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Ufgt's random Yuri knowledge super thread!

Started by Ufgt, December 20, 2011, 05:59:57 PM

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I'm super jealous of all the posts in the other character threads (I'm looking at you, Ralf Jones!). So I am going to create my perpetual thread of random things I find out and see, as well as random musings as to the viability of established things we know. Also, I will try to keep this first post updated with all new data and information so we have a consolidated place for oddball findings. So without further ado:

1) Anytime I press s.B outside of combos, I buffer in dp+D. I do this because a couple of things can happen out of it:

a. it whiffs and nothing happens
b. the opponent blocks it low and demon flip comes out for a cross up dive kick situation
c. the opponent blocks it high and s.A/c.C anti airs you out of the demon flip
d. it hits a standing opponent and you get a cross up dive kick/j.C non cross up situation
e. it hits as anti air and you AC throw them for a hard knockdown
f. it gets blocked and they dp/super/ex super/neomax your face
g. it gets blocked and they CD blowback
h. it gets blocked and they forward GC
i. it gets blocked and they backwards GC
j. it gets blocked and they backdash
k. it gets blocked and they mash c.B

Scenario (f) is obviously the worse, but if you are playing your opponent in tourney for the first time, I think it's worth doing until you get blown up for it. Unless you get REALLY predictable, this doesn’t happen very often. And you can for sure read your opponent based on how much meter he has. (c) is pretty neutral unless they combo you out of s.A (Elizabeth). Although I have been working on an interesting setup if they like to s.A anti air:

If they block a s.B and just throw out normals to stuff your demon flip/small jump/hyper hop, I’ve been trying to take a half step back, and throwing out a s.C with a HD activation buffered into it. If you counter hit a normal, HD triggers and you get a full HD combo. If they press nothing, your s.C will whiff and HD doesn’t trigger. I’m not sure on how viable it is because s.C trades a lot, but that seems to be the worse that can happen. Unless, of course, they KNOW you are going for that setup, and they walk forward and block. Then you waste your HD activation lol.

The rest of the scenarios are all good for you as you can keep the pressure on, except (g), but it’s still a plus for you since they blew a meter. If (i/j/k), that is super free as you can hit them with a dive kick and kill them.

If my opponent starts killing me for putting on demon flip pressure, I change my game up and STOP buffering dp+D from s.B. Various things I go into would include:

i) s.B xx qcf+A/C.
ii) s.B, c.D xx qcf+A/C
iii) s.B, walk forward c.B into whatever
iv) s.B, pause, f+A xx Neomax

This is just a sample of what I do because there are just so many options from a s.B. These aren’t air tight block strings, but I don’t think you want air tight block strings anyways as you want to tempt them into pressing buttons.

I want to give a special shoutout to s.B/c.D xx qcf+BD. This cancel is hilarious. It puts you right next to your opponent for some crazy mixup games, especially if you have fully HD and 3 bars. Once you are in there, the EX fireball holds them in place and you can set up ALL sorts of shenanigans. Here’s a list of the things you can do:

i) dp+B for crossup divekick
ii) c.B for full combo
iii) f+A xx Neomax
iv) hop B for high crossup/non crossup into full combo
v) empty hop for c.B/command throw mixup
vi) s.C into whatever for true blockstring to guard crush

I really like this setup because it is basically a free way to get in and start your offense. Yuri definitely has problems closing the gap at times, so if you are at a loss as to how to approach, get within sweep range and give it a shot.

2) Not a Yuri specific setup, but I think she uses it quite well. Something I have been toying with as well is the empty hop HD activation into hcb+B. I haven’t put it into use yet because I am not 100% comfortable with it, but the basic premise is that once you can keep them grounded and scared to press random buttons from your divekick pressure, you empty jump at them and just before you land, HD activate into 1f hcb+B command throw. This is great for Yuri because you can drive cancel out of the last hit of the throw, giving you an unblockable HD combo setup. Really good for dealing with turtles that are extremely good at blocking your mixups. I don’t know, maybe the better players out there can give this one a try and see how it works out for them.

That’s it for now, I have more ideas brewing but too lazy to type it in one sitting. If you have any stuff you can to add, by all means, post it here or direct me to your post and I will take a look and add it here. Oh yah, one last thing, you can always catch some of my Yuri in action every Wednesday at http://www.twitch.tv/gameoverdamage as a group of us stream casuals from the LAN center to play at. Be sure to check out the archives as well.



Great read man, definitely learned a lot from this.  :)

Rex Dart


Great read. Definitely learned a lot from this. I'll post more of my findings assuming this is open for discussion.


Absolutely! If you find something, definitely share it up so we can all get better with Yuri.

I've started a Yuri master document as well, once I get through most of it, I will post it for you guys to take a look at and critique. I certainly don't claim to be the best yuri player in the world, but I'm working on it ;).

