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DC KOF XIII Online Tournament - 4-28-2012

Started by solidshark, April 11, 2012, 04:51:04 AM

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Mr Bakaboy

I might show up depending on how hump day for work is treating me fatigue wise and how stable the connections are that week. Last time my connections were wonky on my end all weekend.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


XBL Handle: Audio33
Location: Chicago, IL
Speedtest.net/Pingtest.net results:

Most played team: Ex Kyo, Mr.Karate, Terry


I'm not 100% sure I'd be able to make this one. If memory serves I was also busy during the last one we had, but if my schedule clears up then I'll definitely be here.


I'm a little unsure if I'll be able to attend this tournament.  I have work later that evening.  But if the tournament were to be over before 5pm maybe I could participate. But I kinda doubt it.  But if anyone's up for some regular matches, here's my PSN:


PSN: loowee12
Location: Ottawa, Ont, Canada

Most played team: Beni, Mai, Clark, Andy
Matchups I want more experience with: everyone....Leona and Chin are giving me problems


Quote from: SuperKamikaze24 on April 27, 2012, 03:11:08 PM
I'm a little unsure if I'll be able to attend this tournament.  I have work later that evening.  But if the tournament were to be over before 5pm maybe I could participate. But I kinda doubt it.  But if anyone's up for some regular matches, here's my PSN:

For your timezone the tournament starts around 3pm, so you can get some matches in before work if you like. And there is one a week from tomorrow, so come to whichever you think you can make.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


I'll join this one. I can't get the test right now so i'll post results later (I do test on my main PC, I'm on a wireless laptop right now). For now I'll leave this as a placeholder.

Characters: Kensou, Leona, Mai (Tecnically all speed characters)

Matchups: I don't care, I just wanna fight for now.

I'm predicting I can make it so hopefully nothing comes up tomorrow.

You're too slow!!


PSN: Duckator
Location: Lake Geneva, WI

Characters:  Athena, Mr.Karate, Kula, Elizabeth


are these tourneys open to all region's or just NA?


PSN: Death_Cartel87
1. Mai, Terry, King
2. Ash, Mai, Andy


Quote from: hwan on April 28, 2012, 06:59:08 PM
are these tourneys open to all region's or just NA?

Just NA for this one. Next week there will be one for NA and EU. Where are you located?
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

Angel Shiranui

Hey Solid, I PM'ed you the results of the final match.  These tournaments are fun.


Great Tournament too many good matches and close ones at that. shark pmed you the last results between me and calibur


Trampybasher wow Great game Man O_O" you almost  had me damn that was fun :)
I'm a O.G. of Fighting Games and always looking for a good fight. think you can beat me ? hit me up on xbox live. my gamer tag is, CALIBUR753