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Terry Bogard Combo Thread

Started by steamwolf, December 12, 2011, 05:21:29 AM

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You know you did it right if you managed to get 4 hits. It only gets 4 hits on a juggled opponent at a specific height.


Then I am just gonna remove the "4 hits" thing and replace it with (DC)


whats the input to go from  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a to  ;dn ;up ;a??

is there a short cut to this?? can't complete some of his trials cuz i have no idea how to cancel this thing...


Quote from: slychivas on December 15, 2011, 03:33:56 AM
whats the input to go from  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a to  ;dn ;up ;a??

is there a short cut to this?? can't complete some of his trials cuz i have no idea how to cancel this thing...

No shortcut, just start charging down IMMEDIATELY after inputting Burn Knuckle.  Wait until you get to the DC point of Burn Knuckle, then let it rip.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


gotcha thanks dude! so timing is fast then is what it looks like.


Quote from: slychivas on December 15, 2011, 05:45:57 AM
gotcha thanks dude! so timing is fast then is what it looks like.

Actually not really, the only fast timing you really need is going from Burn Knuckle immediately to Down to start charging.  Other than that, it's very rhythmic.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


ffor corner hd combos use as many ex  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a ;c 's your dm bars allow you to do. his supers and neomax are not worth it in the corner imo.

it also seems  ;dn ;df ;fd x2 K can be followed up without max cancellling ifyou hit the first hit very high so that the geyser like energy hits them after a delay.

far  ;c and if possible far ;d (?) are also great and damaging HD starters when you have your opponent in or near the corner.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


I had a hunch even before I clicked on the Terry subforum that Steam would have a lengthy thread on our favorite Engrish character.  ;)

I'm tempted to check him out. I like the fact that he has two EX Supers. LK Crack Shoot is safe on block, his crouching links are really easy, and Rising Taco beats a lot of jump ins. It just takes more work to do damage off of Hyper Drive mode and his Neo Max sucks in the corner.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Of course I would! Haha

Yeah Terry is still a character that is great for beginners, but he's one you gotta try real hard with in higher level. I'm not even very good at doing HD combos yet lol. I'm just hoping we can get more feedback on him and what combos are most recommended etc etc. I plan to do this for the rest of the FF team, and for everyone else too if need be.


I'm thinking of making Billy my 2nd and Terry would be the 1st in my team. I just need someone who's good at fundamentals and can build meter real well.

His Standing CD is really good and is an easy cancel into Crack Shoot or Fireball.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I'm particularly fond of qcb + D blockstrings since it's so easy to pull off and is usually pretty safe.


I think setting Terry up for a block string is the way to get in for damage.

Here's how I like to approach it.

j.D (blocked), d.D (blocked), df+C, qcb+D =>

If they don't low B and they're not a grappler, you got this because the d.D insures they're blocking low for most of it. From here, you can do two things.

st.C (blocked), qcf+AC, dash, st.D, f+A [HDA], st.D (guard crush), f+A HD combo.


st.C (hit them), f+A, HD combo/ regular combo.

It gives you a lot of options really because you're like +2 if they block low so you're at advantage if they block it. If you hit them, you're most likely at neutral. That's the one thing I hate about qcb+D. If you combo into it, you don't get anything if they're standing.


Quote from: steamwolf on December 14, 2011, 06:08:10 PM

Made the above additions. I'm assuming that "st.C, df.C xx qcb+A (DC) qcb+B, st.C - (313)" should be left as a black combo and not red?

you should probably make the corner only one black and the other red. since it will work anywhere and the damage difference really isn't that great.

I don't like the way 1 bar, 0 drive section is set up. it feels like a pain to read since its so reminiscent of the no drive and no bar section. I'll run through whats posted and give a suggestion based on my findings when I get the chance.


Anything you can think of to make it easier to read? Would hyphens helps?


steamwolf, thanks for this very useful thread. ;)
KOFXIII team: Team Japan as of 2013