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Option Select Frustration

Started by DCLam, September 03, 2012, 12:02:04 AM

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Is option select a must in competitive play or can I just avoid it all together. Do I have to master the option select technique in order to play at a level with the pros or can I just completely ignore using this technique to still beat them? I’m asking this because I still don’t quite understand the purpose of option select or know the proper time to use it.

But my MAIN question is how often do pros use it? I’ve been watching pro matches on youtube and stuff but have a hard time analyzing when an option select has been executed since most people don’t turn on input display when they play. Is there a way to spot out when to expect an option select will be used by my opponent? Is there a way to tell if my opponent is about to use it like can I see it coming so I can prepare for it?

P.S. To everyone that has responded to my question, it would be nice if you could also list at the end two examples when you guys use option select the most during a match.


Option Selects are a way for you to input a response to several situations without actually guessing exactly what they are going to do.

Can't really say all that much on it, but it's there to make your life easier, as opposed to a technique you have to go out of your way to learn.

The section at the bottom of this page explains one of the most useful ones: http://wiki.shoryuken.com/The_King_of_Fighters_XIII/Systems/Attacking:_Throws_Throwteching

Don't know much else beyond that, for examples, just anytime the enemy short hops towards you and you are prepared for it, you can try an option select.

EDIT: also forgot to mention this, but if you don't expect them to hit you with something before you can get into range, I think running up and pressing  ;bk ;c or  ;bk ;d counts as an option select. if they try to block, you'll grab him, but if they jump, you can hit them with the cl.C/cl.D which one you use depends on the character, but generally you pick the one that serves as the better anti air. This is assuming of course, there's some reason they didn't try to hit you before you get to close range, maybe empty hop, or while they are waking up.


It's not a must, but I would encourage you to learn as much as you can about them. The most common one I see is when an opponent tries to empty hop you can hold back and press ;c or  ;d. You will either grab them or your close  ;c/ ;d will come out faster than their attack.
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