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KOF 98UM - Eiji

Started by Remxi, September 30, 2010, 11:15:17 AM

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Kuuchuu Ippan Seoi:  ;bk/ ;fd+ ;c/ ;d (close)

Special Moves
Kikou Hou:  ;dn ;df ;fd;a/ ;c
Kagenui: (air)  ;dn ;df ;fd;a/ ;c
Kasumi Kiri:  ;dn ;db ;bk;a/ ;c
Ryuu Kagejin:  ;fd ;dn ;df;a/ ;c
Kage Utsushi:  ;dn ;df ;fd + ;b/ ;d
Kotsu Hazaki Kiri:  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;b/ ;d
Tenba Kyaku:  ;bk ;dn ;db;b/ ;d

Zantetsu Nami:  ;dn ;df ;fd, ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;a/ ;c
Zantetsu Kamakiriken:  ;dn ;df ;fd, ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk;b/ ;d

Kuuchuu Ippan Seoi - b/f+C/D - both leave the opponent backturned with enough time to meaty.

Special Moves
Kikou Hou - qcf+P - A version combos from heavy attacks, C version is slower but has a larger hitbox.
Kagenui - air qcf+P - must be blocked low if it hits near their toe. Can OTG but it's not guaranteed off anything. Can be done from a front & backdash. No cancellable air normals.
Kasumi Kiri - qcb+P - combos from light attacks. Can work well as AA. Long recovery period.
Ryuu Kagejin - dp+P - reflects projectiles (including DM), massive active frames. Combos from heavy attacks but only on backturned. dp+A gives slight advantage (meaty does not give extra advantage) and no pushback when in the corner.
Kage Utsushi - qcf+K - B versions has high/mid level invincibility, D version has low, allowing you to move through projectiles with the right choice. D version goes further.
Kotsu Hazaki Kiri - hcb+K - B version combos from heavy attacks, D version travels faster. Massive active frames. B version is poor on block, but when meaty gives massive frame advantage. D version starts at neutral and improves from there.
Tenba Kyaku - rdp+K - D version combos from c.D [1 hit] (only connects properly on standing). Can link normals after both, depending on the situation.

Zantetsu Nami - qcf,hcb+P - Amazing super. C version has great startup and travels fullscreen almost instantly (eating normal projectiles). Can punish a huge variety of moves from anywhere on the screen. Expect EX gauge Eiji's to spam this when they are on on low health. Combos from lights.
Zantetsu Kamakiriken - qcf,hcb+K - Combos from lights, does slightly more damage than qcf,hcb+P. SDM version switches sides and does hard knockdown.

Normal (hcb+B gives slightly better advatage on wakeup but is unsafe when blocked, qcf+A gives more meter)
- c.B, c.A, qcb+P - tends to whiff unless your jump is perfect, so omit the c.B when doing from a jump.
- far s.C/c.D [1 hit], qcf+A/hcb+B
- j.X, s.C/s.D, qcf+A/hcb+B
- c.D [1 hit], rdp+D, c.A, qcb+P - midscreen
- j.X, c.D [1 hit], rdp+D, s.C, qcf+A/hcb+B - corner
- rdp+B, s.C, qcf+A/hcb+B - corner
- c.A, s.C/s.D - link

- any of the above combos but with an (S)DM instead of the final special.

- s.C, QM, qcf,hcb+P (S)DM - this is a link
- far s.D, QM, qcf,hcb+P (S)DM
- c.B, c.A, QM, s.C/s.D, special or DM (must walk forward slightly. alternatively you can just do a single c.B and you won't have to walk forward).

Quick Dodge
c.D [1 hit], QD, qcf+A/hcb+B/qcf,hcb+K DM
j.X, s.D, QD, qcf+A/hcb+B/qcf,hcb+K DM

- meaty s.C, qcf,hcb+C
- dp+P fireball reflect, qcf,hcb+C
- dp+A counterhit, qcf,hcb+C
- j.CD counterhit, qcf,hcb+C

- j.B and j.D are crossups, j.D is an instant overhead. s.A and far s.A will whiff on crouchers.
- s.D [2 hit] can be punished or rolled during the gap between the hits when it is blocked.
- far s.D can hop over low pokes.
- c.C is good anti-air and cancellable. On counterhit it combos with qcb+P and qcf,hcb+C. A good way to set up meaty hcb+K (another way is from far s.A anti-air against hops).


