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[NOV 17, 2012] EFL Presents: The King of Iron Fresh Tournament!

Started by Halfro, September 25, 2012, 02:09:21 AM

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The EFL has been dormant lately, this is well known to all. The EFL was dumped into a volcano, with no regrets.

Not like this...not like this.........

Taking a dip in a live Volcano is no small matter but, We are back and will see this league back to it's former glory. Break time is over. There are DORYA'S that need landing, tournaments that need winning.

A tournament that has been ten years in the making, Tekken Tag 2 comes home and Colorado will meet it in grand fashion. Working with City Hall, we have put together one of the best events we have set up to date and the only thing missing is you, the league itself. We have a bar ( with bartender) and pool tables in the venue IN ADDITION to the games (of course). By making this event a success (read: LARGE TURNOUT EVERYONE GET TO THE VENUE!) we can secure future events at this venue, help represent the EFL and make it a point to make it to this tournament!

Tournament information:

Date: 11/17/2012
Time: 11:30AM - 8PM
Venue fee: $10
Per game: $10
Games: TTT2, MvC3, KOF, SFAE, P4A
Address: CIty Hall - 1144 Broadway Denver, CO 80203  

Venue includes: Bar and pool tables
There will be a door guy (must be 18 or older to get in)



Pot Bonuses:
TTT2 - $1000
UMVC3 - $250
SF4AE - $100
KOF - $100
P4A - $100

This Saturday, we shall see if Pedro will regret adding that 100 dollars to KOF pot! :D


All games are 2/3 matches all the way to Finals. Unless otherwise posted.
Winners/Losers and Grand Finals are 3/5 matches.
Double elimination format ( you need to lose 2 sets to be eliminated)


Tekken Tag 2 (PS3)
3 rounds
2/3 games
THE NEWEST DLC CHARACTERS ARE BANNED ( Dr. Bosconovitch, Unknown and Violet)

UMvC3 (360)
3/5 games all the way. Finals are still 3/5.
Normal rules

2/3 games
Normal rules

2/3 games
Normal rules

2/3 games
Normal rules


Top 3 for each game will be paid out. Any pot bonus will be added on top of first places 70% (except for Tekken Tag).

Break down:
1st - 70% (plus the pot bonus)
2nd - 20%
3rd - 10%

Tekken Tag 2 will be:
1st - $1000
2nd - 70% (of the pot)
3rd - 30% (of the pot)

So here's my list of people bringing setups. A "setup" is games,monitor and system (power cords and HDMI cable). We listed the game we'll need with each system but that could change come Saturday. As in we might have to use a system for MvC3 and then later change it to AE if needed. Please let me know if you're bringing a setup and you dont see your name.
Please make sure you update all your games before Saturday. We need the latestest versions for all games.

Please be there at 11AM if you're bringing a setup. We need to have everything ready by 11:30AM.

XBOX 360
Vic - MvC3
BigD - MvC3
Recon - MvC3
Pro One - P4A
Aurawind - P4A
Fox - AE
Stikfga - AE
Chavelo - KOF
Pedro - KOF
Rutt Ross - AE/MvC3

Vic - tag2
Skillz - tag2
Pixel - tag2
9inchsamurai - tag2
Oilyeye - tag2