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Vice (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, July 27, 2010, 03:46:41 AM

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t3h mAsTarOth...!

lol these guys suck so bad that it's funny to watch... none the less, that s.D doing 2 hits? i might have to play Vice again...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


A few nice pointers for Vice in XIII play:
KOF XIII: Tips with Vice

The return of her 2 hit ;d should make everything better, lol.

Dark Chaotix

It doesnt show or say you can do hcf+D~qcb+A


Quote from: SAB-CA on August 15, 2011, 06:05:51 AM
The return of her 2 hit ;d should make everything better, lol.

I was thinking about this for quite some time and I can't figure out why they added second hit of the close s.D (although I do like it).  f+A cancels when cancelled into and does the same damage as the second hit of the s.D from what it looks on the videos.  f+A is safer if you cancel it into hcf+B as well.  The only thing is you can activate [HD] off of it and then continue your [HD] combo of choice so I suppose it adds variety.


Variety, tradition, and a lazier hit confirm, I'd wager. Her f+a command normal seems much better, and more "useful" here than in most other games, so she already had 2 slower hits to use before combos.

Maybe it can also be used as a sorta setup for Splash, as well?

On Block and vs Guard Point, it also might leave a little less gap than the c / d -> f+a too, making her pressure just slightly better?


Quote from: Kane317 on August 15, 2011, 09:23:46 AM
I was thinking about this for quite some time and I can't figure out why they added second hit of the close s.D (although I do like it).  f+A cancels when cancelled into and does the same damage as the second hit of the s.D from what it looks on the videos.  f+A is safer if you cancel it into hcf+B as well.  The only thing is you can activate [HD] off of it and then continue your [HD] combo of choice so I suppose it adds variety.

Aside from being a return to form it will also probably help in HD and EX grab combos. I've seen tons of players mess up on continuing after the HCF+K during combos, this should give people a bigger window to execute.


I have a question about Vice's EX decide. could someone describe the properties of it to me?

I'm sure I've seen it comboed off of a st.A Anti air cr.D and all sorts of attacks that reset the opponent in the air

And could someone please mention all the possible normals/attacks you can land it from because it seems very different compared to its non-ex version

My youtube

Dark Chaotix

hcf+BD acts as a "anywhere juggle" in a sense. You can do sA info hcf+BD and it will combo and thats even when its not a counter. Works for anything, even from cD as you mention.

Im curious why you said hcf+B/D is easier. It doesn't have the same properties besides being used for a DC.


After watching those SVB2011 vids, -cristina- showed that Vice's cr.C can be used as an effective anti-air. Is there any evidence contradicting this?


I'm glad it has the Hitbox for this, as otherwise, it'd be a super nerf compared to her old d. ;c .

I was suprised that it actually stopped some corner jump pressure when I used it at Otakon, kinda similiar to Chin's d. ;c in that regard.


Could she always do a bare f+A>command throw?

My youtube


Not sure there, miles. So, she can special cancel out of a naked overhead, then? Do you have the Video + Time you noticed this at?


Quote from: SAB-CA on August 22, 2011, 05:06:26 PM
Not sure there, miles. So, she can special cancel out of a naked overhead, then? Do you have the Video + Time you noticed this at?

Her f.A was always a SC-only.  If she can do it to a normal command throw then that's new.


Thanks for the above help.
Okay I want to clarify some stuff...

firstly can you guys tell me the properties of EX decide in combos.

Are you able to combo off of a normal decide or does it have to be EX?

if you can
why dont people do stuff like...

The properties of her overhead slam thingy?

I had trouble previously landing
s.D>f.A>Ex mayhem>ST.D>EX DECIDE
outside of the corner.
I always got a far D
Do I have to dash a lil bit or something?

My apologies I assumed if she could super cancel it she could do a normal command throw off of the f.A
Still damn useful though.

I wish it never lost its overhead properties after a close D though... :/

My youtube


If I'm not mistaken, the only surefire follow-ups off a normal Decide are Gorefest, and ;a Mayhem.

It's done in such a way, where she doesn't have an infinite, or over-extended normal combos without using EX.