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DC KOF XIII Online Tournament - 4/7/2012

Started by solidshark, March 21, 2012, 08:09:11 PM

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A new online tournament is coming in the beginning of April; should be enough time to practice up and see what you can do this time around.

What - An online matchmaking casual tournament event for KoF XIII Online. It will be FT10 (4 points), FT7 (3 points), or FT5 (2 points) matchings (optional FT3 [1 point] are optional in case the connection isn't stable enough from the beginning). All players will agree at the beginning of the match on # of matches. In case connections become totally unplayable, matches will be reduced to when both players agree to stop (example: a FT10 can turn into a FT5 or FT3 if it becomes unplayable). All players wins will be tallied, ranked and posted at the end.

When - April 7th (Saturday) starting at 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM CST, or 4:00 PM to 7:00PM EST for US, Canada, and Mexico. Still working out opportunities for other parts of the world for later.

Why - Because the netcode patch has really made a different with the online experience for KoF XIII, and it's worth doing this to get everyone playing more.

Who - Anybody! Doesn't even have to be DC members. Play anyone you like. Invite them to DC or chat with them wherever. Doesn't matter who is playing so long as people PLAY!

Where - Games will be played on PSN/XBL (obviously) but players are encouraged to meet up in the Main KOF 13 Online Chat Lobby and sign in with psn_ or xbl_ in front of your DC name (example: psn_solidshark). If you cannot make it there (or really prefer other means) then use PSN chats or XBL parties. Skype is an option, however I do recommend doing as LITTLE on your internet connection as humanly possible in order to have a more solid, stable, online experience. Remember to WIRE in as well: wireless NOT recommneded!

How - Fill out the following form:

PSN/XBL Handle:
Speedtest.net/Pingtest.net results (Connect to a server FARTHEST away from your own connection!)
Most played team:
Matchups you want more experience against(optional):

PSN: Seizonsha51
Location: Japan

Most played team: Kim, Ryo, Andy, Terry, Hwa, Kensou, Billy, Chin, Takuma
Matchups I want more experience with: everyone

To add to the Matchmaking, here are more DC online resources to be aware of.

Blue/Green Bar Search Connection List for keeping up with best connections out there.

Good Games Shoutout Thread in case you don't want to leave feedback here.

The Ultimate Opponent Lookup in the Netplay Wiki to see who's in your part of the country/world.

Feel free to ask questions if you have any.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


You know I'm down.

PSN: DesmonDelaghetto
Location: Minnesota
Characters: Normal/Nests Kyo, EX Iori, Yuri, Shen, Kim, Mr. Karate, King

I'm only willing to play people within the midwest, east coast, and some parts of the south...and people from those areas that have good internet speeds too.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Edit:  Bowing out.  Having Easter dinner on Saturday this year.  Sorry about that.  I'll be here for the next one.

Edit: solidshark - no problem Jenny. Enjoy time with the family. We'll catch you next time.
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.

Troll Badguy

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Most played team:Iori/Kyo/Clark and sometimes any of these three: Benimaru Kyo and Iori
Matchups you want more experience against(optional):Everyone

I haven't had many matches with anyone yet so I'd be good with fighting everyone.

EDIT: Okay so I looked at the date again and won't be able to play as I'll be gone all day that day. Sorry in advance.


Sign me up!!!

PSN: Constantine88

Location: Ottawa, Canada

Most Used Characters: Maxima, Beni, Kensou


I'm down for it!!! I'm at work, so I'll post up my network info later...

Loc: San Diego, CA
Chars: Main Team is Kensou/Mature/Billy, but I also play with a bunch of others seriously, too...
Willing to play anyone, especially with great ping...

I'm on FightCade!!!


Location: Houston, Texas XBL: CALIBUR753. Team: sometimes i take out Terry for ash. Mai and King are always on my team most of the time. i play 2/Yellow bars
I'm a O.G. of Fighting Games and always looking for a good fight. think you can beat me ? hit me up on xbox live. my gamer tag is, CALIBUR753


XBL: Astejos
Location: Richmond, VA
Team: Duo Lon/Mr. Karate/Kyo is my main at the moment, and I fiddle around with everyone else.  It's really hard to choose mains because everyone is so much fun to play.

Matchups I want more experience against: EVERYONE

I haven't been able to get very many matches in this game.

XBL: Astejos

Mr Bakaboy

I'll try to show up. No promises since it's in the middle of my work week (it's on hump day  :))

xbl: Mr Bakaboy
loc: St. Louis, MO
tms: Whoever I want to lose with

Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


I'll be there for sure, hope to see some good players.
PSN: kimkaphan
Location: Chicago, IL
Main team: Kyo, Terry, Iori
Sub team: Ex Iori, Mr. Karate and Shen

PSN: kimkaphan


XBL: l Heavy Arms l  
(the ends are lowercase L's)

Location: Reno, NV

Most played team: Robert, Daimon, Chin
Matchups I want experience with: EVERYONE


I would like to sign up for this tournament even tho im a total beginner but ill do my best.

My Psn is: Datdudeiceman191
I live in Oklahoma
My speedtest (far away from me):
My pingtest (far):

My characters: Kyo, andy, terry, kim, k, and robert


PSN: MisterJimHelwig
Location: Montgomery, AL

Team(s): Hwa, Ralf, Takuma /Kyo, Mr Karate, Kim



Actually I just started playing KoFXIII Decided to start playimg more than one fighter....

XBL: G0 G1EG0 G0 34

My Team: Billy, Maxima, Clark

State: AL
City: Phenix City

Willing to take on anybody....


PSN Handle: ShadowRoxas
Location: Statesboro, Georgia
Speedtest.net/Pingtest.net results:

Most played team: Elizabeth, Leona, King/Vice
Matchups you want more experience against(optional): Clark, Terry, Duo Lon, Mr. Karate