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NGBC - Neo Dio

Started by jinxhand, November 29, 2010, 10:35:41 PM

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(NOTE: This version of Neo Dio is not the same as the CPU version, as this one lacks 2 moves, Nikuhen and Haimaru Haigaku. Neo Dio is also known as Dio and will be referred to as simply "Dio".)


* cl. ;a / ;c / ;d are cancel-able.

* st. ;a is cancel-able/whiff cancel-able.
* st. ;c has good pushback properties.
* st. ;d has a slow start up, but good range.

* ;dn ;a / ;b / ;c are cancel-able up close.
* ;dn ;a / ;b are whiff cancel-able.
* ;dn ;a / ;b are chain-able, but cr. B chains better.
* ;dn ;b comes out super fast, and is great in combos.
* ;dn ;c is a an ok anti-air normals. It has a somewhat slow start up from appearance, but if a jump can be telegraphed, this move comes in handy.

* ;uf ;d is a great jump attack period. It can sometimes be used as a good cross up tool, but for the most part, its used as a straight forward attack. This move hits several times, and can be used as a combo starter if timed right.

Guard Cancel Tag Attack
* Pressing the ;e button while blocking will allow Neo Dio to do a standing attack and he will then tag out.

Rolling Throw - ;bk / ;fd + ;c ;d
* Can be broken. Regular knockdown.

Command Moves
Rokotsuna Abarabane: ;fd + ;c
* Dio sticks his chest forward as several "rib-like" appendages stretch out and attack. This move has pretty good range, and pulls the opponent towards Dio whether the move is blocked or not, making it good to use while rushing down. Despite the number of appendages, this move only hits once. There is a slight delay in the move, which at times can help catch "GCFS-happy" opponents.

Sliding: ;df + ;b / ;d/ ;b ;d
* Dio slides on the ground, causing either a single hit, or multiple hits causing a knockdown depending on the button pressed. Both B and D do not cause a knockdown, but using ;b ;d does. The ;b ;d version is a great move to use as a combo ender, as it allows Dio to dash in and apply okizeme.

Special Moves
Sonic Saber: ;dn  ;df ;fd + ;a / ;c
* Dio does a dash and attacks with his arm blade. The button strength determines the distance traveled.

Grand Saber: ;dn  ;df ;fd + ;b / ;d
* Dio does an alternate version of his ;dn  ;df ;fd + ;a / ;c . This move can hit several times and does knockdown. Button strength determines the distance traveled.

Burning Crow: (close) ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;fd + ;a / ;c
* Command grab. Dio grabs the opponent and does a quick attack that does fire damage.

Bleeding Crow: (close) ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;fd + ;b / ;d
* Command grab. Dio grabs the opponent and does a quick attack that does ice damage. This freezes the opponent long enough to follow up with another attack.

Rolling Smash:  ;dn ;up + ;b / ;d
* Dio does an upward rolling attack. The button strength determines the height at which Dio jumps. This move has some priority against certain attacks.

Meteor Smash: in the air, ;dn ;df ;fd + ;b / ;d
* While in the air, Dio does a down-forward rolling attack. The button strength determines the angle/distance of the roll.

Thunder Blow: ;fd ;dn ;df + ;a / ;c
* Dio whips his tentacle-like hair towards the opponent and attacks with lighting damage. This move hits several times, and is one of the best followups to ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;fd + ;b / ;d . The ;c version of this move has a slight startup delay.

Muteki no Teppeki:  ;bk ;dn ;db + ;b / ;d
* This is Dio's counter move. He sticks his chest outward and awaits the attack to counter. Both versions have a very bad startup delay, and this move is not really recommended for use, unless one understands the timing of the move and spacing required to execute a successful counter... At that point, it would only be best used as a setup.

Nikuhen: (CPU-only move)

Haimaru Haigaku: (CPU-only move)

Desperation Moves
Ultimate Cannon:  ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd +  ;a / ;c
* This is Dio's only real projectile. Dio sticks his chest out forward and shoots a dark energy projectile that does a considerable amount of damage. The startup delay is very mininal, and is one of the best moves to follow up with after ;fd  ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;fd + ;b / ;d .

