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Dream Cancel Interviews Arcade Shock | Reynald!!

Started by davidkong07, July 28, 2012, 01:07:51 AM

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Hello all,

Much like our interview with Cafe:Id, we'll be interviewing the one and only Arcade Shock Reynald! Feel free to submit your own questions to one of the best players in North America! Please keep them appropriate and relevant, and they will be included in the interview! The deadline for submitting questions will be tomorrow (Saturday) night, 10pm Pacific time!! Gogogo!!!
In it to win it!



I'm a O.G. of Fighting Games and always looking for a good fight. think you can beat me ? hit me up on xbox live. my gamer tag is, CALIBUR753


Why are you so gdlk with Hwa? Best overall Hwa strategy? Worst and best Hwa matchup? Do you think Hwa is broken? How good is CD cancel into Drunk Mode with Hwa? What drew you to use Hwa in the first place?
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Which game style do you like most? (footsies, rush down, defensive, etc.)

Which game style do you suffer against the most?

Your character picks are based on?

What's your strategy in the game?

I see you styling alot (which I really like), is it part or your mind games or you just like it?

Do you have anything to say to beginners. Any tips?


The one thing that first impressed me about Reynald was how quickly he had gotten the hang of Mr Karate days after the character was released, and was breaking people right and left with him in tournaments.

I'd like to know what drew him to the character adn what kind of training regime he put himself through to make such an effective use of him that early on.

Sure, there was the fact that his opponents might not be that familiar with the character's abilities in those early days (thus he getting away with things like landing 2 teleporting EX Shoran Kyakus in a row on a guy), but it was still interesting to see.
r/SNK - SNK news, curiosities and whatever else you want to put in there


- How did you got into the KOF Scene?

- Any thoughts of going to tournaments outside of America?

- How did you felt about the level of the international players?

- What have you learned from your EVO experience?


-His experience with other KOF's or fighters in-general, and what he's done to become so proficient in KOF XIII

-What he would look forward to in a new KOF
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


1) What do you feel sets KOF XIII apart from other modern fighting games
2) Would you like to see a new release in the KOF series in the near future or continued support for XIII?
3) If you could play a set in XIII against anyone who would it be and why?
4) What do you think is the best aspect of XIII? and what aspect do you think needs improvement (If any is needed).

Also thank you for again surveying the community and I look forward to the interview.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


Thank you for all of your questions! I'll be sending the interview to Reynald tonight, and hopefully we'll have the answers for you guys in about a week! WOOOOO!!!!
In it to win it!