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Kizuna Encounter!

Started by LouisCipher, September 29, 2012, 11:13:24 PM

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It's back! The greatest tag fighter that no one's played!

Kizuna Encounter

And it's on GGPO finally!

Play it in the Unsupported rooms. Make a zip file (put something in it, anything like a text file) name it Unsupported. Add this savestate: http://www.mediafire.com/?b50aow0pz6t6q9n and have the rom and bam!

Shoutouts to Jedpossum!
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Universal FAQ:

Throw                  f/b + WA close
Throw Soften           f/b + WA  just as you timing is actually kind of are being thrown tight on this
Dash Forward           f, f
 Halt                 b
Dash Backward          b, b
 Halt                 f

Recover Forward        f, f after hitting the
Recover Back           b, b after hitting the
Side Step              P+K                        invulnerable for a second
Sway                   f + P+K                    can sway past opponent if
                                                   close enough; invulnerable
                                                   for a second

Air Block              ub/u/uf, b
Block High             b
Block Low              db                         will not block overheads

Tag Out                T when in your tag zone    the character on the sideline
                                                   has their lifebar
                                                   regenerate VERY slowly
Taunt                  WA+T

Universal Overhead     K+WA                       overhead
Universal Low          df + P                     must be blocked low
Guard Cancel           qcf + P immediately after blocking the opponent's attack

Character Desperation  hcb, f + P when your lifebar will flash lifebar is flashing once your initial lifebarred is depleted

Surprise Attack        b, d, db + P in your       dash in must connect (not tag zone when your  blocked) to perform the lifebar is flashing  entire maneuver; your red lifebar will flash once your initial lifebar is depleted
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Personal Tier list:

S: Kim
A+: Rosa, King Lion, Gozu
A: Hayate
B+: Mezu
B: Eagle
C: Gordon
D: Chung, Joker
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I love the combos in this game but I for my life could never bother to learn it more

Waifu Material


It's a pretty deep game. Deeper than you would think anyway.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


There was already a topic for this... but it seems you already knew that :(


Really? I did a quick search and didn't see it.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.



Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.