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sharpening my mix-up game and fluency

Started by B1gblack, January 13, 2012, 08:55:28 PM

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hey i been wondering how ppl do mix-ups so well and fast in king of fighters 13 its one of the basic things to do in any fighting game. but in KoF 13 its hard only for the reason that when i begin my mix ups no matter what i cant keep it going. i start my mix ups by putting my opponent in blockstun(or try to...to the best of my abilities) then go for highs an lows grabs,projectiles etc. but when i do a move that has fast recovery and my opponent is supposed to be in blockstun they seem to always be faster than me no matter what....i wish i can show what i am talking about but i cant tips would be appreciated


to me it already sounds like u know how to do the mix up game but what i think ur really tryin to ask is how 2 not be predictable?? like for me when i first started playin i only had 2 objectives and that was to learn the normals (so supers no specials no nothin just normals) and how to read my opponent.

weather you see it or not alot of people who play have a certain rythem when they play so really i think its about breaking ur rythem and doing somethin different. like the next time u play online win or loose save about 5 matches and a week later watch em and if ur able to say what ur going to do before u do it then that means ur stuck on the same rythem


well yea i know my mix-up games from 3rd strike so i apply my knowledge from that game but KoF mix-up game is different it isnt as fast paced as 3rd strike so its a little harder for me because when i try no matter what i always either get countered  or something stupid  like we both hit each other at the EXACT same time so i wanna make my mix up game really fuckin good so i wont be countered or the other stupid thing happening that much but i will definitely do what you offered though


Even if you are safe after hitting them with a block string that doesn't mean you are positive on hit (only certain moves are), which is why you can't keep them in block stun like you want.

If you want to keep that pressure going then use frame traps where there are gaps in your strings and try not to always end your strings with special moves, you can keep on going with pressure if you use normals more, since they leave you at a bigger advantage on block.

In terms of 3rd Strike, think of that mixup ppl do on wake up where they hit you with LK a couple of times and then go into throw. The reason they can do that is because of the advantage they get on block or hit with LK, they can't really do the same thing with MK or after finishing a string with a safe special move.


Are you making good use of hops?

It's pretty easy for the opponent to be ready for a jump or hop after doing j.attack > c.attack(s). They might be able to use c.weak attacks or sweeps.

You can really fluster the opponent by doing hop attack > hop attack > empty hop into throw or low attack etc.
When they try the same, a lot of the time you'll be in the air again while they are sweeping or something and end up scoring a fatty combo.

Additionally, a lot of characters create good block stun by making a grounded opponent block a jump CD attack.
You can hop after this as well and do another or go into the routine above.

This is some pretty classic KOF pressure. Give it a shot and see what happens ;)


thank you all for your help...i will definitely do alot more normals and pokes and work on my short hops to keep the pressure going as best as i can...


A common error from SF players is underestimate hops.

In training mode practice hops with  ;c ;d against crouched char with 1 step guard, do a constant attack so CPU never quits guard.



I'm also having somewhat of the same problem. However the difference is setting up crossups. I'm not really sure when I can crossup and the correct spacing for them. Can someone explain to me when and how should I crossup. I mean sometimes I perform them other times I don't I just cant get quite a hold on it. If you could use Ex-Kyo as an exemplary character that would be great.


Quote from: Ryudo on January 21, 2012, 02:20:47 AM
I'm also having somewhat of the same problem. However the difference is setting up crossups. I'm not really sure when I can crossup and the correct spacing for them. Can someone explain to me when and how should I crossup. I mean sometimes I perform them other times I don't I just cant get quite a hold on it. If you could use Ex-Kyo as an exemplary character that would be great.

Being new to the game myself, and not using Kyo either version, I dunno how much this'll help.

I've realized with King that you can do c.B, c.B, s.B blockstring then do a hyper hop D to cross the opponent up (training against Chin, so it might be different for characters of greater height, crouching, etc).  Maybe there's some set up like that for EX-Kyo?
Shen's hidden buff to console:
Yells more intensely during his Neo Max.


for the cr.B,cr.B,st.B block string you mentioned for King, I think with most characters in the game, if you just do a normal forward jump and j.D it will cross up.  the hyperhop probably only works on really small characters (like chin) and possibly some of the bigger characters if they are crouching.

for EX Kyo, although I'm not 100% sure, I would be surprised if you couldn't do cr.B,cr.B,cr.A as a block string and then cross over with hyperhop j.B.  I do know for sure that Kyo's j.B is pretty good at crossing up, so if any of his moves would do it in that spot, that'd be it
Former Semi-Serious MK9 player, Mediocre T6 player, maybe one day I'll be a Mediocre KOF XIII player, too


Quote from: Ryudo on January 21, 2012, 02:20:47 AM
I'm also having somewhat of the same problem. However the difference is setting up crossups. I'm not really sure when I can crossup and the correct spacing for them. Can someone explain to me when and how should I crossup. I mean sometimes I perform them other times I don't I just cant get quite a hold on it. If you could use Ex-Kyo as an exemplary character that would be great.

EX Kyo can crossup extremely easily using Jump  ;dn ;c (although it does less damage than j.D / J.C). When you use j.d.C, and you are unsure whether it will crossup or not, you can do d.B, d.B, s.B giving you plenty of time to confirm and cancel into qcf.A. If the link from d.B > s.B doesn't come that naturally, d.B, d.A into qcf.A works just as well.
j.d.C is a great move because it's crossup hitbox is wide and normally it won't be ambiguous to the person using Kyo so you won't need the above unless trying to break down guard and can go for higher damage.

If you can get opponents to block low, hyper-hop d.C can crossup effectively too.


Kyo's j.d.C gives quite a bit longer hit stun than other jumping attacks, too, so it is easier to combo afterward.  Similar to Iori's j.b.B
Former Semi-Serious MK9 player, Mediocre T6 player, maybe one day I'll be a Mediocre KOF XIII player, too


^ Yeah thanks for mentioning that, that's a main feature of the move.


ok my issue is with Iori.

my question is are there any good spacing techniques so that I can know when my my h ;c will cross up

Also does anyone know any good command grab setups besides n.Sh ;d whiff> Command grab or dash up/walk up ex command grab?