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Dream Cancel Interviews Cafe ID!!! Submit Your Own Questions!!

Started by davidkong07, July 10, 2012, 11:17:57 PM

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Hello guys,

We'll be conducting a written interview with the KoFXIII players of Cafe ID!! We want to give you all the chance to submit your own questions. Please keep your questions relevant and appropriate. I will submit these questions to Cafe ID | Koogle, who has graciously offered to translate all of their answers for us into English.

So far, I'm planning on asking them questions about the histories of all their players and of Cafe ID itself. If you have any specific questions, feel free to just post them in this thread and most likely they will be included in this interview. The deadline to submit your questions will be Wednesday July 11th (tomorrow) by 10pm Pacific (California) Time.


You guys need to read about CafeID here: http://www.shadowloo.com/uncategorized/introducing-cafe-id
In it to win it!


Oh great, I have a few questions I'd like to ask MadKOF, but I'll just ask this one:

How did you end up with your team of DuoLon/Chin/Kim, and what about these characters do you feel makes this team so strong?


My questions are for MadKOF

-How do you evaluate the skill level of "our" players after you won Evo 2012?
-And about your compatriot (Poongko) skill level?
-Now as World Champion, do you and CafeID team want to come back to next American majors to not let Bala win next rematch against you?
-What do you like to say for brazilian players who want to play XIII?

Our =Ocidental top players from USA (Reynald and Mr.KOF), Mexico (Bala, Romance, Answer, Cha, Team Chaos) and Chile (Zeroblack and Poderoso Mauro)

P.S.: Cristu (from meltybrasil) said Verna is so beautiful XD

Hungry Color

Well this is plain awesome.

Ok, I'll bite.

1. How is the scene in Korea?
2. Do you think there are special challenges from being Korean players that Japanese or Western players don't have to deal with?
3.How do you feel about this new found rivalry between Mexico and Korea?
4. What do feel Western players, specifically American players, should do in order to step their game up other than forming a team such as you have?

I may have more later, but I don't want to get greedy.


1) How would you rate the level of international competition at EVO this year for XIII? 2) Do you feel like the international community for KOF has gotten stronger since the release of XIII? Anyways I look forward to reading the interview guys, pretty cool scoop getting them fresh off of EVO and all.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


seems to have been touched upon already, but yes I would love to know when we could expect any Cafe ID players to return stateside.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


What is the biggest difference in play-style between Korean and Western players?
Which characters are considered the best in Korea?
Were there any character choices that you were surprised to see during the finals?

Hungry Color

Quote from: Solid on July 11, 2012, 01:03:42 AMWhich characters are considered the best in Korea?

Can't believe I didn't think to ask that, and which ones they consider the worst.


My turn

-How did you guys get started for the KOF Scene?
-How do you guys train for any tournaments?
-What is the mindset when you guys came to play at EVO?
-How did you guys come prepare for EVO?
-Will you guys be attending to other tournaments in the world beside EVO?
-I'm not too sure if this is the first time you guys travel out of Korea but what was the biggest problem when you guys got out here? Was it the time differences? Sleeping schedule being wack? Food & drinks being too expensive etc

I also saw that you guys charge 10 bucks for all day with free drinks & 2 bunk beds with modern day fighting games with sick setup and thought it was sick of you guys having an Console Fighting Game center like an PC Cafe



Everybody is asking stuff about players and their way of playing, so I will be different. =P

1. What is your opinion on KOFXIII balance?
2. Do you feel the game needs some adjustments?
3. What you want to see next for SNKP and/or KOF? A revision or XIV?

Thats about it


Why Duo Lon? Is it preying on the opponent being unfamiliar with the match? He has good overall tools? Etc.

Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


What characters do you feel are being slept on by the playerbase?  Do you feel there are any characters with very good tech, but aren't popular picks?  Anyone we should watch out for?

Thanks for showing up to EVO and making the tournament better than ever!
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


How hard was it for the team to face against each other especially the elimination?

How did the team re-evaluate their loss against Team Mexico in case they will face them again in the tournament?

What would you say to other Korean players thinking of attending EVO or other tournaments?


Everyone has asked every question I would've wanted to, with one or two exceptions maybe.

-"Before coming to EVO, what did you think of the tier lists from America and other countries? Does your team put stock in the "best characters" or their favorites?"

-"Where can we order Cafeid shirts online? People are starting to ask for them."
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995