I was looking for this one : D

Thank you so much

Waifu Material


To add something, if you are somewhere near the corner, or in a decent range, after the SDM with the c button, you can throw a shuriken from the air, adding 5% of damage, could be worth it

Eiji must be my main character now, I feel so secure with him, and works for me as an anti krauser

Waifu Material


Quote from: Remxi on September 30, 2010, 11:15:17 AM

- s.D [2 hit] can be punished or rolled during the gap between the hits when it is blocked.

Yup, here is a video example:

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I tested this combo, c.D, rdp + d, s.D, DM

The timing for the standing D is VERY STRICT, and this combo would not work against any female character, choi and chin

Waifu Material


Quote from: sibarraz on December 21, 2010, 06:35:53 AM

Eiji must be my main character now, I feel so secure with him, and works for me as an anti krauser

I think I'm going to start playing with him more and trying to train him up to be a good backup in my tournament teams. He's just too cheap to not use! But does anyone know any match ups that he is not good against or any visible weakness he has?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Dark Geese

Sibarraz- I wouldn't go so far as to say Eiji is Anti Krauser necessarily, if you play vs. Kula's Krauser you will see what I mean by that. If you play a patient Krauser and not a fireball spam happy one, I wouldn't say he's totally anti Krauser:


Best way to fight Krauser is to look for patterns. Now with Eiji you can rdp+d to go over low fireball, and duck high one/reflect/super fireball, but it's everything else Krauser has when close that makes him difficult to fight. One weakness Eiji has is he doesn't have a command grab!!!!

For example Eiji cannot do anything in between a blocked Krauser's Cr.Cxxrdp+D (Kyo can dp, Mu Shiki super in between the Cr.C and the rdp+d) but Eiji can do nothing but roll, and for most other holes people can punish with Krauser, Eiji cannot! Eiji cannot even punish his own St.D (in between both hits)!

There are a few characters that cannot punish Eiji's St.D!!

Desmond- As a hardcore Eiji tournament player, yes he does have some hard matchups:

Krauser, REGULAR GEESE (Eiji is weak in the corner when trapped, he has to use meter to get out of Geese's reppuken traps), Mai (speed, plus air qcb+p beats his Fb super, so you have to do qcb+p to beat that!), Clark, Iori, Kensou, CHOI (Anyone that can cross him up gives him problems, he does not have an anti-crossup special/normal that I know of!) Orochi Chris.

To beat a master Eiji player you have to have someone you can play very patient with and you have to know when Eiji has super meter and if:

1. He can reflect your fbs
2. If his fb super/qcb+p beats your specials and jumpins
3. If his qcf+p beats your projectiles.
4. If you can trade hits with him with ANYTHING.


If you do not know this then you are a sitting duck against a master Eiji player.

I love playing Eijis in ADV mode vs. my ULT mode Eiji because I feel I have the advantage with instant charge super! I've noticed the Minnesota players use Eiji in ADV mode, you limit yourself in that mode with him because you have to attack to gain meter, if you are playing an Extra groove Eiji he has the advantage immediately because anytime he lands a special he can pretty much charge 70% of his meter! So therefore the ADV Eiji would be at the mercy of the other one, and I can sit and wait all day long when I know I can charge stocks of meter at my leisure, my thing is eventually YOU WILL CRACK, you will jump, or make a mistake...and since I have stocks on command basically, I can afford to make one, but you (the ADV Eiji) CANNOT.

So EXT Eiji> ADV Eiji:

1. ADV Eiji has to attack to gain meter, doesn't have a command grab so whats to fear with him running? NOTHING. (what are you gonna do? Run then TELEPORT? LOL, that doesn't do much!)

2. So therefore ADV Eiji has to attack EXT Eiji just to get anything going, which is what EXT wants because Eiji is a shutdown character! So therefore ADV Eiji becomes TURTLE Eiji, which means ADV Eiji GETS NO METER, which again benefits EXT EIJI!!!!!


Make no mistake, Eiji is certainly top tier, but how I crush people easily with him is they get in a hurry too much or they get too predictable and are not aware of the following scenarios I have listed at ALL TIMES.  When I am playing Eiji Seriously I play him first always to set the tone and take away any and all patterns you get into. I can play the clock all day and sit and wait for you to come to me since with my ULT groove I have charging meter, which makes me be able to practically stop all projectiles and if you jump whenever I want to! I control the flow of the game, and in tournament mode Eiji-EX Geese-Krauser, that is what they do, they all control the flow of the game!


well, all the krausers that I had played are blitzball fests, so that's my experience

But yeah, a more aggresive krauser is very hard to deal with eiji

Waifu Material

Dark Geese

Quote from: sibarraz on January 20, 2011, 12:14:27 AM
well, all the krausers that I had played are blitzball fests, so that's my experience

But yeah, a more aggresive krauser is very hard to deal with eiji

Yeah Aggressive or even what I say patiently aggressive Krausers for Eiji are hard to deal with, it basically with Eiji boils down to waiting for Krauser to making a mistake and making sure you punish him for it, even if it means waiting out the entire match (like the first round I did with Kula).


