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EX Iori wiki building thread

Started by nilcam, December 14, 2011, 12:37:13 AM

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I added more details to Iori's specials, and added top banner image. I plan to write up on his supers and neomax, and more about his safejump setups.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Not sure who is chief of the flamori wiki page, but I've done a variation of nostock HD combo for an improved damage 2 meter combo:  j.C, s.C, f+A, [HD] s.C, f+A, (qcb+C [HDC], dp+C (2) [HDC], hcb~f+P, far D)x3, far C, qcf~hcb+P, qcfx4+P = 765 damage, which is an improvement over the 2 that are currently on the page, and gives the player time to decide to do a nostock/1stock variation (I haven't tested the dmg for the one stock version yet).

Also for a 3 meter combo: j.C, s.C, f+A, [HD] s.C, f+A, qcf+P, [SC] qcf~hcb+P, [MC] qcb~hcf+P = 840 dmg, and it's one of the easiest things you can conceivably do.

I'm just starting to learn his big combos, so I'm sure he can get more, but it's just something that I had found.

Also what is this about: (1) cr.B, s.B, f+A or j.C, s.C, f+A, qcf~hcb+BC [HDB], [Max Cancel final hit] qcb~hcf+AC = 687/767 dmg

(2) cr.B, s.B, f+A or j.C, s.C, f+A, qcb+BC [HDB], dp+C (2) [HDC], qcb+C [HDC], dp+C (2) [HDC], qcf~hcb+P [Max Cancel final hit] qcb~hcf+A+C = 696/776 dmg

what is HDB (hyperdrive bypass?)? They seem fishy to me


Quote from: Mr.Minionman on July 17, 2013, 06:03:18 AM

what is HDB (hyperdrive bypass?)? They seem fishy to me

Yup, HDB stands for hyperdrive bypass.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I never knew that was a thing >_> seems a bit inefficient compared to cancelling normals though


"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


You are almost always going to do less damage but you trade it for easy of use. 

There only several specific situations that I've found it useful is: aerial command grab activations (such as Shen's Ex hcb~f+ABC), Duo Lon's Ex teleport bypass (very sneaky), Chin's Ex hcf BCD aerial bypass, Athena's f+BC after command grab in the corner and K''s air Ex Minute spike are the ones that comes to mind. 


Hey guys in the wiki I'm thinking adding a small section to the combo section explaining his combo starters. This is similar to a few pages that feature this: http://www.dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php/Terry_Bogard_(XIII)#Combos


I would like some input and help on which of his combo starters are the most useful, damaging, easiest to confirm into, does good guard damage when blocked, and which ever else. What I would like for you guys to do is to quote my post around which ever combo starter with your own description. It may be added to the wiki if its helpful enough. Here we go:

-(j.C/D) cl.C, f+A =>

-cr.B, cr.A/st.A, f+A =>

-cr.B, cl.B, f+A =>

-cr.B, st.A, cr.A, f+A =>

If there are any others I've missed, feel free to add your own with your description.

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I really couldn't think of anything for my main's that really make it all that much easier unfortunately. Though the examples you listed and "K''s air Ex Minute spike" are awesome :O

Also you might consider:
-(j.C/D, j.4B) st.B, f+A =>

Just that adding a cr.B makes qcf+A whiff, though that may not be all that important. But the ones you listed are only ones I really use. That's probably all we need.


Quote from: Mr.Minionman on July 30, 2013, 10:51:56 PM

Also you might consider:
-(j.C/D, j.4B) st.B, f+A =>

The parentheses are blocked hits right? If so, we should add a few more j.4B (taco) blockstring mixups?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Yeah, I meant blocked, though I may have made it a bit confusing, I meant it as j.C *or* j.4B. Regardless, I think that'd it'd be a good idea to. Especially so newer players can get a good idea how to use it.


Why are we adding jump moves on block strings listing that seems pointless seeing as they do grant the most frame advantage out of any move in the game and as long as you touch them low enough you can pretty much do whatever you please. Taco has ungodly amounts of block and hit stun its not needed to add the jump moves to the block strings section


A blocked j.C (mainly hopped) then a taco is a pretty old (but useful) mix-up since players like to block low after the j.C while the taco just crosses them up and hits them. Then when they wise up to the taco and start stand blocking, then you can add a cl.B or cr.B. Mainly putting together a mix-up option flowchart or whatever...if people are down for that of course.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Been meaning to "extract" (translate) these combos over for many months now, Evo training kinda got in the way... but the combos here are way too cool not discussed.  

One of the last combos shown here is very practical, damaging and stylish (IMO).  It's a 3 stock 1 drive near corner combo and easier to time than the last combo in the video. Damage is 615 but 661 if you add a jump in.

j.C, s.C, f A, qcb P x2, Empty Cancel, dp C (2 hits), [DC] Ex qcb AC x2, Empty Cancel, f B, DM, DM follow up.

It's impressive to watch but even more impressive if you know what type of execution is required to do the combo.