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Tier lists and Character Discussion Thread

Started by Tanner, January 07, 2012, 12:41:08 AM

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Quote from: Kane317 on June 12, 2012, 10:53:39 AM
Also the MLG usage list isn't entirely correctly, for example I know Bala also chose Yuri against Tokido and Reynald swapped in Leona etc...so I dunno if they factored in everyone's character changes.

The list definitely doesn't reflect all of the characters that were used during the tournament by the those players. I know Reynalds was using Kim at several points during top 8 as well.

I don't think you can really draw any conclusions by compiling a list from the top 8 of one event. You need a larger sample size by comparing and contrasting the character usage of several KoF majors to get a better idea of character trends. Personally, given the balance of KoFXIII you're going to see a pretty good diversity of characters overall. The only character consistency you're most likely to see is Mr.Karate, EX Iori, Claw Iori, EX Kyo, and Kyo.

Bala is also a very talented player who does well with pretty much any character in the game. He pretty much uses the flavor of the month at the time as we've seen him dabble with Joe at the last US major and several TRB's. The last few weeks had him playing around with Takuma and he opted to use him during this MLG. I wonder if he actually has a main team and what characters he'll decide to use for Evo. Personally, I always thought his best characters were Billy Kane & Claw Iori.


^Yeah, don't go by Bala. The guy can make pretty much any character look higher tier than they are.

And I have no idea why Reynald stopped using Kim, he was his most dangerous character imo.

Quote from: Sharnt on June 12, 2012, 01:44:20 PM
Kyo is still the best char in this game imo, but he is quite complicated to play compared to some other. Plus he requires a very precise execution and good reaction time.

Ex Kyo is a top tier char for me, but he his far more easy to play than is normal counterpart, and I don't know why he isn't more played because it's really easy to beat average level guy with it and with a very simple plan you can annoy like hell.
If I wasn't using normal Kyo I would have play Ex I think, but I'm affraid to become confused by playing both so ...

I think the key to a great Kyo is movement, you can often see the really good ones just by how they move across the screen. The Japanese are really good at this.

Both Kyos can be zoned out though I think, especially ex. The best EX Kyo I've played on PSN lost to zoning and hit and run tactics with me (don't know if he realized it but I was trying different gameplay styles and character types on him one by one). Eventually he gave up and resorted to normal Kyo, when that didn't work he just stopped taking Kyo altogether the moment he saw me put a zoning character on my team.

Its not even just zoning, characters/tactics that can keep them at arms length are very effective as well.


Quote from: Kane317 on June 12, 2012, 10:53:39 AM
Also the MLG usage list isn't entirely correctly, for example I know Bala also chose Yuri against Tokido and Reynald swapped in Leona etc...so I dunno if they factored in everyone's character changes.

You are right, I will update the list. Please let me know if there's any more that they missed.


P.S. I'm also going to make a ECT character usage list as soon as I have a chance, I think it will be interesting to compare the character usage from an event happening on the other side of the country at the same time.


Yo answer :) I'm 100% sure Reynald also use Terry against Duc. And MrKOF choosed Goro and Robert in (a) some match (but don't remember versus who), be patient was the fucking 7 a.m. in Italy to see the MLG streaming ahah.


Every character is the best if you master him, and even in 98um, you just face against a good FingerCramp Krauser and you are screwed, unless you really know how to play him, and still, is 50/50

Waifu Material


Quote from: sibarraz on June 19, 2012, 05:13:19 PM
Every character is the best if you master him, and even in 98um, you just face against a good FingerCramp Krauser and you are screwed, unless you really know how to play him, and still, is 50/50

Ohhh sorry I was talking about KoF XIII I should have cleared that out :P.


Oh lol, I was confused since not so many people refer to kyo 94 in XIII, just in 98 where he is the ex character (well kyo 95)

If that's the case, yeah kyo could be maybe the best character in the game, I feel that from the top chars, he is maybe the less ''automatic''

Waifu Material


Quote from: sibarraz on June 19, 2012, 08:31:50 PM
Oh lol, I was confused since not so many people refer to kyo 94 in XIII, just in 98 where he is the ex character (well kyo 95)

If that's the case, yeah kyo could be maybe the best character in the game, I feel that from the top chars, he is maybe the less ''automatic''

Yeah well, I think he has the best options, easiest set ups, good damaging combos and his specials are relatively safe. His pressure game is intense and his jump down C has insane priority (yes nests Kyo has the same special normal but I think 94 Kyo could really benefit more from it.) well thats my argument atleast.


