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KOF13 or KOF2k2UM?

Started by Cibernetico, May 18, 2012, 09:22:36 PM

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Ok, I think the console version of 13 has been out long enough to ask this question. We all knew it was coming sooner or later and the reason it is asked is because I remember a lot of people recommending 2k2UM as a good starting point if you wanted to try 13. And why not? Both games system's are almost identical and it's just the most logical choice to pit both games against each other. And let's not forget, KOF13 has been hailed by the FGC for being one of those fighting games this generation where it does not stray at all from what made the older games very good and it is not looked at as an "easy" game compared to others out on the market.

Now that 13 has been out long enough, which do you think is the better game?

And as an extra if you guys don't mind, would you please explain if you've had a hard time going back to 2k2UM after playing 13 or vice versa? Do you still prefer one game over the other or do you still dabble in both equally?

Rex Dart

Quote from: Cibernetico on May 18, 2012, 09:22:36 PM
And let's not forget, KOF13 has been hailed by the FGC for being one of those fighting games this generation where it does not stray at all from what made the older games very good and it is not looked at as an "easy" game compared to others out on the market.

Not to disagree with your general point or anything, but there were elements of the KOF community which decried XIII's simplification of 2002's BC system. The fact that the game auto-dashed for you made it far too easy to land these massive combos, taking away from their "wow" factor. I don't agree, personally, but some players do think XIII is a bit too "easy."

Anyway, I think the strengths break down to this:

2002 UM
- bigger roster with more moves
- greater variety in character playstyle (Choi, Chang, Angel and May Lee don't have any equivalents in XIII)

- graphics
- more balanced (in the console version anyway)
- the system can be used to every character's advantage, without any exclusions (i.e. Chang has no reason to use MAX mode in 2002, but every XIII character can use HD to do big damage.)
- easier learning curve; inputs aren't as strict and Drive Cancels are much easier for beginners to grasp

While both are great games, I'd give the prize to XIII, no question.


even though i didnt play much of 2002 UM imma have to give it up to 2002 UM only because of the challenge of learning the game but I didnt start learning KOF until XII (WHICH IS A GREAT GAME).

What it comes down to for me is the challenege of learning characters and for me because XIII lacks on characters that are harder to learn I gotta go with 2002 UM.


I personally feel that 2002UM is a much bigger game than XIII because of the BC combos, things you can do while in Max Mode (guard crush setups, command grab setups etc), the larger cast and movelist, more difficult characters to learn and all of the match-ups. I bet if 2002UM looked like XIII visually, more people would like it.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


'tis a tough one.

The volume in content definitely makes 2k2um hard to let go of. Yes, people would go nuts if this game had XIII's production value.

That said, the more refined combo mode in XIII and the balance of the game win me over. Might be a different story if chrs I like in 2k2 like jhun/joe/yashiro could play ball with the likes of kula/k'/pao/shangfei/kasumi/heidern/ex robert/ex takuma/nameless.


I've never played it 2002 or even seen video of it, but it's probably the same damn thing. If I ever see it being ran at an event I'm at, I'll enter it.