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The New KoF XIII Netcode Testing Thread - Patch Edition

Started by steamwolf, February 06, 2012, 04:22:01 AM

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Edit: Locked. Check Online Matchmaking for a similar thread.

1. Post your speedtest.net/pingtest.net results. Be sure to select a connection on the OTHER side of the country
2. Post number of matches and players faced
3. Post the bars and/or color for the connection between you and EACH player you played
4. If possible, list the locations of the players you played. If you aren't from the USA, please also mention that
5. Post your thoughts on the lag, whether it be input lag or visual lag and tell us how you felt about it


2. Three Opponents. 3 matches with the first, one match with the second, two matches with the third
3. First opponent was 4 bars (blue), second and third opponent were both 3 bars (green)
4. First opponent was from Virginia. Second player's location unknown. Third player's location is Wisconsin.
5. The games all felt pretty good with very minimal lag. I didn't feel too much input lag if any and there wasn't a whole lot of visual lag either. It could be my lack of skill in KoF so don't take just my word for it or anything but this is just what I noticed thus far. Edit: Just played Desmond. I didn't think there was any lag but I was too busy being bodied to really tell lol. Would like to hear Desmond's opinion.


2. 20+ opponents. 1 yellow (3 matches), 7 green (10 matches), 13 blue (100+ matches)
3. Other than the yellow (can't tell where he was from), I'll assume all were from in Japn or Korea.
4. There was very little lag in the yellow, the same for all the green. In one or two blue matches, there was a 1/4 of input slowed lag. With others, specifically BioBooster, every 15 or 20 matches, we'd get a lag spike, the rest was smooth.
5. I'm in Japan, so mine might be an easy success story, but this is a total improvement. With all fighting games, I've worked through lag. It's a little shocking to not have to work through it for an SNK fighter so much. Doing (or trying) HD combos feels much better now, and anytime lag has come up briefly, it never tripped up my execution. I've tested thorougly with BioBooster, and hopefully he'll report the same.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Aiite, I throw mine up here then.

2. Played blue(185), green(3),red(2) over the last few days.
3.,4. Only people I know are solid-blue(Japan), MAD_madKOF-blue(Korea), u-rasia-blue(tokyo), desmond-red(US), shinobimaru-red(singapore)
5. Well, the red yielded some bad lag 1 second or so (this was much worse pre-patch tho). Not a ton of difference btwn green and blue. Blue was pretty perfect. My thoughts on the 100 matches I did with solid last Friday are the same as his.

So here it is. I was pretty emphatic about it when the patch first came out as it has been a night/day difference for me. So pre-patch, solid and I would play from time to time and our connection sucked ass (occaisionally up to green, usually yellow). What's more is I never had an online match I was razzed no matter who I matched up with, not satisfied once. This was to the point where I stopped playing online at all. Now, it's a different story. Have been on every night since and am liking it.

Damn, knew I didn't have the best(cable), but half of the damn country is faster than me D-:
These results are all on wifi btw - can't get wired bc I would have to run a cable from two stories up in my house...


Good to hear from both of you. I'm glad to see that it's been improved in Japan, even if Japan has better internet lol. Out of curiosity, did you two both do what I said in regards to selecting a location within the country as far from you as possible? For the speed/ping test. Obviously the "official" number for my download speed is not 1.30 Mbps but that's what it's like when attempting to connect to San Francisco from Florida lol.