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any tips vs turtlelers?

Started by kysg, July 12, 2012, 04:51:03 AM

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yea I know this sounds a bit odd, but I was out playing today in la.

My starting team is eliz, terry, robert in that order.  I like having robert in the 3rd position.

after that I switch to kim, terry, kyo.

I played a guy who was using ash, yuri and terry.  I usually beat his terry pretty quickly, but ash and yuri I dunno.  Lots of sitting in the corner, low sweeps (expected), charge motions and dp's.  hmm how do I put this.  on the 3rd run I almost punched the guy, yea not cool...

How do I put this.  With Ash, it was a lot of projectiles, I'd roll pass those, could super jump them because I'd either get swept or dp'd, lots of in the corner stuff with sweeps really annoying.  Tried jump ins with b. to std C. but I'd usually wouldn't come out. 

Yuri anti air fireball, lots of sweeps, crap random fireball special, blocked it.

Yea that is all my brain can remember, I had a really bad time, couldn't set up for combos, I would blame my troubles on the joystick but thats not a good excuse.

or I may have to spend plenty more quarters on the training mode...oiy

Mr Bakaboy

I have some problems with it here and there (especially online) but what I usually strive for is making it a mid range game. Most turtlers either want to have it a long range fight or make you start a close range fight that opens you up for counters by trying to rush in.

Closing as much space as possible without being unsafe is where I start. You want to make them feel uncomfortable, but still be safe enough not to get punished easily.  Let them feel the need to overextend themselves by either spamming fireballs (to which when you are closer punishing them before they can block again is easier) or have them move towards you to do something (baiting them becomes pretty easy when they feel trapped).

If they won't budge I use specially placed fireballs (remember spam them and you will open yourself up) to make them uncomfortable enough to do something. This requires reading what your opponent is doing but it's pretty easy to see when they are getting irritated enough to move more.

Robert and Terry are excellent mid range fighters. I use both a lot when I need to play more defensively.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Welcome to the site kysg.

For your problems with the guy's Ash and Yuri, you might consider getting mid-range or closer to Ash and attempt a vertical hop to bait Ash's flash kick if you see him crouching. Don't forget you can hop over his projectiles too; once you've got that practiced, it can be better to use instead of rolling. I usually do more hops against a lot of Yuri's many sweeps, even if it trades with Saiha (AA fireball).

If you are good with yomi and can practice Liz's counter-teleports, it's an under-utilizied ability she has. Just have to read them right. Agree 100% with Bakaboy on staying mid-range. When you've got Terry or Robert, don't be afraid to use their EX projectiles to get closer and pressure.

These are tactics I use, so hope they can come in handy for you.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


ah I see keep it mid-range, yea I was opting for a close quarters fight and yea it either ended with me with getting swept/dp'd or me just throwing the guy and me going for ambiguous roll.

just read some stuff so yea.

so yea Immediate things I'm gonna work on.
work on fireball game a bit more.  utilize slower one's.  Yea now that I think about I should have been using slower fireballs.
work on low normal chains.
work on bnb's combos as always.
work on my charge setups a bit more.
work on command throw (elizabeth)
avoid roll spam and use sparingly.
work on short hops...

I heard terry is easy to learn hard to master.  I figure I got a lot of work ahead of me to fully understand him.  Robert man, man this guy is just cool in this KOF. He ain't perfect but yea he's definitely multi-purpose.

yea elizabeth's teleport reversal I have mixed feelings on these after seeing these in action.  I seen people immediately after she teleports do low normals.

hmm you mean short hop Ash's projectiles? or normal jump? 


Quote from: kysg on July 12, 2012, 06:55:29 AM
hmm you mean short hop Ash's projectiles? or normal jump? 

I mean short hops.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


I play a lot with grab chars I lot people play turtling against them, also, I see sadly online is full of turtling-zoners

Like as replyed, keep it mid-range, and attack hoping, turtlers have panic to this, you can detect kind Ash fireball by sound, Ash "says" other thing when his fireball is low ( ;a) than  ;c, with Yuri you can attack hoping, a DP is worst for a hop and this includes Yuri.

Turtlers despair easily if you do the same, try to do the same when you have advantage, finally they will attack you, fortunately, turtlers sucks attacking and are very predecibles... and maybe they can change his bad playing style.