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Robert Combos

Started by shinefist, December 09, 2011, 03:06:38 AM

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yeah haha I tried that out as soon as you mentioned it to David. Believe me when I say I was utterly shocked at how simple it was and even moreso that I failed to see it before. True, very similar damage for less work. At the very least, the combo I posted serves the purposes of corner carry and at the end you have the option of using less meter (canceling into regular ranbu or lightning legs) if you're strapped for stocks or if you just want to be conservative.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


In most cases, if I know either combo will kill, of course I would go for the simpler one. Still, one has to be aware of positioning when you're using the dp > fireball > dm > neomax combo, since dp+A DC qcf+A will whiff if you're too close to the corner, which means only the super > neomax will hit, for okay damage. Just not as good as it could've been. Also, of course there's still the versatility aspect in that if you realize mid-combo you can kill with less than 3 meters, you have the option to, whereas with the simple one, you just have to commit to using all 3 meters as soon as you hit the DM.

Still, I find the full corner carry to be very easy. I also think it gives you time to get a quick glance at your position on the stage, and if you're too close to the corner, you can switch to a different combo after the EX Divekick.

I find it strange that David Kong didn't know about the easy HD combo though, it's been in the SRK wiki since I started playing Robert a few months ago...


the thing about being a Robert player is that you have to know how to optimally convert from anywhere given your stocks. The unique and unfortunate thing about Robert HDs is that you have to be extremely keen on where you are on screen, since the slightest miscalculation will lead to a huge drop. It seems like the closer you are to the corner the less likely you will make these kind of mistakes, but once you're there your options are many.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


Quote from: MezzoForte on July 27, 2012, 08:16:47 PM
yeah haha I tried that out as soon as you mentioned it to David. Believe me when I say I was utterly shocked at how simple it was and even moreso that I failed to see it before. True, very similar damage for less work. At the very least, the combo I posted serves the purposes of corner carry and at the end you have the option of using less meter (canceling into regular ranbu or lightning legs) if you're strapped for stocks or if you just want to be conservative.

Yeah his damage scaling is all over the place. Like you'll have combo A which does more damage than combo B but once you try to start each of the combos from a jump in then all of a sudden combo B becomes the more powerful one.

Still, as long as you know what you're doing his damage output is actually pretty good outside of HD. I think he's one of those characters that can easily be played without HD.

Less is usually more with him when it comes to combos.

Quote from: AirLancer on July 28, 2012, 10:25:20 AM
In most cases, if I know either combo will kill, of course I would go for the simpler one. Still, one has to be aware of positioning when you're using the dp > fireball > dm > neomax combo, since dp+A DC qcf+A will whiff if you're too close to the corner, which means only the super > neomax will hit, for okay damage. Just not as good as it could've been.

That's why I mentioned excluding the qcf+A. You can go into the Ranbu straight after the dp and still end up with over 800 dmg.


Another thing is that if you don't confirm off of a heavy, the most you'll get off DM > Neomax is 750ish. With the full 3 meter HD combos off c.B c.A f.B you can still get over 800 damage in the corner. This is mostly due to loveliness of EX Geneikyaku and how it still does mean damage even when fully scaled. (Numbers might be a bit off, but that's about where I remember from when last I was testing things)

Also, regardless of if the fireball hits, Robert's ranbu will still hit when close enough to the corner. So really, there's no reason not to throw the fireball unless you have trouble canceling it into DM.

Later tested. Off c.B c.A f.B damage for simple HD dp, fireball, dm, neomax is 772, while optimized was 815.
dp, dm, neomax 727
dp+c, fireball, dm, neomax 737

On another note:

4 Meters + HD 950~ Damage Corner

j.D, s.C, f.B, HD, s.C xx dp+C, DC, qcb+BD, qcf+P, dp+C, DC, qcf+C, dp+A, DC, qcb+K, dp+C, DC, qcf+A, fbf+BD, DC, qcfhcb+BD

Leave off the 2nd f.B to give just enough time for Robert to cancel EX Geneikyaku into NeoMAX.