Ultimate Beast: ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd + ;b / ;d
* Dio does a "ranbu" attack sequence that launches the opponent and he finishes with a move where Dio hunches over exposing his jagged spikes on his back. This, too, is another good follow up after ;fd  ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;fd + ;b / ;d .

Ultimate Illusion: ;a , ;b , ;c (when meter stock is at level 3)
* Dio does a shadow slide towards the opponent. If Dio touches the opponent, Geegus (from World Heroes) appears and assists in the "doppleganger" attack. This move does tons of damage, and there are several setups for this move.

Strats, combos and other info can be found here: http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Neo_Dio_(NGBC)
I'm on FightCade!!!


Personally, I believe Dio's one of the best (and balanced) playable bosses in the game. While his ;a ~ ;b ~ ;c move can take a few hits, it can still be stopped, which doesn't make it broken. His combos are somewhat not flashy (except for ones from the ice command grab). Most of the combos are ;b, ;b, ;b , ;qcf + ;a / ;b / ;c / ;d and the button used is mainly for whether you want the opponent to get knocked down (and pushed to the corner), or if you want them to stay nearby, for mixup and possibly a "raging demon". He's a straight forward character that's not technical. He does take damage however, just like Gouki (Akuma) in SF, but I believe his damage output makes it somewhat of a fair trade-off...
I'm on FightCade!!!


He's the best boss character IMO.

His level 3 super is unblockable, and his mixups are pretty great. His EX slide can punish air-projectiles pretty easily.
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon


Because he takes damage, and he doesn't necessarily have any guaranteed setups, he does require some skill to effectively use him... The standard poke poke, special move can work against a few characters... Most people online abuse ;uf ;d because of its multi-hit properties and the fact that it can guard break, but ;dp characters can more than likely trade off in their favor...

;fd + ;c helps his mixup game ,however, and that is something that he needs because the pokes that he does have are very short imo and that can put him in a bind especially against an aggressive opponent...

Far standing ;d is ok, and far standing ;c can be used as a long range poke, yet he still is required to close in on the opponent for damage...

With regards to ;a ~ ;b ~ ;c , I do notice that he has some jump attacks that can allow him to setup for that move, and even ;fd + ;c can help to a degree, especially in the corner... I'll try some setups today and see what I can come up with...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Here's the color palettes for Neo Dio... For quick reference, all buttons refer to the actual letter buttons for this game. The "S" refers to the start button, not the taunt button. I hope to do this for the other characters as well, and put some of this info up on the wiki. Shoutouts to TFG for having this ancient info...

I'm on FightCade!!!


New technique!!! Reverse Meteor Smash - air ;qcf ;b / ;d

The normal Meteor Smash goes in a ;df direction towards the opponent. The trick here is inputting the move right at the highest point in the jump before crossing the other side of the opponent. If timed right, Dio will be doing a Meteor Smash but in a ;db direction... It's a neat trick because most times it catches people off guard, so if they try to attack you out of it, you should be able to beat out most attacks... I'm still testing its properties, so I'll update accordingly...

I'm on FightCade!!!

Dark Geese

Quote from: jinxhand on March 08, 2011, 07:54:07 PM
New technique!!! Reverse Meteor Smash - air ;qcf ;b / ;d

The normal Meteor Smash goes in a ;df direction towards the opponent. The trick here is inputting the move right at the highest point in the jump before crossing the other side of the opponent. If timed right, Dio will be doing a Meteor Smash but in a ;db direction... It's a neat trick because most times it catches people off guard, so if they try to attack you out of it, you should be able to beat out most attacks... I'm still testing its properties, so I'll update accordingly...

But be careful with this because if blocked they can GCFS and punish so use it sparingly..esp. if you are watching the opponents meter.


I've only been able to test it a few times, but surprisingly most of those times the opponent didn't have any meter, and I believe I caught them trying to switch blocking directions, making them move a bit... I'll do some more testing with this move although I am curious as to what the frames are for both ;b and ;d versions...
I'm on FightCade!!!