In comparison to other iterations of Eiji, I hear that this one's broken, which could translate to over-powered maybe... While he's not my main in this KoF, I do use him from time to time, but I don't see anything that's ridiculous... What is it about this Eiji that makes him "broken" or "over-powered"???
I'm on FightCade!!!

Dark Geese

Quote from: jinxhand on January 20, 2011, 06:59:39 PM
In comparison to other iterations of Eiji, I hear that this one's broken, which could translate to over-powered maybe... While he's not my main in this KoF, I do use him from time to time, but I don't see anything that's ridiculous... What is it about this Eiji that makes him "broken" or "over-powered"???

I don't think he's broken or overpowered, people just do not know how to fight him. If you know how to fight him he's not broken or overpowered at all! I just listed quite a few characters that give him a hard time, with one of the main ones I'd say is CHOI, his regular and super jump evade super fireball by Eiji and it's easy to cross Eiji up with Choi, which is Choi's expertise, so Choi gives him problems.

If the people do not know how to fight Eiji, yes he will seem overpowered/broken because you can't attack a smart one the way you would everyone else, you simply cannot do that against a SMART Eiji!!!


Standing D has good priority, and is very easy to combo, you can take a trip around the world while both kicks are connecting and then connect almost anything, including DM'

His specials had amazing priority (qcb + p, qcf + a come to mind) has a good zoning game, and lots of other things

Like DG said, a patient guy could kick eiji ass, an impatient guy will get murdered, but if eiji is patient too, you could have an interesting match up, you need to force him to make mistakes

PD: I like his mix up game, but eh, maybe that's just me

Waifu Material


Yeah I'm used to the CW setups he had in XI... It's a little different in 98UM though, but I've always loved standing ;d ... I knew it could be stopped on block before the 2nd kick, but when I actually played him online one guy actually stopped it... Since I'm on that topic, what would generally be the safe option out of a blocked st. ;d ???
I'm on FightCade!!!


Quote from: jinxhand on January 20, 2011, 11:30:19 PM
Yeah I'm used to the CW setups he had in XI... It's a little different in 98UM though, but I've always loved standing ;d ... I knew it could be stopped on block before the 2nd kick, but when I actually played him online one guy actually stopped it... Since I'm on that topic, what would generally be the safe option out of a blocked st. ;d ???

Like Dark Geese said, if you don't know how to play against eiji, you're screwed, lots of guys doesn't know what to do after blocking the standing D, a move very punishable if blocked

I will dare to say that if you don't know him, he could reach krauser levels, but if you know him well, he is not that overpowered

Waifu Material

Dark Geese

Also something to think about, I don't remember but I think someone in here said you can add tigerknee air shruiken after eiji's  Fireball Super in the corner, thing is it's not really guaranteed if they tech! They can tech the Fireball super, thus it's not truly guaranteed as an OTG! Now give or take depending on how fast they tech the star could still hit them on their teching animation though!

About the blocked st. D, first off I would personally interrupt his st.D in between if you can or roll it if you don't have another option it all depends, a lot of Eijis if you don't know any better will whore hcb+D to close in on you, and you not knowing depending on their distance doing it against you you can't punish it!

Me personally vs. Eijis St.D I would interrupt it on block between the first and second hit IF YOU CAN, and you can practice this in Training mode to see what your character can do, take a look at the video Desmond put up and see what I do and realize you can do that at home to learn exactly how to fight Eiji!

Like for me, if Kula/Osmani picks Eiji and I have Geese, I am waiting for them EAGERLY to whore St.D on block. That is free Mid counter for Geese to OTG grab as well as for regular Geese free Raging Storm and command grab for BOTH.

See I know what I can and cant do vs. Eiji's St D with whoever I use and I suggest if you want to learn how to fight him you do the same!

Most Eiji's whore it because they think it cannot be punished AND/OR they know you don't know how to punish it AND/OR they know your character doesnt have any options to truly punish it;  and before long at a low level of play they know it will guardcrush you or if you don't know how to punish it they use it to hitconfirm (easy hitconfirm 1.25 seconds C'MON!) and then go into hcb+k on block, but if you know this you have a few options to punish it with meter or without.