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KOF XIII 7th General Thread: Evo 2012 countdown edition

Started by Kane317, March 04, 2012, 02:20:46 AM

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Running Wild

On the subject of Skullgirls, I don't get why a game with 8 characters allows tag teams. It should of been strictly a 1 on 1 fighter.

As for KOF, people thought MK was gonna die after Evo last year, but it resumed doing well, and even got picked up by MLG earlier this year, maybe KOF can stay in the game longer. It just needs more time to really develop.


Because it was meant as a spiritual successor to MvC2.  If it was 1v1 only, it's nothing more then slightly GG like...which isn't a very good thing in a market that has Blazblue and +R coming out.  And by the time the game would've had enough characters for people to stop whining about the character count, we would've been in PS4/Xbox 720 territory already.

And everyone thought MK was going to die due to people just being generally spiteful towards the series, and assuming that NRS would stop supporting the game after EVO.  East Coast kept the game going, and NRS kept support going for MUCH longer than anyone expected.  Add Blazblue players deciding to never show up to tourneys because they're too good to play the older version of a game a bit longer before the new one comes out, and...well, it was an easy choice.

EVO's gonna probably go back to 5 games next year, AE and Ultimate will probably remain, and let's see...GG+R (I'm NOT putting all the initials), P4U, TTT2, DOA5 (long shot), and an outside chance of Injustice making it on time...it's gonna be tough for KOF without some kind of update. 

The good news is though is that, other than AE/UMvC3, and I'd say TTT2, NOTHING is a guaranteed shot to get in next year.  KOF's really gonna have to bring the noise, and the US players that don't reside in California really have to step up their game.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


EVO2012 attendees from Japan

ウメハラ スパ4、X
sako スパ4、スト鉄
ときど スパ4、アルカプ、スト鉄、KOF、キャリバー、X
ボンちゃん スパ4、スト鉄、キャリバー
ニャン師 スパ4
ももち スパ4、アルカプ
チョコ スパ4、スト鉄
金デヴ スパ4、スト鉄
ハイタニ スパ4、KOF
うりょ スパ4
かずのこ スパ4、スト鉄、KOF
どぐら スパ4
ヌキ スパ4、X
ふーど スパ4、スト鉄、キャリバー
板ザン スパ4、キャリバー
キャベツ スパ4、KOF
えいた スパ4、キャリバー
MOV スパ4、スト鉄
こくじん スパ4
ぎゃす スパ4
HORI_A スパ4、キャリバー
清松 スパ4、アルカプ、スト鉄、KOF、キャリバー
Kubo アルカプ、KOF
梅園 アルカプ、スト鉄、KOF
カオル KOF

Other Japanese players may go to EVO2012.


 超、GX、まめスパ、しまだ(アルカプ)   おおさか、そうすひ、


MAO、くすもんど(X) 英鈴、めぷ


Quote from: a11111357 on June 23, 2012, 08:48:30 AM
EVO2012 attendees from Japan

Here's the english translation of  the kof players' names:

ときど (Tokido) スパ4、アルカプ、スト鉄、KOF、キャリバー、X

ハイタニ (Haitani) スパ4、KOF

かずのこ (Kazunoko) スパ4、スト鉄、KOF

キャベツ (Kyabetsu) スパ4、KOF

清松 (kiyomatsu) スパ4、アルカプ、スト鉄、KOF、キャリバー

Kubo アルカプ、KOF

梅園 (Umezono)  アルカプ、スト鉄、KOF

カオル (Kaoru) KOF

おえっぷ (Oeppu) (KOF)  


I am a bit optimistic here. I think KoF will continue growing after evo and people will continue playing it. I think KoF is  the most legit fighting game out there and people will see the light someday as for some already did. All we need is an announcement form SNK for something new to keep it going.

BTW how is AE and MvC3 doing in the US? are they still that huge? I heard skullgirls is doing well. Remember the last game from capcom was not well received "SFxT" atleast here it wasnt.


AE's not as big as before, but the top players here right now are on par with the top in Japan if the last couple of majors are anything to go by (Justin probably breathing the biggest sigh of relief after finally getting one over on Daigo).

Marvel is Marvel.  Always huge.  Hell, had Rayray beating JWong and made Grand Finals at ECT, it would've been one of the most legendary tourneys ever.  So it's fine.

Also, stop saying that KOF is the most "legit" fighting game out there.  Half the reason KOF doesn't get the numbers it should is BECAUSE people everywhere seem to think that if you're a true FG player, you have to play the game.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


That feeling you get when you finally beat someone who beat the crap out of you 10-0 and you manage to get 3-1 on them.

Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: Tyrant292 on June 23, 2012, 11:23:10 AM
I am a bit optimistic here. I think KoF will continue growing after evo and people will continue playing it. I think KoF is  the most legit fighting game out there and people will see the light someday as for some already did. All we need is an announcement form SNK for something new to keep it going.

I don't think we'll see a dream match until the series' 20th anniversary, so some more fine-tuning done to KOF XIII (Including the Climax version for Arcades with updates through NESiCA) would be nice.  I mean, I wouldn't mind seeing a canon KOF game get an updated release for once, since the dream match versions are the only ones to get updated versions (KOF '98 UM/FE for KOF '98, and KOF 2002 UM for KOF 2002).

A release for consoles with the Climax fixes would be nice too, even if it is a title update.


So the 20th Anniversary of KOF would be 2014? Two years seems to be the average development time of a fighter, so yeah. Very good chance we'll get a 14 or UM or spinoff that year.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on June 23, 2012, 08:56:50 PM
So the 20th Anniversary of KOF would be 2014? Two years seems to be the average development time of a fighter, so yeah. Very good chance we'll get a 14 or UM or spinoff that year.

Yes, KOF's 20th Anniversary will be in 2014.


Quote from: Running Wild on June 23, 2012, 07:20:50 AM
On the subject of Skullgirls, I don't get why a game with 8 characters allows tag teams. It should of been strictly a 1 on 1 fighter.

It was designed to be a Marvel 2 kinda' game first and I guess they didn't have enough money for a suitable number of characters and went with the DLC model.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I don't think SG having 8 characters was primarily a budget constraint. I think it was a time constraint because all of the character animations are hand drawn instead of taking the easy way and doing 3d models and tracing over them.

Also, I had no idea Kazunoko played KoF.


Hold on!
Holly shit man!
Just taking a look here: http://www.twitch.tv/leveluplive/b/322271977

but man... that BALA's Karate is so good! woooww! o_O

@BALA: Dude your Karate was amazing, really! Explore the way... ;)

Damn, thats too good...  hahaaa  xD



Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on June 23, 2012, 07:19:22 PM
Also, stop saying that KOF is the most "legit" fighting game out there.  Half the reason KOF doesn't get the numbers it should is BECAUSE people everywhere seem to think that if you're a true FG player, you have to play the game.

Why would I stop saying that? it is the most legit 2d fighting game out there atm IMO and why should people not play the game or be discouraged because someone somewhere stated an opinion. They can be persuaded by reason if not then every person has his taste in the end they dont have to play it if they dont like it. I think it is the most legit right now because it does stick to the roots and fundamentals of 2d fighting games.

Dont worry I dont go around and say that this game is the best and your game sucks, that this game is legit and yours is not. Reason is how I persuade people.

@KyO: Yup BALA's Mr. KARATE sure is somewhat different and is sure great but what an AMAZING Ryo Reynald has!!! ooh man he was AWESOME I'll try to sharpen my Ryo to be like his :P.


While you may be different, it's still a touchy subject.  I can't imagine people who play Marvel, or AE or MK or whatever, and play them only and seriously are very amused by people constantly harping on KOF and Skullgirls (though Skullgirls has...thankfully considerably lessened that stance for the most part, it's only a slight Marvel vs. Skullgirls thing now) being the "legit" and "real honest" games out there.  It's a passive aggressive insult to said other games, and said people who play they games exclusively.

While you may not harbor any resentment for other games, it can be easily taken as such, and the easiest way to make sure someone doesn't play the game you're offering is to (even unintentionally) pretty much say yours is better.  If nothing else, that puts the other person on the defensive and will instead spend the time you are using to try to either acclimate or just show off the positives of the game to them, and will use it to instinctively find its negatives.  Again, while it may not be intentional, one of the first things you did was plant the seeds so people would look at your recommended game in a bad light.

I'm one to just let people come to their own conclusions and won't usually approach people about playing another game.  If they wanna know about what I'm playing, they can ask, I'll answer and just mention what the game's about, and that's it.  If they play it, cool.  If not, whatever.

The best way for KOF to gain popularity is not to play up the fact that it may be the most legit fighter or not, which unfortunately (and this isn't directed at you) has been started to get played back Up to Eleven again after Skullgirls lost some of its luster early.  The best way is to just play at our best levels where everyone can see, revel in our own hype, and hopefully some new people will join in along the way.  That's all.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.