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The Video Game company rant thread

Started by FreeRunner, March 18, 2012, 06:39:43 AM

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The N64 kinda' sucked. Some good platformers but that was basically it. If you didn't like cutsie 3D platformers you were SOL. Only a handful of good mature games (South Park was not a good game), most of them being shooters. Conker's Bad Fur Day was all right despite some terrible camera angles like 90% of the platformers back in the day.

The PC and the array of violent shooters were my salvation. The N64 port of MK4 was pretty good though.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Seriously? My favorite games where Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart 64, International SuperStar Soccer 64, and the legend of zelda, neither of them where cutsie platformers or shooters

And there are more awesome games from the 64 that I could think

Waifu Material

Running Wild

I loved my Nintendo 64, Mischief Makers, Bomberman 64, Killer Instinct Gold GoldenEye, Crusin' USA, Doom 64, Pilot Wings, Star Wars Shadows Of The Empire.

I'll admit it that the Playstation eventually overshadowed the system for me, it had something the N64 was lacking in - RPG's and good fighting games.