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Tier lists and Character Discussion Thread

Started by Tanner, January 07, 2012, 12:41:08 AM

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Again, I don't get why Clark and Billy are rated fairly low. Billy is really easy to use and can zone out a majority of the cast. And Clark has tons of tools available to him and works on any point.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on May 22, 2012, 05:49:58 AM
Again, I don't get why Clark and Billy are rated fairly low. Billy is really easy to use and can zone out a majority of the cast. And Clark has tons of tools available to him and works on any point.

both those characters require alot reading they aint easy.

i always thought tier list was based on whos the easiest to use


They're not necessarily rated low. It's due to usage (as noted that that is factored into the scaling).

Billy users in JPN for example, are crazy rare.

It will probably only take 1 strong billy to get a bunch of others to adopt him.


In regards to Toryuken this weekened (road to EVO tourney held in Toronto, Canada), the most used character was easily regular Kyo. No Mr. Karate in sight from the Canadian players, only one using him was Justin Wong iirc.

Quote from: LouisCipher on May 22, 2012, 05:49:58 AM
Again, I don't get why Clark and Billy are rated fairly low. Billy is really easy to use and can zone out a majority of the cast. And Clark has tons of tools available to him and works on any point.

With regards to Clark I think its just Bala clouding our judgement, aside from him there's no other Clark performing well in tournament, consistently or at all usually.

Only seen one good Clark from Japan and that's about it.



Quote from: LouisCipher on May 22, 2012, 05:49:58 AM
Again, I don't get why Clark and Billy are rated fairly low. Billy is really easy to use and can zone out a majority of the cast. And Clark has tons of tools available to him and works on any point.

Billy is easy to use, but he doesn't have things like an overhead (which characters like Kyo and Iori have), and for him to truly take advantage of HD you have to do something that isn't always consistent imo... On top of that, as far as anti airs go, his best one requires meter... That's one meter too many if you ask me, especially when d.C doesn't always work against specific jumping attacks...

Clark, well maybe people still have that bad taste in their mouths from XII... Iunno... He's a beast though...

You also gotta take in consideration that Japan just got Climax, so things will take some time to sink in for them...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Not that many jump ins beat Billy's cr.C though. And I think using meter to get 300+ damage is pretty damn good. Not suggesting that Billy is braindead-easy but his t.A and j.C really fucks with most of the cast.

You make a good point with the J's not digging into Climax yet.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Really thinking about the tiers and I think everyone can agree that these are the top characters as far as Damage with little meter (2 bars and full HD max) and that have more favorable matchups than others:

In no particular order:

Mr. Karate, Shen, Iori (both), Hwa Jai, Kyo, Billy, Benimaru.

I stand by Billy being among the tops. Amazing AA game, especially with meter. Amazingly good footsies and pressure. His j.C and CD can just shut down a majority of the cast.

Everyone else would be Mid. Maxima may be the lowest. I think Clark could be at best High-Mid or just Mid. He has great technology but the top characters I listed can give him trouble and he needs a ton of meter to do serious damage in one combo.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Well, this is what I'm thinking, actualy, of simplified game tiers:

A: Shen, Kyo, Kensou, Mr.Karate, EX-Iori, Iori, Chin, Andy, K', EX-Kyo

B: Mature, Billy, Clark, Elisabeth, Ryo, Takuma, Saiki, Duolon, Maxima, Kula, Benimaru, Joe, Hwa, King, Yuri, Leona, Athena

C: Kim, Ralf, Vice, Terry, Raiden, Ash, Mai, Goro, Robert

(no order in chars... only indexed by level A/B/C...)



So I made the characters usage list below based on the top 8 results posted on http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2012/jun/08/mlg-anaheim-spring-championship-tournament-live-stream-kof13-mk9-and-sc5/ at MLG.





Although I won't take away from MLG being prestigious, I will say that it's an event that's not a total demonstration of versatility. Many of the people in top 8 are people who have similar character choices because they play each other so much.

I also feel that this shows the ratio between ease of execution to rewards is high for all the characters listed above 2. As you go up the scale, the character is much easier to get plenty for less and less effort.


Thats that case for most tier lists for this game at the moment.  The top rated characters are based on ease of use + reward.  When people start getting better with characters like Yuri, Elizabeth, raiden, chin, takuma, leona, I expect the tier list to change dramatically. 


Also the MLG usage list isn't entirely correctly, for example I know Bala also chose Yuri against Tokido and Reynald swapped in Leona etc...so I dunno if they factored in everyone's character changes.


Is Kyo going down the ranks for you guys? Any particular reason(s) for the drop off in usage? Don't remember seeing him at all in the tournament (EX or regular).


Kyo is still the best char in this game imo, but he is quite complicated to play compared to some other. Plus he requires a very precise execution and good reaction time.

Ex Kyo is a top tier char for me, but he his far more easy to play than is normal counterpart, and I don't know why he isn't more played because it's really easy to beat average level guy with it and with a very simple plan you can annoy like hell.
If I wasn't using normal Kyo I would have play Ex I think, but I'm affraid to become confused by playing both so ...
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