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Yuri matchups

Started by dmick1981, March 12, 2012, 10:05:02 PM

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What the matchup for yuri against leona, clark, mr.karate/takuma and benimaru. Im having trouble fighting these characters


I will say against Clark is to not let him get close to you, zone him with qcf K, punish his A charge punches with dp+A or qcf~hcb+BD or stop them in advance with cr. B.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Benimaru is a pain in the ass, you can't anti air him, but because you are that small you must always guard crossup so it's kinda predictible.
His far D is unbeatable, if you have good reflex you can ex throw/qcf hcb.BD him but ...
The best option is to predict it and jump over and then hit him with the dive kick, if you are far enough you can zone him with your fireballs.
On the demon flip mixup after a s.B blockstring he's quite free because if he dp your demon flip he will whiff, so he has only two options : guard or jump, guard can be tricky and difficult depending on the dive timing (forward*2, backward forward, backward*2), the jump is beaten by the throw and the roll by an option select sweep on the dive.

So if you land one dive go for the maximum damage and kill him as soon as possible (It's quite easy to hd off of it so don't hesitate).

Leona has every d~u.P/K anti air forget cross ups mind game and go for a throw/d.B mind game.
Don't jump/Saifa/Fireball against her.

Takuma is the most stressing char of this game be patient and cautious, if you're in corner jump only if you fell a throw attempt, jump CD his a combo starter for him ...
His fireball game is good but you can charge your meter without letting him to do so by using saifa, plus your kohoken stay still against his projectile and has more range than the qcf.K of takuma.
You must jump against him, it's his weakness, but only hops/superhops, because his Ranbu will beat any of your jump/hyper jump attempt, if you don't have thrown an air fireball. Use and abuse of your divekick.

Karate ... well I don't know. On his pressing (lights to f.A to qcf.P) you must block there is no real weakness (break cd is beaten, break roll will only permit you to go out of corner) because this thing is toooooooo safe.
Don't jump/hyper jump against him, good dp. but like takuma you can use your dive kick if you're cautious enough. You have also a good throw game. Don't try to anti air him, he's too fast, guard.

For both takuma and karate be very cautious of the cross up D.

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Thanks desmond and sharnt. Any knowledge on the shen matchup


Against Shen always block high if he doesn't have the HD bars. He can either do d.B,d.B,s.B or d.B,d.A,qcf qcf.P, but it's far less than a s.C start (if you find a shen skilled enough to use d.B,s.C link on match well shame on you ...)
Don't jump on him if he has 2 meter.
Don't jump on him on the wakeup if you don't have a setup against the CABC or a feint.
Don't jump on him if he has meter.
Don't jump on him if you are not close enough to beat the far.C
Don't jump on him if you can't beat the d.C
Don't jump on him if he his in the air, his jump CD is too good.

If he doesn't cancel the f.B in guard, you can punish him, at least with a qcf hcb.BD
If he jump on you use dp.A, be cautious because if you miss the range where the dp will land the punition his heavy.

Don't do fireballs if he has meter
Don't do fireballs if he is charging his qcf.C
Don't do fireballs if he his close enough to jump on you
Don't do fireballs.

Play a mixup game with your d.B, throw, and a bit of demon flip if your setups are able to beat the d.C and if he doesn't have meter (qcf qcf AC counter, qcf qcf C is very fast to take you 700 hp).
You can hop with caution to do some dive kick but don't be predictible.

The main weakness of the character is his lack of option if he doesn't have meter, so if you can try to make him spend some and punish him after. Plus Shen players have a trend to do stupid things like do CABC on their wakeup if they see you jump, but they are setups to avoid it, guard it and punish it.
Same thing, know the range of the qcf qcf.P super, lot of shen throw it while i'm doing saifa at safe range, land just before me and letting me punish them.
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Quote from: Sharnt on March 16, 2012, 01:16:33 AM

Don't do fireballs if he has meter
Don't do fireballs if he is charging his qcf.C
Don't do fireballs if he his close enough to jump on you
Don't do fireballs.

I don't know if I necessarily agree with this. Yuri's fireball is kind of an important tool. I say it's more of don't get predictable with how you use them. Sure Shen's punch super is invincible but it's also hilariously unsafe on block. I feel that Yuri's HCB B command throw is really powerful for this matchup, seeing as how Shen's only safe block string is Cl.C-F.B-QCF.C/cancel. Everything else is a free command grab punish for Yuri. Actually all of Shen's specials can be punished by Yuri pretty easily do to said command grab being instant. Now that I think about it I think Yuri vs Shen is in Yuri's favor.

