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On which title (fighting) should SNKp work after they finish XIII?

Started by Eripio69, October 21, 2010, 12:13:05 PM

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On which title (fighting) should SNKp work after they finish XIII?

The king of fighters XIV
11 (16.4%)
Neo Geo battle coliseum 2
9 (13.4%)
25 (37.3%)
Maximum impact 3
4 (6%)
SVC Chaos 2
4 (6%)
New Samurai Shodown
9 (13.4%)
5 (7.5%)

Total Members Voted: 67


If a Samsho game were to be made, they need to get that inkblot style that they used where the strokes were bold and it felt like one were looking at art moreso than a fighting game... I liked the music in Tenkaichi Kenkakuden, but bring back those heavy Taiko drums also!!!
I'm on FightCade!!!


I wish for Snk to continue with sequel of King of Fighters Maximum Impact. I prefer 3D games mostly for some reason, but I wouldn't want it "beginner like" in game play and to be more smooth in the animations.


Quote from: Lygophilia on January 27, 2011, 01:21:08 AM
I wish for Snk to continue with sequel of King of Fighters Maximum Impact. I prefer 3D games mostly for some reason, but I wouldn't want it "beginner like" in game play and to be more smooth in the animations.

Strangely enough, alot of people wanted that series to continue, but without Falcoon (who I think was kinda heading the whole thing), the game was discontinued... Matter o' fact, I believe him mentioning that it was no longer gonna be made was the last thing done right after he mentioned MoTW being 80-something percent complete, and ultimately right before leaving the company...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Mr Bakaboy

I like this topic wish I got in on it sooner. Personally I wish SNK/Playmore would tweak the titles they already have and re-release them like the UM series. SVC Chaos rebalanced (with a contract that lets Capcom do the same on their side) add a few moves and maybe even a new character or two and I would be thrilled. Sam Sho VI and KOF XI getting the same treatment (though Sam Sho VI already has a ton in it already) would be nice.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Assuming they're still around after KOF13 is released for consoles... Garou 2. I'd like to see a fusion between Garou and Real Bout 2's system mechanics. Line-sway meets Just Defend. After that, a new Samurai Shodown modeled after SS V SP.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on May 17, 2011, 06:11:06 AM
Assuming they're still around after KOF13 is released for consoles... Garou 2. I'd like to see a fusion between Garou and Real Bout 2's system mechanics. Line-sway meets Just Defend. After that, a new Samurai Shodown modeled after SS V SP.

If they do another Samsho, they need to keep Andrew... He was my favorite new character since Mina...
I'm on FightCade!!!


andrew is one of the worst characters in ss imo, hes one of the ones that needs to go asap. basically ss2 cast mixed with ss4 cast, asura and shiki, mina without weird ass lil doll. i wouldnt mind seeing some of the good designs in the failed games either, like the dude from the psx version of wariors rage, the blond one with the special sword. theres more cool designs in that, also some of the designs in sss where good as well (spear chick etc). and i forgot 7 sword dude made by kenshin creator (from ss5).

2 anime/manga characters would be nice as well, manji from blood of the immortal and tessai from ninja scroll would fit perfectly in the SS world imo.

also new characters that dont suck (im looking at you andrew).

problem is that this doesnt seem realistic, new HD 2d SS would be the the hottest shit ever, especially if they dont fuck it up in the gameplay department (shit i would have made better games than the last batch of ss games from snkp). the costs would be skyhigh to make it look that good and be in 2d, which is a shame. i dont understand why they dont just make the animations themselves, and all the animations in between outsourced to some cheap korean or chinese company? if they make the most important animation in say a fb or dp, they make 3 or 4. have a cheap team do the animations in between that look a lot like the aniations before them and let them add 4 or 5 more, problem solved and the art wont suffer.

edit: me and my lil bros had an idea for snk since mid 90's or even early 90's that would have made snk square and nintendo money. and it still could do that today, and i wonder why they themselves never thought about it?

snk sports game, featuring characters from their most famous series and every characters having multiple specials in every sport in the game. characters like terry and yamazaki, fio and pulstar chick. lots of sports in arcade style, basketball, beach volleybal, tennis and what not. have terry do a real powerdunk and its all good imo. this is a guaranteed win (makes them $$) and not too costly either. let alone mad fun if handled right, add the fact that theyd make all their forgotten characters popular again to a newer generation. it should be super deformed as well.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!

Mr Bakaboy

^ I think right now it's more realistic to just see re-releases like the UM series considering the success of them and how much they probably cost to build in the first place. I would love to see the HD treatment as well, but know it's far fetched considering the state Playmore is in. Personally I just want to see a decent Sam Sho online (with decent netcode). It's making me miss Sam Sho V.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


I wouldn't mind if they just made UM games for the next few years to be honest. I don't think they have the staff as of now though, they have maybe 10 people in the game division? The UM games have done well, are low-cost and cater to that niche in Asia.

I've said it before, but these are the UM games I'd like to see:

Real Bout 2: They wouldn't have to do much; remove infinites, fix the lag on Sokaku's stage (I think this was fixed in the PS2 port), nerf the god tiers, add Alfred and White from Dominated Minds as playable characters but balance them out.

Either Samurai Shodown V SP or 6 UM: I could take either/or. All V SP needs is Suija to get nerfed, add tech throws, keep it gory. They could add characters from SS6. I don't think it would happen due to some internal policy over there, somehow I imagine the CEO's committing hari kari before they release V SP uncensored. As for 6; I heard it was pretty balanced, just add new backgrounds, new music... in fact just redo all the music and backgrounds, and add fatalities. They might redraw the sprites like in NGBC.

Last Blade 3: They could just cannibalize the sprites from the last 2 games, make them HD like in NGBC.Add 5 or so new characters, keep the Deflection, make it balanced. Done.

Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Yeah I wouldn't be mad if they came out with a remastered Samsho Tenkaichi Kenkakuden... Have the stages for all Samsho's, and music, and tone down some characters, as well as beef up some characters (Genjyuro especially)...

I think the story with LB is complete, so technically, there couldn't be a part 3 I think...

MOTW:UM would be dope!!! No questions asked!!! Just get that hype going for it, and beef that netcode so the heads in US and EU don't write it off as garbage... Add alternate outfits that can be selected, and some returning characters, and its gold!!!
I'm on FightCade!!!


Bring Rage of the Dragons and KOF 98UMFE to DLC and improve the neogeo psn library.

And yeah... Garou MOTW 2 ftw!!


rage of the dragons didnt look too bad, but the game was still pretty mediocre.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


The thing i liked the most about ROTD was the characters designs, since the game has like zero chance to get a sequel, i would like to see some of its characters in a future KOF game, ala the guests guys from KOF XI.

Only after adding the characters people request the most, of course.


Well half my wish granted. http://dreamcancel.com/?p=1023

Also, Matrimelee with Prince of Certain Country (Sissy's older brother) could use a home port.

Mr Bakaboy

Quote from: jinxhand on May 24, 2011, 12:45:49 AMMOTW:UM would be dope!!! No questions asked!!! Just get that hype going for it, and beef that netcode so the heads in US and EU don't write it off as garbage... Add alternate outfits that can be selected, and some returning characters, and its gold!!!

I wouldn't mind it, but again far fetched (kinda like my SVC UM) especially since xbox already has it on there titles list no matter how shitty the netcode is. It pisses me off cause just a simple netcode patch and it would probably start selling again, but no one wants to invest in that.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"