If you guys want, you can definitely take a look at how my yuri plays. Just hit up http://www.twitch.tv/gameoverdamage and the most recent archive (I think it's S02E01), I play yuri on point. I will find the exact time stamp for you when I get home, but it's near the end of the archive. I really try to utilize the s.B xx qcf+BD method of getting in, still experimenting on when the best situation to use it is.

Let me know what you think!


I don't know if this is the appropriate thread to post this in. But I'm really starting to find solace in the fact that her J.A is cancelable. I basically took the S.C-QCF BD cancel and frankensteined it into the J.A QCF BD set up. I find that this could be incredibly great for lock down pressure. If the opponent blocks it you can just run another mix up easily due to the QCF BD being plus on block. BUT this setup also legitimately combos, so now Yuri also has the threat of a quick over head into a full combo of her choosing. This can work any where on the screen and I think the insane amount of options you get off of it totally justifies spending the meter for it. Also for those that mastered the butt loop this is a sure fire way to guarantee a kill.


You know, I like to do ex qcf bd raw from the air. While the free pressure is nice, you control so much more space with neutral jump/forward jump qcf. Just as well, it destroys and goes through pretty much every other non-super fireball.

With the j.a, you can also chain to dive kick, so I prefer to use that and save the meter when going for instant overheads.


Her qcf+K as a whole is great , you can pretty stop some people in their tracks trying to advance on you, in advanced. The space it covers is great, and it can be quite annoying to deal with.

I'm starting to use her hcb+B as a combo ender instead of dp+C all of the time, plus it does more damage and knocks down hard too.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Re: j.A

I don't really use this move much, it's super sweet that you can chain dive kick from it, but the hitbox is small and doesn't extend low enough to be used as an instant overhead (that I have found, anyways). I will give it a shot this week to see if I can shove it in my gameplan somewhere, but I really like the j.f+C option select with air throw. You get a pretty good all purpose air attack that can cross up as well as a hard knockdown airthrow if they jump (not that there's any really solid followup to said throw since they bounce so far away).

Re: hcb+k combo ender

It's good when it lands, but you can't combo it from a c.B. I can only manage to land it off a point blank s.C. I've been meaning to use it in my HD combojust to experiment with the damage (c.Bx2, s.B [HD] s.C xx hcb+D into whatever). I will give that a try this week as well.


Quote from: Ufgt on January 25, 2012, 12:28:44 AM

Re: hcb+k combo ender

It's good when it lands, but you can't combo it from a c.B.

Yes you can, you can combo her hcb+B (not hcb+D obviously) from her d.B...and with that you can do d.Bx2, s.B, BC (close C will come out) hcb+B then super cancel into qcf hcb+K then max cancel neomax if you have super...
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Off a hit confirm c.B? Like... c.B xx hcb+B? Hmmm... when do you use it? Does it have to be point blank c.B? Does it do more damage than c.Bx2 s.B xx dp+C?

Am intrigued... will try tonight.


To combo off of the S.B you need to kinda be at point blank range. Also regarding the J.A I said it was quick, not instant.


Quote from: Ufgt on January 25, 2012, 12:53:35 AM
Off a hit confirm c.B? Like... c.B xx hcb+B? Hmmm... when do you use it? Does it have to be point blank c.B? Does it do more damage than c.Bx2 s.B xx dp+C?

Am intrigued... will try tonight.

Yeah, cr.b to hcb+B works, you have to be quick, try it in training mode.

c.Bx2 s.B xx hcb+B does more damage than c.Bx2 s.B xx dp+C, plus it ends in a hard knockdown. Also after it you can drive cancel it into whatever, a dp+D into C follow up, a super, etc.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


So, managed to play some casuals last night, and I tried out those things in my previous post.

j.A, I'm STILL not sure when to use it. Seems like every time I land a jump A, I would have rather used a jump C. There were a couple occasions when I land an air to air j.A and if I did j.f+C, I would have gotten an airthrow instead, which I prefer. Will keep trying it out to see if there is a situation that makes the move shine. In my head movies, I'm thinking there must be some type of mid screen bizarre crossover setup you can do on a standing opponent. Will warrant more experimentation for sure though.

And regarding c.B into hcb+B... I didn't get a chance to hit up training (didn't get home till like 12:30 AM lol), but from what I saw, c.B isn't special cancelable, so I am not sure how c.B -> hcb+B is supposed to combo. Desmond, do you have a vid? But! Not all was lost! During my pressure strings, I now incorporate c.B -> hcb+D. This is NOT a cancel or true combo, but it's unblockable and it's very very fast, extremely difficult to react to. And we all know that tons of damage can come out of the command throw, so I implore you to give it a shot. The tick works very simply because there is a slight start up to hcb+D. This allows the unthrow frames of blockstun to wear off. Unless your opponent knows about this and looks for it exclusively, I think it's probably the best way to land her command grab. Also, you can condition your opponents to not jump through the use of s.C and s.D, or demon flip AC throw.

Yuri is a monster.


c.B into HCB+B is a link.  It's not that tough, you just buffer the HCB after c.B, wait until recovery ends, then press B.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.