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PowerUp 2012 - EVO 2012 Tournament Season

Started by Osirun, January 08, 2012, 08:51:13 PM

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The third annual PowerUp tournament is here! We promise improvements over last year's experience and even more good times. Save up your travel money and those sick days because from April 13 - 15 you should be no where else but at Arcade Legacy for PU2012.



Arcade Legacy
The Cincinnati Mall - 600 Cincinnati Mills Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45240
513-874-8766 (current #)

April 13 - 15


Online Pre-Registration is live! It will end at 12:00am, April 9, 2012.

Pre-registration ensures that you are seeded away from others in your city, and that you do not have overlapping pools.*

For the most up to date PU2012 news please go to the PowerUp Facebook and Twitter pages.

Event Badge
$30 – PowerUp Online Store / By Phone (Call Arcade Legacy, ask for Jesse)
$40 – In-Person Emergency Registration

Spectator Badge
$15 – Online / In-Person / By Phone

To view the most up to date registration listing, please go to the PU2012 Online Registration Listings page when online registration becomes available.

SSFIV:AE ver. 2012 - $20 - Xbox 360
UMvC3 - $20 - Xbox 360
MK9 - $10 - PS3
SFxT - $10 - Xbox 360
SCV - $10 - PS3
T6 - $20 - PS3
KOFXIII - $10 - PS3
VS - $10 - Cabinet
ST - $20 - Cabinet

We are changing things up a bit with our payout scale. Big thanks to Keits for the work he did on the UFGT7 payout scale because it is the basis for the PU2012 scale.

Click Here to view the Payout Scale

And for those coming in 1st Place, never fear! The PowerUp Bonus Structure is here! At the 50-entrant level we'll begin taking $2 out of each tournament entrant's venue fee and putting it toward bonus money for 1st Place in that specific tournament. At and above 50, multiply the total entrants by 2 to get the bonus amount.

The following schedule is subject to updates once our Exhibitions are finalized. This is only one of the improvements being made at PU2012; big thanks to Keits for his excellent scheduling example from UFGT7.

I encourage all PU2012 participants to print a copy of the schedule for their use at the event. A compressed version of the schedule will be printed on the back of all registrant nametags.

PU2012 Event Schedule

For Registration Policies, Exhibition info, Pool Assignments, Special Features, Food info, Hotel info, Stream info and the Rules please go to either the PowerUp Event Details page or the PU2012 SRK Thread.


Hello all,

I wanted to make the official PU2012 thread here on Dream Cancel and invite you all to attend this EVO 2012 Tournament Season event.

I hope KOFXIII has a strong showing at PU2012!

We also have a very cool KOFXIII exhibition in the works, so stay tuned for more information.


I am extremely excited to finally announce that PowerUp is teaming with Focus Fire to provide our equipment for this year’s event. This is the last major upgrade to PU2012 that will address those four big issues we had last year:

[spoiler=PU2011 Problem & Solution]Problem: It’s cramped in here!

Solution: Arcade Legacy is moving to a new , larger venue.

Problem: I had to wait forever for my pools!

Solution: Pool scheduling, pool assignments, and personalized pool schedule.

Problem: I wanted more food options!

Solution: The new Arcade Legacy is in a mall, right next to the food court and the movie theater.

Problem: The setups weren’t that good and there weren’t enough!

Solution: Focus Fire!![/spoiler]

Focus Fire has been developing a fine reputation with the fighting game community, and PU2012 aims only to further that goal while providing the absolute best we can for our attendees.

See you all at the event!


I am honored to announce that PowerUp 2012 is working directly with Dream Cancel to provide t-shirts to top finishers and an as of yet unannounced mystery prize for 1st place in our KOFXIII tournament.

I'm excited to work with nilcam and see the KOF community continue to grow and expand.


The official Twitter hash tag for PowerUp 2012 is #PowerUp2012

A university event in France already took PU2012 as their hash tag, wouldn't you know it. So we'll play nice and create a completely new one. Please use it when confirming your attendance on Twitter or discussing anything about PowerUp 2012!


Ladies and gentlemen, PowerUp 2012 is right around the corner. If you plan on attending please hop on the PU2012 group rate at the Hampton Inn as soon as possible, because in only 3 weeks the group rate will no longer be available! The rate will expire on March 21st, so please don't get stuck without a good rate on your hotel room for the weekend.