One thing I noticed with Dio is that his counter ;rdp + ;b / ;d does not counter ranbu supers... Also, one move that does beat his "raging demon" ( ;a ~ ;b ~ ;c ) is Kim's ;qcf ;qcf + ;b / ;d . It has that much priority that one single hit can stop a super that normally eats about 3-5 hits before getting stopped...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Dark Geese

Something to help you out, you do know that Neo Dio's Close St.D the 2nd hit is an overhead right?

Don't believe it? Put the opponent on crouch block do it and see what happens...

If you are quick enough you can cancel off it to BRC (I call it Blue Rush Cancel) to his level 2 Ranbu super and it will all combo.


Quote from: Dark Geese on May 11, 2011, 02:35:02 AM
Something to help you out, you do know that Neo Dio's Close St.D the 2nd hit is an overhead right?

Don't believe it? Put the opponent on crouch block do it and see what happens...

If you are quick enough you can cancel off it to BRC (I call it Blue Rush Cancel) to his level 2 Ranbu super and it will all combo.

Yeah I know about the overhead... Most times I'll bring my opponent in with ;fd ;c and then use that since somehow I manage to force people to duck after the ;fd ;c ... I use ;qcf ;qcf ;b / ;d off of his ;hcb ;fd ;b / ;d move since it leaves them frozen long enough for the ranbu to connect...

Frame wise, which is technically safer or better to use out of ;qcf ;a or ;qcf ;b ??? I know one of them hits a few times and the other one hits once but knocks down... I know that both on block can be punished with GCFS but assuming the opponent doesn't have meter which one would be safer???
I'm on FightCade!!!


So a few days ago, I fought Remzi online, and apparently there were some tricks to Neo Dio that I wasn't aware of at all. So, as he shared them with me, I will do the same for you. He played some other strong characters, and I'll post some of that info on those particular threads.

I always wondered what the difference was between Dio's command throws other than one doing fire damage, while the other one freezes the opponent for a combo opportunity. Then it was shown to me. The fire command throw has a quicker start up time than the ice one, which initially doesn't make sense because they look the same in terms of animation speed. Then he did these tricks:

* Off of doing an air ;qcf ;b / ;d , there's enough frame advantage on that move to the ice command throw and not be beaten out of it. I've tried a few things, and I believe the only thing that could beat that move out was Haohmaru's lvl 3 super, since it activates instantly, and has a slightly longer invincibility window than Genjyuro's lvl 3 super. You can't even jab out of it, or Ryo ;dp ;a out of it either. I believe there was a few other tactics involved with getting a free ice grab, but I can't remember (I'll update this post though).

* Upon doing ;fd ;c , instead of looping it with ;dn ;c , like I do, going for the fire command throw is even better. The frame advantage in this is actually obvious, since ;fd ;c puts the opponent in blockstun, so there's really not much that can be done. Jumping sometimes works, since command grabs and "catch" moves can sometimes be avoided by instantly jumping instead of attacking.
I'm on FightCade!!!


Low BnB : 2BBB 236D
Jumpin BnB : j.D 2C 236D
3Bar BnB : 5D -> BlueCancel -> 2C 236236D
Alt BnB : 2BBB 236C (Reset) 632146C
Alt Jumpin : j.D 2C 236C (Reset) 632146C

Use j.236D 2BBB 236D until they respect it and start to block, where you can mix in j.236D 632146D or ABC into a followup.

Freezing Claw Followups
2A (Reset) ABC
623C (Good spacing and damage, allows further pressure.)

The fire has no startup, while the freeze pauses for a moment before attempting to grab. The fire can therefor be used in more instant situations while the freeze is best used off of a soft knockdown (flip) because of the animation itself.
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon


Neo Dio's ;uf ;d can beat out Shishioh's counter move. I believe the hitbox is not as high as I thought it was, so certain moves with a particular angle can beat it out... I'll test his other aerial moves and see if they can beat it out also...
I'm on FightCade!!!