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Wait... what? This game was made by SNK?

Started by marchefelix, March 12, 2012, 09:20:56 PM

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Quote from: LouisCipher on March 24, 2012, 03:42:01 AM
Playing a bit of Crystalis. Good game. Albeit typical action RPG based on Zelda. But I never got into those kind of games so...

Quotebased on Zelda


SNK, you screwed up big time.



Quote from: PureYeti on April 19, 2012, 10:27:04 PM
I don't see anything wrong with that

You don't see something wrong with screwing up a chance to be financially secure?


I doubt that crystalis was that succesfull, if that was the case we will had seen more from it

Waifu Material

Rex Dart

So you're assuming that, because Zelda is a successful series, SNK screwed up by not making more of them?

That's kind of silly. Firstly, there are many series similar to Zelda, and there have been even more games similar to it. Not all of them have been successful, and fewer still have survived until today. Secondly, the biggest problem SNK ever faced financially was the transition to 3D games. Just because Zelda was able to manage this transition successfully doesn't mean Crystalis would have. There are countless examples of other successful (2D) franchises that received disastrous 3D versions.

You also seem to be forgetting that, before success of the DS and Wii, Nintendo's future wasn't always so "secure." Even Capcom, with its numerous blockbuster IPs (RE, SF, Mega Man) has a gloom surrounding it these days.

It's foolish to think there are any shortcuts to financial security.


lol I can't believe you took me seriously

I may not have given any indication of it, but I was indeed joking. I know how the world works. I know there's no easy way for things.


It seems like SNK has so many hits that they never knew how to capitalize on them, Ikaris, Baseball Stars, to a lesser extent crystalis, like I said when they discovered that the future was no longer in the arcades it was a little too late

Waifu Material

Mr Bakaboy

Quote from: Rex Dart on April 23, 2012, 11:25:45 PM
So you're assuming that, because Zelda is a successful series, SNK screwed up by not making more of them?

That's kind of silly. Firstly, there are many series similar to Zelda, and there have been even more games similar to it. Not all of them have been successful, and fewer still have survived until today. Secondly, the biggest problem SNK ever faced financially was the transition to 3D games. Just because Zelda was able to manage this transition successfully doesn't mean Crystalis would have. There are countless examples of other successful (2D) franchises that received disastrous 3D versions.

You also seem to be forgetting that, before success of the DS and Wii, Nintendo's future wasn't always so "secure." Even Capcom, with its numerous blockbuster IPs (RE, SF, Mega Man) has a gloom surrounding it these days.

It's foolish to think there are any shortcuts to financial security.

You know I'm curious anybody know what Capcom is focusing on now game wise? The list of fighters coming soon is dwindling (Darkstalkers?), Mega Man was thrown to the way side. Another Resident Evil? Just DLC?!?!?
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


What is Capcom focusing on right now, you ask?

Mostly DLC and rehashes, it seems to me... with the occasional sequel to an established series. And then they surprise us with a completely new game once in a blue moon.