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Started by Killey, February 13, 2012, 06:36:24 PM

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If you follow Offcast on twitter he recently tweeted this:

"Your video, King of Fridays @UCI 1.1 Pt.1, may have content that is owned or licensed by Major League Gaming."

Now this could have been a mistake as the 2nd video didn't get tagged with this, and while nothing is concrete, at the moment, it obviously got me thinking about "what if KoFXIII got picked up by MLG?".

I think this would be huge for the KoF community if XIII got picked up by MLG but what does everyone else think? This could potentially mean a lot more players would starting picking up the game seriously, and we could see a huge increase in the KoF player base/community. On top of that, it could help push ATLUS & SNK-P to continue to support the game with more cash prizes, content, or even help fund a new game.

TL; DR - Thoughts on what would happen if MLG picks up KOFXIII?


Uhm, I dunno. MLG sponsors and hypes up tournaments and competitive like. However, they also make it pretty cookie-cutter and difficult for smaller people like Offcast/IPW/FKO and other streamers to strike out or collaborate. It's not very healthy when someone has a monopoly on footage...And are corporate.

Having worked with corporate promoters, they don't have competition in mind when they do things.


Mmm...if the MLG eSports drama on SRK showed anything, it seems pretty clear that MLG was more than willing to collaborate with the FGC on such matters. I think it's a good opportunity for the KoF community, especially in North America, to expand out and go further. It could also be the community to lead by example and show the rest of the FGC that it can coexist with eSports. I hope the MK community can do that with MK9 as well but most people in the SRK community don't give two-shits about the game or how well it does.

I don't see the harm in just trying it out to begin with. If it doesn't work out and MLG drops the game in the next season then the community can go back to the way things were before. Other games that are in eSports, such as League of Legends, don't have their live streams or youtube content pulled off.


It could be a big boost. But that's a lot of contribution on, lets face it, a very new trend. It's a gamble and not a very good one with the steep competition coming this year. Either way, I do think if we could continue on as we are now and have the support of MLG, that would be great.


Any footage of KOFXIII gameplay is covered by fair usage according to everything I've read.


That could gives a helping hand...



dont care about esports at all but if it gets in yay team


That is not a publicity stunt...
Pigtail cableare made of high quality materials.


Apparently they were talking about it on Cross Counter so this could actually end up being relevant again.


It would greatly help out KoF, that's for sure. I just hope MLG isn't trying to do as nilcam said and monopolize the streams. There's no legal grounds to do this...so...I'm not quite sure why they would even attempt? Maybe Sundance wasn't told SOPA didn't pass? Lol I dunno but I hope some clarification on this is given soon.


It could help KOF for sure, but I slightly fear where it could hurt too. Not sure if it was Tekken 6 or another fighter where it was there for a season and then gone. KOF is still trying to get a good foothold in the US, though it's finally acknowledged. Might be paranoia, but I'm not sure I'd like MLG to have an indirect say in whether it's a good enough game for something as big as MLG.

I'm honestly surprised KOF caught the MLG's attention to begin with. If it's about more than just streams, then cool. Personally I wanted to see how far the community could take this game with EVO and such before it got caught up in the MLG thing.

Not gonna lie though, if Kane, Reynald, Mr. KOF, Dune, No. 17, or any of the guys could make real money off of it, then that's one positive that might outweigh a lot of negatives.

"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995



Okay guys I found a bit of information out there that SHOULD clear things up. Everyone take a look before getting upset. http://blip.tv/crosscounterlive/cross-counter-live-121-5960553 might need to skip ahead a bit I forgot what time it actually starts but Sundance does explain that this was not his, nor MLG's action. He is right, youtube DOES tend to automatically do this kind of stuff. I got the same thing once cause I was doing a Let's Play for a Zelda game but they never followed through with it. Sundance is claiming that someone is pretending to flag these videos as MLG themselves, or it's just youtube's automatic stuff. Considering how many internet tough guys and haters for MLG there are (as well as trolls) would anyone really be surprised if it was someone trying to cause problems? I know I wouldn't be.

That being said, he DOES slip up and drop KoF's name amongst titles he's talking about that MLG wants to support, so it seems as though MLG is probably going to run KoF but it's not official yet. I think it's something that should really be embraced. As for why Tekken was only run once? It was a dead game when they picked up and it's still relatively dead. MLG isn't grassroots so they can't really afford to run dead games when they run a business. Last year at CEO there were under 50 people signed up for Tekken vs 300 for Marvel. So...I imagine MLG ran into similar problems and just couldn't afford to keep it up. In any case, the Tekken players have never complained about MLG so I think it's worth seeing how it goes and not giving them crap for it if they truly intend to run it. I think with the whole issue with SRK vs MLG, they're probably concerned about their image and probably don't wanna step on any toes considering things. I say let's give Sundance the benefit of the doubt and see how it goes. KoF might even not be on the MLG circuit and it could have been a troll all along. If it is though, it's great news for high level players.