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Started by dicky, January 20, 2012, 08:21:58 PM

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I'm having huge issues trying to do Power Gyser, I know you can go  ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd  ;a/ ;c but when I'm doing it, I usually get a Power Wave. I understand that this all execution and I suck at it, but what tips are there that can help me with this move?

I have a square gate in my stick if that helps.

Stupid sexy Ash...

Skill level: Huge noob
Website: Game Over Damage


Are you pausing? You usually do it in one quick motion. Also, if you turn your inputs on in training mode, also see if you're going all the way to  ;bk when you do qcb before doing hcf. Lemme know if that helps!


An alternative motion is:

;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;fd   ;a / ;c


You can do QCBx2 + F.


Go to training mode and turn on input display.  I noticed that sometimes when I do qcb, hcf too fast, I end up skipping the diagonals, and get  ;dn ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd instead.


Thanks for all the pointers.

I ended up talking to a friend and he explained a couple things to me, I miss  ;db so that was the cause for many of my issues. Also for one of the trials where you're suppose to do a Rising Tackle into Power Geyser, he showed that you can go  ;dn ;db ;bk ;ub ;up  ;a/ ;c then  ;up ;ub ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;a/ ;c so now I have a hit confirm for the move as well. It also seems a lot easier to do that way too for some reason :s

Thanks everyone for your help.
Stupid sexy Ash...

Skill level: Huge noob
Website: Game Over Damage


You actually don't need to do the full rotation back around during Rising Tackle to SC into Geyser. Since you're buffering the qcb while doing Power Geyser as it is, the only inputs you need to hit from there is db, f + P. Believe it or not, the actual input for power geyser is not qcb hcf + P it's qcb, db, f + P so yeah make sure you're hitting that db and f after your qcb.


http://www.youtube.com/embed/4pn3gkduM04#t=3m25s We have this combo. So i can't hd cancel fireball in super what shortcut(input and some tips) for this cancel?


There's no trick to it. You have to do it really fast. Once you do the A fireball, you have to immediately cancel into the super and immediately do the Neomax afterwards. It's a fast motion, but with some practice, you can get it down.


The problem is not in the speed, I was doing it without the HD of 10 out of 10, but with HD instead of my super comes NM :<


Quote from: keechl on July 13, 2012, 07:47:44 PM
The problem is not in the speed, I was doing it without the HD of 10 out of 10, but with HD instead of my super comes NM :<

You're probably doing it too fast and not doing the HCB fully. Do it all the way, the motion for the fireball into Power Geyser doesn't overlap with the neomax at all.

Since you aren't doing it completely you're probably just getting the QCF which is giving you the neomax.


Oh yeah. Really! Thanks a lot.