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what to do against bullshit pokes...

Started by B1gblack, January 09, 2012, 05:12:35 AM

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man lately i know i have been getting good at KoF.....just not good enough one of my most difficult opponents are people that poke more than people that turtle. so i am asking if anyone have any tips to do with people that poke? i could never figure out what to do against them thanks much appreciated


What kind of pokes?  For most standing pokes, like King's st C and D, can be ducked under and countered with a sweep.  St A, at the right distance, can be countered with a sweep.  Some sweeps can be punished on block, (e.g. Iori), but you could simply hop in and land a combo if you see a sweep coming.

It's all about reading your opponent.


sorry i wasnt specific. i was talking about light punch and like kick pokes both crouching and standing...its very difficult to read and i dont really understand what to in those situtations. i have beein like that since my 3rd strike days and once again i cant figure out any strategies against them


It all depends on the range.  At the correct range, where the stand A or crouch B whiff, you can punish with a sweep.  You can also preempt your opponent's approach with your own stand A and Crouch B.


Who are you using?

For these situations you gotta look at your own characters' arsenals. Most, if not all, have normals or specials that beat lows.

For example:
Kim - far sC, far sD, sCD
Clark - far sD, sCD
Kyo - sD, HCB+K
Beni - far sD
King - sCD

It was funny the other day when I was playing against a Chin player with Kim and he was loving lows. Kim's sC kept going over Chin's lows and smacking him on the head, in desperation he did HCF+K to go under the kick but the sC smacked Chin on the head again lol.

Sweep tends to work quite well as well, as mentioned above.


to answer your question of who i am using i am using between terry,andy,shen,kensou,vice,king those are the only characters i am familiar with thus far.


Quote from: B1gblack on January 10, 2012, 07:48:32 PM
to answer your question of who i am using i am using between terry,andy,shen,kensou,vice,king those are the only characters i am familiar with thus far.
i dont kno the distance u r at when they r poking u but i will attempt anyway just going by the characters u use u can pretty much do the same thing people r doing 2 u
in my opinion its not really reading pokes as it mayb what chu wanna do but its more used 4 set ups or 2 shut u down but what i think ur saying is that people r shuttin u down there for what i recommend is stay at mid screen and work on a set up from da outside since u use alot of projectile characters anyway
and of course if u got them cornered then u have the upper hand kinda


Hah, my friends and I were trying 13 for the first time the other day, scrubbing it up SF2 style.   Anyways, in our adventures we discovered Kula low B is seemingly undefeatable :P