Things almost never seem to stop getting better for PowerUp 2012, as we will now be shifting the event to the vacant store next door to Arcade Legacy within the Cincinnati Mall.

What does this mean? Well for one we're going to have a huge amount of additional space, and now Arcade Legacy will be fully open to all PU2012 tournament players and spectators for the entire weekend!

As long as you show the Arcade Legacy staff your PU2012 Lanyard, both tournament players and spectators will be able to have fun in Arcade Legacy for free the entire weekend, Friday - Sunday! For free I say!



Sup Dream cancel folks. I have been posting on here on and off since KOF XIII came out. Most people know me as Drago or Phil (DR4GO on SRK, ApocryphicV here and on Youtube).

I'll be one of the tournament organizers for KOF at Power Up 2012 and also team captain for Team: Power Up in the 5 on 5.

I'm just checking in to see what type of set-up would you guys at Dream cancel like for our 5 on 5 exhibition match.

I was talking it over with Dandy J and I was thinking of doing a 'character' showcase. Each member of each team chooses one character and is character locked for the exhibition. Player A of Power Up then plays Player A of Dream cancel and whoever loses will vacate the spot to Player B of their respective team and so on and so on till the other team is defeated.

All matches will be a best 2 out of 3.

If you guys are cool with this let me and Osirun know, unless you have another idea then I am open to suggestions.


Thanks for posting up about the 5v5, Phil! It's gonna be hype : )

Only 5 days left until the PowerUp 2012 group rate at the Hampton Inn Cincinnati/Northwest expires! Hop on those room reservations asap by learning the details at this link.

Also, PU2012 is less than 28 days away! Online registration with the discounted $30 Venue Fee will expire midnight April 9th. Don't get caught paying $40 Venue Fee at the door and lose seeding privileges; register online now!

If you pay at the door for your Venue Fee and Game Entries then you will be placed into the first available spot in the pools. We will try to accommodate for region and skill, but if you don't register online you leave us in a bind time-wise, and we will be forced to place you more haphazardly into the bracket so that we can get the event started on time. Do not wait; register online now!


The PowerUp hotel group rate has expired, but if you are still in the market to get a hotel for the event, please check out this link: Hotel Guide for the Cincinnati Mills Mall


By now you know that the 7pm exhibition slot on Friday, April 13th is being filled by KOFXIII. What you don’t know is the format. Well, you didn’t know until just now! Dream Cancel presents -

A 5v5 where each team member is locked to only one character from the KOFXIII roster. No duplicates allowed on a team.

The goal is to win five FT3 matches, but the catch is that each game within the FT3 is a fresh 1v1. This is similar to regular 3v3 KOFXIII, but instead of one player controlling the entire team, the entire team is controlled by three individual team members.


   -Each 1v1 game is Best 2/3 rounds.
   -Each player sets his character to Handicap +1. This helps anchor-type characters remain viable by providing some initial meter.
   -Teams blind pick a player order from their 5 members. The first 3 team members in each order play the initial FT3. After the initial FT3, any player who lost a match is shuffled out to let the next ordered team member join the FT3, starting from the anchor position and moving upward.
   -After each 1v1, next upcoming players are to restart the previous game and do button checks and controller swap if necessary. Then begin the next game by returning to character select
   -Team PowerUp uses PowerUp custom colors. Team Dream Cancel uses Dream Cancel custom colors.

For an explanation of the turn order structure, follow this hypothetical example:

FT3 #1

A / B / C
1 / 2 / 3

A (win) vs 1 (lose)
A (lose) vs 2 (win)
B (lose) vs 2 (win)
C (win) vs 2 (lose)
C (lose) vs 3 (win)

Team Numbers Wins

FT3 #2

D / E / A
3 / 4 / 5

D (lose) vs 3 (win)
E (win) vs 3 (lose)
E (win) vs 4 (lose)
E (win) vs 5 (lose)

Team Alphabet Wins

FT3 #3

E / A / B
1 / 2 / 3

And so on, depending on which players lose in each FT3.

Don't forget to check out our other exhibition events at the PowerUp website.


Chicago will be there! Trying to get all our players out there but we have plenty confirmed already.


@konkrete: That's great to hear! Make sure the Chicago crew pre-registers soon!


Have questions about PowerUp 2012? Well, chances are that they will be answered in this special edition podcast.

PU2012 And You!


The 5v5 is going to be fun. Team Power Up is going down! Gonna beat 'em in their own house. [/talking shit] :)
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."