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Geese Tower and USA Travelling casuals and matches

Started by Dark Geese, September 27, 2010, 09:47:52 PM

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Real talk, watching that stream ayer made me wanna pick up EX Terry and Yuri in 98UM...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Quote from: Dark Geese on May 23, 2011, 08:48:59 PM
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on May 23, 2011, 07:09:13 PM
Here are some of the stream archives from last night's stream:

Dark Geese vs myself in 2002UMT

Dark Geese vs myself in KOFXI

Dark Geese vs myself, Tones and Ladybutterfly in KOF98UM

Dark Geese, Ladybutterfly, Tones and myself playing KOF2002UMT

Dark Geese vs myself and Tones in KOFXII (for nilcam!)

Thanks for playing with us Dark Geese, I have learned a lot, and I hope the others did as well. See you in the fall for Raging Storm: Minnesota 2011!

No problem just got in and made it home. Special thanks to Desmond for housing nice meeting Sina (Ladybutterfly), playing with TONEs and going around Minneapolis and St. Paul!! There are quite a few videos I even have left to upload from me and Desmond playing....

Rule of thumb people need to realize- Whether you choose to go all out in casuals or not, realize that if you do go all out in casuals that there are people like me that are watching and methodically dissecting your every move only to use that against you.....(see 98UM first day me and Ladybutterfly played and on the stream, I got to watch some 98UM matches while in school, made a world of a difference I knew exactly how to counter her style).

Comparing me vs. Ladybutterfly in 98UM the first day and on the stream guys is a clear example of a serious negative consequence of choosing to give it 100% all the time in casuals. People like me will download your information and then you will be completely exposed!!!

All I view and treat casuals  for are a way to warmup, experiment, and GATHER INFORMATION. I do not care if I am winnng or losing in casuals, they are meaningless...the most important thing is staying warmed up and again GATHERING INFORMATION if your opponent is going to reveal it to you...

For example I've gathered enough information without watching any videos in 2k2UMT to know I can use Takuma effectively vs. Ladybutterfly to nullify her King. There is no telling what else watching all the videos will tell me.

Ultimately, it's very important to have an adaptive playstyle so that even if your opponent figures you out, you can change accordingly.  Naturally, it's easier said then done and everyone has some sort of pattern, some sort of frame work they play with.

That's why 4leaf (RJ) is such and underrated player since he's quite random at times and even playing him for this long we still dunno what the hell he's doing lol.

Dark Geese

Oh yeah and by the way I am going to put some stuff out in the open because I have been privately contacted and I am going to tell you all this I do not want to be associated with any "Minnesota drama."

1. I left my converter and KOFXII at home (thinking no one wanted to play KOFXII, so I was playing on Desmond's PS2 controller.) I was not playing on my controller so don't even think for a second that is how I play if I am playing with my own controller.

2. I was gone from 6-6 (got to Desmonds TIRED at 6:00 PM) everyday except Sunday, so how is it really my responsibility to contact someone and go play them?? Whatever beef you may have between Desmond or whatever is going on between you two you are going to tell me that is stopping you from making the effort to contact him (or contact me via email or whatever) to come play me???

3. How is it my responsibility to contact YOU with me being at Desmonds? How foolish does that sound...again it is not like I was there and got to play all day everyday.

4. Again I do not want anything to do with this drama whatsoever, so I want to make myself clear..


I don't see nothing wrong with going all out in a casual, as you fight to win (while having fun obviously)... However, I feel that some people tend to be only one trick ponies, in the sense that you only have one 100% to give, and not say 4 or 5 100%s... I see this like Tai Chi; you can still give your all, while also being able to become free flowing and switch it up without necessarily being repetitive... Sure, this character is built to "zone", but can you work him/her to hold it down up close in a tight situation (i.e.- corner trap, etc)? Can you train your opponent to think a certain way, while pulling off something he wouldn't have expected because he expected something else based on the "training" you were doing??? How well can you adapt??? I'm pretty sure Daigo, Chibita, Dio, and a few other top JP players who play the same character can do casuals, but still come through in tournaments, because they adapt and overcome...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Dark Geese


Whenever this SoCal event happens, let me know.

Dark Geese

Quote from: the_judge on May 24, 2011, 06:49:52 AM
Whenever this SoCal event happens, let me know.

It may be at ReveLAtions in like 2 weeks...

Sanji Himura

Been busy watching these videos and I must say that they are sick.  Sad to say that I will have to miss out on going to LA because I know that I will get in on some good action there.

Dark Geese

Just wanted to let you guys know that Geese Tower matches may begin anew again with Batou, Sanji Himura and possibly Orochi Ryu in the next 2 weeks should things get back started! I will keep you guys updated/posted as things begin anew as my quest "To be the Best" continues!!!

So look at me to continue testing out stuff I have learned and seen in my recent travels as well as continue after Mexico vs. Peru 2011 (should I be able to make it 50% chance right now).

Sanji Himura

That reminds me, should I consider getting either Samurai Shodown, Fatal Fury, AOF or KOF 94 for the Bash?  I'm hopefully going to get some PSN cash so that I can get my games up to date for the Bash, and I would have some money left over to get a neo-geo game.

Dark Geese

Quote from: Sanji Himura on July 06, 2011, 10:44:18 PM
That reminds me, should I consider getting either Samurai Shodown, Fatal Fury, AOF or KOF 94 for the Bash?  I'm hopefully going to get some PSN cash so that I can get my games up to date for the Bash, and I would have some money left over to get a neo-geo game.

Yeah if you want to why not!!

Dark Geese

Confirmed today Geese Tower casuals with MetalThrashingMadman today from The Geese Tower will post as soon as they are finished. Now timing is strange because everyone is looking for LAC 2k11 matches on my channel so I can only anticipate people wanting to see those matches and then seeing these lol.

Now I have made a public announcement on my youtube channel and on facebook that if these comments are made in anyway shape or fashion about "Not wanting to see this" they will be deleted immediately.


I want to thank Dark Geese for taking the time to help me improve my game. Up until now I have never really had a chance to play SNK fighters with other people (my friends simply have no interest in them). Now, DG and I will be playing against each other regularly. So hopefully as time passes we'll see a lot of improvement on my part. But until then don't be surprised when you see me lose over and over.

Special Note:  On occasion I like using random select, but today I had real shitty luck with it. So if you see a vid where I am using Bao, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! I would never pick that character by choice.