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Terry Bogard Combo Thread

Started by steamwolf, December 12, 2011, 05:21:29 AM

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thought id share these...
this is a corner HD combo for 3-5 stock. its basically a "BnB" version of the combo used in terrys segment of the guard crush video. i think this combo is easier to do... and more damaging than juggling 3+ EX knuckle. the way this combo works is to get all hits of power geyser and trinity geyser to hit in the corner.

asterik = add stock for EX.
lvl 1 geyser max cancel right away
delay max cancel for EX geyser
if it doesnt kill, can go for st.A / st.C / st.D reset.

cr.B, cr.A , cr.C > [HD] > cr.C > qcf+A > [HDC] > qcb,hcf+A* > [HDC] > qcfx2+AC > qcb+A, qcb+B, d~u+C*

Combo starters with damage:

cr.B, cr.A, cr.C > [HD] > cr.C = 840 (3) / 930 (4) / 981 (5)

st.C, df.C > [HD] > cr.A, cr.C = 828 / 913 / 964

(j.D) st.D, f.A > [HD] > cr.A, cr.C = 882 / 972 / 1023


Good stuff spliph. how hard do you think this would be to set up in an actuall match? Is the range really specific?


Quote from: Crimson_King15 on September 29, 2012, 05:17:06 AM
Good stuff spliph. how hard do you think this would be to set up in an actuall match? Is the range really specific?
it takes some practice, but i dont think its too hard to set up. i still need to work on it, but ive landed it a number of times now in matches with all the different starters. all there really is to setting it up properly is the choice of normals after HD activation. terry gets pushed back far enough for the 3rd hit of his neomax to work, while staying close enough for the first one to still hit.

i am having a problem with this combo though when cr.B, cr.A, cr.C hits at its max range. in this situation the next cr.C puts terry too far away and makes the first hit of neomax whiff. i try to compensate with the activation slide, but it feels like theres not enough hitstun.

its pretty range specific like his other max cancel combos. the opponent has to be cornered already when you start the combo. it still works when the opponent is a few steps out of the corner. when youre out of range for it i think that puts you at about 1/4 screen, between P2 position and the corner.


If that's your problem try clst d or cl st c and cancel it. i've found clst d much easier to use.


Quote from: Crimson_King15 on September 29, 2012, 09:05:23 PM
If that's your problem try clst d or cl st c and cancel it. i've found clst d much easier to use.
yeah i think its easier to do off a st.C / D starter, or just a jump in.

on another note, i havent played so much the past few months. ive been playing a lot more again lately, and been starting off by improving my combo arsenal with terry.

i wanted to get an organized list going for his max cancel combos. my plan is that no matter where on the screen, i can max cancel for all 3 hits and be close enough for the follow up. i wanted to get some feedback from other terry players first though. do you guys think a list like this will help anyone out? i mainly felt like doing it because i never see other terry players go for the HD.

right now i have 4 stock max cancel combos covered for all parts of the screen. they all hit 900+ off a cr.B.
for 3 stocks... i have all parts of the screen covered except 1/4 screen (being on the P1 side, it would be between the P2 position and the corner). i can only get 4 stock max cancel to work right here. would be cool if anyone wants to help find a 3 stock max cancel for right here. or if anyone has one already, please share. ;)


This isn't an HD combo, but it's a setup that I've been working on for a week or so.

J.D, st.D, df+C, qcb+AC, (delay till turn around) qcb+B, qcfX2+K = 514 dmg

The reason why I like this 2 meter combo isn't because of the damage. This is a guaranteed backturned situation if your opponent doesn't tech. You can setup backturned cross ups off of this set up.


So, I figured out a visual cue to getting the combo to come out every time! So, if you look at the character after doing EX Burn Knuckle, you can tell. The moment to do it is when Terry's Burn Knuckle beats out the flying character. When that happens, do Crackshoot the other way. Works every time (Well, it's a little harder doing d.B, d.A, d.C, but close enough!)


What would you all say if I told you that I found a Terry bogard HD combo mid screen that does 863 or 935 for 3 bars and 915 or 987 for 4?

St.c(1 hit)> Df+c xx hd cancel xx St.d> f+a> C Rising Tackle > C Burn Knuckle > C Rising Tackle> C Burn Knuckle> B Crackshoot> Level 1 Busta Wolf> trinity Geyster> A burn knuckle> b crackshoot> C rising tackle (sub this out for Ex Rising tackle for 915

Notation version

St.c(1 hit)> df+C xx hd cancel xx St.D> f+A> d~u+C> qcb+C> D~u+C> qcb+C> qcb+B> qcf 2x+ B or D> qcf2x+ AC> qcb+A> qcb+B> d~u+C

There reason there are 2 sets of damage calcs are If you hit the busta wolf at the proper height after the Crackshoot then max cancel it properly You can get a  5th hit on trinity geyser with will increase the damage immensely! So, play around with the combo and find the proper height!


I think it's a great combo if the player can do f.A > Rising Tackle consistently. I can't. :(

At the parts of the screen this combo works, I've been doing; A Knuckle > Buster Wolf > Neomax > 3 Follow-ups (829 / 876 / 900 with cr.B / st.C / st.D). That extra 4th hit of Neomax is pretty nice. Have you been able to land that consistently?

For full screen, I've been at a bit of a crossroad for what to do with 3 bars. Basic A Knuckle > Crackshoot > Buster Wolf > follow-ups does 80-90% depending on starters, which is what I've been doing for 3 bars. Throwing in the Crackshoot for corner carry scales the combo a tiny bit more. On the other hand, the 3 bar cross-under loop is easier at full screen because can do a A knuckle after the f.A, while still doing pretty much the same extra damage.

This reminds me though, I remember seeing a JP vid where Terry does 80% damage with 2 stocks. Could you try 2 bar version at that same positioning where you do f.A > Rising Tackle (Cancel Rising Tackle into Neomax)? Full screen 2 bar combo cannot follow up the Neomax. I'm curious if that's possible closer up while still doing the loops, or if it makes the extra Neomax hit easier to land.

It's good to see the Terry page getting some posts lately.


Yeah I can land it consistently. But If you do the combo properly trinity geyser hits 5 times which is why the combo damage is so high.


Wow. I've never seen 5 hit trinity geyser. That's awesome.


Quote from: SPLIPH on April 28, 2013, 07:42:59 AM
Wow. I've never seen 5 hit trinity geyser. That's awesome.

That was my mistake I miscounted.lol the hits when I was performing it late last night. It's only 4 my man


Guys got a question for the Terry players.

Is crack shoot safe on block?


If an opponent ducks, yes.

If the opponent does not duck, you can be normal thrown. Other than that, it's safe.


Thanks Reiki. Much appreciated.