last  ;bk ;d should i do HD and  ;bk ;fd ;c instead of CD ? there r other ways ?
oh and of course i just wrote this but if u know ways to improve the damage or hints like do the fireball with c instead of a or after b,D u can still add some moves they r welcome :)


Quote from: King of Heart on January 23, 2012, 09:51:41 AM
Couldn't get an answer so here what i found out so far

2]  ;a ;b ;c ;d -  ;dn ;up ;b-  ;dn ;up ;b- (;dn ;up ;b-  ;bk ;d -  ;bk ;fd ;d- ;bk ;b-  ;bk ;fd ;c) X3

Damage = 292
- easy combo but works for corner only  
- less damage for SC stand alone combo
+ deals good damage after HD combos (145) per combo

3] The one in mission 8

Hayabusa posted this arcade video in the Console thread. Around 0:18, there's a combo that starts from cr.B, b+B - taking out that part, they did this in the corner:

d~u+D, b+D, b~f+D, b+D (whiff), b~f+A,
[d~u+D, b+D, b~f+D, b+D (whiff)] x 3,
d~u+D, b+D, b~f+D, b+B (whiff), b~f+C,
b+D, dash, b+D, d~u+D

I moved the b~f+A to the first rep rather than the 4th for more damage - all total, this one does 402. Or if you feel iffy about landing the two b+Ds at the end, you can go right into d~u+D after b~f+C for 386 - that's what I'm doing right now.

This also assumed you can do the b~f+A earlier - I'm not sure if you have to do the b~f+A at rep #4 in order to keep the opponent high enough to land everything past the b~f+C at the end.
360: Ryujinflame, playing XIII


Uhm, dunno if this is posted or not. I was looking over the thread, but it doesn't say you can combo into San-cuolotte from normals or command normals. I was toying around with it and you can enter sans-cuolotte from doing d.b x2 into back+B.

Again, didn't see it, thought I'd mention it.


Quote from: Reiki.Kito on April 23, 2012, 12:19:11 AM
Uhm, dunno if this is posted or not. I was looking over the thread, but it doesn't say you can combo into San-cuolotte from normals or command normals. I was toying around with it and you can enter sans-cuolotte from doing d.b x2 into back+B.

Again, didn't see it, thought I'd mention it.

I'm pretty sure it has been mentioned in the original arcade thread but I could be wrong.


Edit: Juicebox gave me a really consistent sans-culotte combo! Work midscreen, corner, off an anti-air launch, or a d.B xx back+B (how exactly are you supposed to be in range for sans-culotte after two crouch Bs into back+B anyway??):

Activate and make sure you don't hit juggle them too low after with:
d~u+D, b+D, b~f+D, b+B;

then [b~f+B, b+D, b~F+D, b+B] x3-4, finisher

I was having issues with the midscreen back and forth stuff and I prefer consistency + landing germinal in the corner for better pressure. Thanks juicebox!
(check out the safejump playlist!)