I still think Benimaru is the best character in the game. Just for the fact that not only does he have insane priority on his normals, he's also very hard to approach. Sometimes it feels impossible to gain any grown against that character. He controls space better than any character in the game, and that puts him at the top IMO.


Quote from: -Azula- on June 19, 2012, 11:49:19 PM
I still think Benimaru is the best character in the game. Just for the fact that not only does he have insane priority on his normals, he's also very hard to approach. Sometimes it feels impossible to gain any grown against that character. He controls space better than any character in the game, and that puts him at the top IMO.

The thing is I didnt get a chance to go against a good Benimaru but from my usage and I frequently go against 94 Kyo from what I can see 94 Kyo is a well rounded, almost perfect character, good damage, his BnB's are really good and easy to connect with. Even from what i've seen Benimaru is really good but I still think that 94 Kyo is better.

I want to hear more opinions.

BTW I come from a 3rd strike backround and I dont believe in tier lists; it depends on the player more than the characters unless there is a skill cap and broken characters which should not be really.


After talking and playing with players in SoCal for a while, this is my personal tier list going into EVO:

AAA+++: Mr. Karate, Hwa Jai
A+: Both Ioris, Both Kyos, Benimaru, Yuri, Takuma, Billy
A: Shen Woo, Vice, Saiki, King, K', Kim
A-: Andy, Kensou, Kula, Duolon, Mature, Ralf, Clark, Liz, Ryo
B+: Raiden, Joe, Leona, Daimon, Chin
B: Terry, Ash, Robert, Athena, Maxima, Mai

My opinion only. Feel free to disagree, but this is what I currently believe to be the most accurate rating.
In it to win it!


Quote from: davidkong07 on June 24, 2012, 06:54:36 AM
After talking and playing with players in SoCal for a while, this is my personal tier list going into EVO:

AAA+++: Mr. Karate, Hwa Jai
A+: Both Ioris, Both Kyos, Benimaru, Yuri, Takuma, Billy
A: Shen Woo, Vice, Saiki, King, K', Kim
A-: Andy, Kensou, Kula, Duolon, Mature, Ralf, Clark, Liz, Ryo
B+: Raiden, Joe, Leona, Daimon, Chin
B: Terry, Ash, Robert, Athena, Maxima, Mai

My opinion only. Feel free to disagree, but this is what I currently believe to be the most accurate rating.

I'd agree with that somewhat. Why is Robert so low though? And Mai is actually pretty decent on 1st. Her zoning is good and her pokes and j.CD have really good priority. I'll put it like this, Mai can really fuck up Billy. Billy just cannot get in on Mai. I'd maybe move Liz a little lower, and Clark slightly high (somewhere between Kim and Andy). BTW I played a good Kim recently, totally agree with his placement. If he gets you in the corner you really have to play smart to get out or have to spend meter to get out.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I disagree with Mai beating billy. Like most other characters, she doesn't have a consistent answer to fwd. A. Her pokes are decent, but she lacks good damage anywhere outside the corner. She has no reliable way to put opponents into the corner. She has no wake up. Totally low tier.

Robert sucks. I could write an essay about all the reasons robert sucks. Maybe I will in the future haha. I mained Robert because I thought he was good. Over time, I realized that he is very mediocre in every aspect of his game. The only good things about robert are his jump CD, his sweep, and his uppercut. His midcreen HD builds your opponent almost as much meter as you spend. His far standing normals all suck, except for his jab. His command grab is slow and has no invincibility. His lighting legs are worthless. SO much more to talk about, but I'm lazy right now.
In it to win it!


The reason I'm impartial to current tier lists is because I haven't seen any acknowledgement of character positions. For example, king vs hwa jai.  Of course hwa jai is a better character with meter, normals are better, specials are better. If you were looking at a first position character, wouldn't king be a better choice?

or daimon vs billy.  I agree that billy has better tools than daimon but an anchor daimon is a lot more scary than an anchor billy IMO. 

Running Wild

I think Robert is better off as a point character.