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Motion help (QCF after Forward)

Started by RebelOne, September 26, 2012, 12:59:09 AM

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(I'm new here, and new to KOF in general. At the moment I'm spending most of my time in practice mode, just learning the combos, learning to jump in, getting familiar with my characters' movesets, and I am gradually improving on most fronts... but there's one problem that I can't see a way around:)

When I input a QCF motion after pressing ;fd, I always get a Dragon Punch rather than a qcf move. I've looked at my inputs on practice mode, and I'm definitely inputting ;dn ;df ;fd before I press any buttons, but I still can't get anything but a DP. This is especially a problem with K', since it can turn an Ein Trigger with followup into a DP drive-cancelled into a teleport, and while I'm new at the game, I'm pretty sure that isn't worth half my drive gauge. Call it intuition. It also makes it extremely difficult to cancel a One Inch Punch (;fd + ;a with K' or Kula) into a qcf move.

I'm sure it must be possible to do a qcf after pressing ;fd, but I can't think of anything. Even inputing a hcf instead doesn't seem to help. Any advice?

(I'm also having trouble with 2xHalf-circle motions for supers; again, looking at my inputs, I can't see anything wrong, but I'm not getting the Super. My current 2nd and 3rd characters don't have supers like this, but I'd appreciate any advice on this as well.)

Thanks for any help you can give.


the f,qcf reads as both a qcf and a DP, the DP takes priority over it. end your f,qcf, with uf so it no longer reads the DP input and your qcf move should come out. So, if you were walking forward or dashing already, to get your qcf out in number format you would do 2369+A

Sir Octopus (Saiki)

It's actually simpler just to leave the direction controller at a neutral possition before inputing  ;dn ;df ;fd just need to practice it for muscle memory.


Thanks! :) Using the ;uf method, I'm at least able to get a qcf in combos, or after ;fd-based command normals, though I'm still having trouble with more spontaneous situations.

Still, it seems like a weird design choice. I mean, it's pretty awkward, and having to constantly check that you haven't pressed forward before you do a qcf motion, lest you get a move that's (usually) completely unsafe and easy to punish (and that's ignoring the whole K' drive cancel issue), is just... bad. Is there any time where you'd actually want a DP motion to have priority over a QCF?


Quote from: RebelOne on September 28, 2012, 11:52:12 PM
Thanks! :) Using the ;uf method, I'm at least able to get a qcf in combos, or after ;fd-based command normals, though I'm still having trouble with more spontaneous situations.

Still, it seems like a weird design choice. I mean, it's pretty awkward, and having to constantly check that you haven't pressed forward before you do a qcf motion, lest you get a move that's (usually) completely unsafe and easy to punish (and that's ignoring the whole K' drive cancel issue), is just... bad. Is there any time where you'd actually want a DP motion to have priority over a QCF?
yeah it is pretty awkward at first, but i think its better the way it is. once you get more used to the game, you will not have to check to make sure if you walked forward, ran, or still have a forward input buffered before your qcf... you will be able to feel and know these things as they happen.

f,qcf is really just a DP input with a  ;fd added at the end. im not sure where this input priority originated or if this is why, but a lot of people naturally do their DPs this way. i think having the QCF take priority over DP would cause more issues than the way it is now. people would be having more trouble with accidental QCFs than they would be now with accidental DPs.