        I do agree on blocking high. Shen doesn't get a lot off of lows unless he has and HD bar. So empty hop low really isn't threatening. Fighting Shen really depends on how much meter he has and how the Shen player actually uses it. Generally you can be very liberal on oki if Shen has no meter. If he has one bar try your hardest to strafe outside of his command grab range, because EX command grab is 1f if I recall, and poke him.

        Yuri actually has a safe jump setup if you super jump right after landing her command grab. It can be done anywhere on screen and the only answer Shen has on his wakeup is EX command grab, which he can't get anything productive off of without spending another meter.

        In regards to air to air situations try going for an air throw when Yuri and Shen are in close proximity to each other. Not super close but approximately the space you start each round off with. When you and your opponent are about 3-4 character lengths away from each other. I've been testing this against Shen's supposedly godlike J.CD and anywhere in that space, if they're on the same trajectory, the air throw wins every time. In any other angle in the air the J.C will come out and that usually beats Shen's J.CD. The only thing I've seen that even remotely works out in Shen's favor in that situation is a trade. But that's spacing dependent. If you try this from farther away Shen's J.CD will most likely win because it has had time to actually come out.

           In other air to air situations try going for Yuri's J.CD as it comes out faster than Shen's. But one thing to note is that the actual hitbox on the J.CD is her butt and below. If your opponent hits you any higher than that they'll win. For example Yuri does a hyper hop J.CD while Shen does a super J.CD. Shen's will win just because of the angle and what not. If you're close to the corner and land a clean J.CD with Yuri you can opt to to the D demon flip into her airthrow for the anywhere juggle. Anywhere else on the screen you can spend a meter for the EX demon flip airthrow. If you land a counter hit depending on where you are you can probably land another J.CD and follow up with the Demon flip into airthrow.

           At the end of the day, be mindful of Shen's meter, try to bait some reversals and see where it goes from there. When I fight against Shen players my goal at the start is simply to punish mistakes. If they play less aggressively after that I proceed to get in and get my momentum going. If they don't learn I'll simple sit back and keep poking and punishing. The match up really is in Yuri's favor.


Quote from: Zeromurasame on March 16, 2012, 01:19:53 PM
Everything else is a free command grab punish for Yuri.

Because EX command grab is 1f if I recall

Yuri actually has a safe jump setup if you super jump right after landing her command grab.

I've been testing this against Shen's supposedly godlike J.CD and anywhere in that space, if they're on the same trajectory, the air throw wins every time. In any other angle in the air the J.C will come out and that usually beats Shen's J.CD.

If you're close to the corner and land a clean J.CD with Yuri you can opt to to the D demon flip into her airthrow for the anywhere juggle. Anywhere else on the screen you can spend a meter for the EX demon flip airthrow. If you land a counter hit depending on where you are you can probably land another J.CD and follow up with the Demon flip into airthrow.

At the end of the day, be mindful of Shen's meter, try to bait some reversals and see where it goes from there.
1- Well since Shen players against I play don't finish their string with anything else than that, it's not really punishable. I think Shen is +1 after this string or somewhat +.

2- His Ex command grab comes out in 2 or 3 frames if I remember accurately.

3- There is a safe jump but to do it you must wait a little before jumping (if you do not you can't hit Shen) but to beat the CABC you must do it very accurately (1 frame timing I guess). Nevertheless, it's a very good and easy feint to jump asap after the command grab.

4- There are two options, you can play against bad Shen's players, or I'm bad at jumping (Both can be true obly).
Because I lose every air to air battle against him. I'll keep it in mind to test it.

5- Just +1, I started to do it recently and it's damn strong. Moreover after a demon flip throw into the corner you have a good cross up setup by doing an other demon flip while landing and dive kick cross up. (Don't abuse of it most dp will beat you). On counter hit with your j.CD you can actually do demon flip C. d.C, demon throw. But you must know your range, because the spacing is quite tight.

6- Good resume.

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Man takuma/karate jump  ;d can be so damn ambiguous with the crossup. Really frustrating. Also anymore clark info because hes so damn good. Yuri vs saiki/mai seems to be a really annoying matchup


What should Yuri do against zoning characters like Athena? I was playing my friends Athena tonight and I couldn't figure out a strategy to get in and I keep getting locked down in the corner.


Yuri's qcb+A and her hcb+BD works pretty well against projectiles. The qcb+A just negates them while the hcb+BD if timed correctly, has invincibility to go through them.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Athena zoning isn't a real deal. My main problem is her mixup with her special throw which leads to heavy damaging combos =_=
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Anyone got any cheesy command throw gimmicks? I've lost my creativity. And I've only been focusing on landing that recently.

I've been doing stuff like throw>normal jump land>D binta if they don't dp you this will catch them(including roll)

Srk>full jump>b binta

All these are gd against quick risers

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