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Six Psychological Tips to Help You Level Up Your Game Faster

Started by desmond_kof, July 28, 2012, 05:54:22 PM

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These are some really good articles that you were post on SRK last year by MyLifeisAnRPG. It doesn't have anything to do with KOF specifically (it is mentioned a few time) but it's more about helping your mental and psychological state while playing fighting games, and overcoming learning hurdles.

So hopefully this will help new players that are new to fighting games as well as some long-time players whom are interested in different and more consistent ways of learning. VERY helpful stuff.

"The key to effective teaching and learning is in understanding how the human brain works. Before I became a professional geek I had a long college career in psychology and dabbled in teaching. I quickly figured out that if you don’t keep in mind the brain’s psychological limits you might as well be giving a lesson to a brick wall. Here’s the thing, these psychological limits apply whether you are learning long division or trying to nail down perfect execution on your new Vergil touch-of-death combo. Learning is learning, no matter what the subject matter, so I am here to give you six psychological tips to keep in mind when leveling up your game."







Post your thoughts on what you have read here, and if they are helpful to you. :)
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Thanks Desmond great find. Gonna share it with my friends hopefully they try to learn this time.

Hungry Color

I remember seeing this, will have to read again soon.


This is a great article i remember seeing it before on SRK and just glanced by it.