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*sigh* My brothers...

Started by marchefelix, May 24, 2012, 06:50:38 PM

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They think this game is whack from watching a few matches. I keep telling them to play the game first, then form an opinion, but they insist that they've watched enough to know that they don't like it. Apparently, they don't like some of the shenanigans of this game, mostly how some people have moves that juggle opponents to ridiculous heights... I think one of them said that that reminded them of games from the Vs. series.

I wish I could find a KOF XI cabinet already, so I can know how great this game truly is!

Mr Bakaboy

I'm confused, what do they consider a great game? What do they play?
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


I wouldn't know what they consider a great game; I haven't asked them. Even if I knew, I think that's beside the point.

They play just about everthing I play (and in many cases I've been the one to introduce games to them).

If I had to guess what they think is great, I would say Garou. My youngest brother plays it all the time. My other brother, not so much, but he seems to agree that it's a great game.

Mr Bakaboy

*scratches head* Have they played really good Garou players online? Garou is all about shenanigans. From the cancel out Terry's burn knuckle to Kevin Rian's almost 100% damage attack it can get seriously frustrating. Not to mention other characters crazy juggles. Not understanding how KOF XI is worse off or even in the league of Marvel vs. in B.S. shenanigans.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Yes. They have come across those shenanigans. They seem to think that Garou shenanigans are acceptable while KOF XI shenanigans aren't. And they always say the same thing, too: "Feint Canceling is very hard to do well!"

*sigh* My brothers...

Rex Dart

I love XI, but by no means do I consider it a "everyone must play it" kind of game. Parts of the game do feel a bit "off" and a lot of the longer combos can look a bit stupid.

Also, I don't think there's anything wrong with saying "I'm willing to put up with these shenanigans, but not those." I say it all the time in regard to fighting games I'm not interested in. :P

Mr Bakaboy

In all honesty there isn't a particular fighting game I would say is a must play. Every game caters to a certain type of player and can be either great or a turd depending on the mood of the gamer. What I am always curious about is the reasoning. When someone says a vague reason why the game sucks more times then not it didn't come naturally to them and it was thrown to the way side for another game that caters to the style they like. Like here KOF XI has more complex controls compared to Garou and Garou is tailored to be like a Capcom title. Not saying that this is the reason but it sounds like a decent reason why.

The thing I found interesting about the brothers was the comparasion of what they liked was technically worse then the excuse they gave that the other game was bad.

In Capcom terms it would be like dissing Project Justice for ridiculous combos when Marvel vs Capcom 2 is the main game you play.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

Running Wild

Quote from: marchefelix on May 29, 2012, 04:44:09 AMAnd they always say the same thing, too: "Feint Canceling is very hard to do well!"

Feint Canceling is very hard to do though.

I think KOFXI is one of the easier KOF's out there imo, controls are more fluid and easier than ever, and there aren't any fancy Max Mode/Hyper Drive cancels, instead you need synergy to take advantage of Quick Shift combo's, which while easy to do if your team has good synergy, they are much more limited.

XI had some messed up balance though, but XI also had my most favorite version of Ryo, and I'm fond of XI Kyo, Shen Woo, and Shingo. Plus... Gai Tendo and Sho Hayate... awwwwwww yeah.

There really needs to be a XIUM game.


Quote from: Rex Dart on May 30, 2012, 04:28:09 AM
I don't think there's anything wrong with saying "I'm willing to put up with these shenanigans, but not those." I say it all the time in regard to fighting games I'm not interested in. :P

I guess you're right... but I still think my brothers picked a dumb reason for not liking the game, though.