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Maxima (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, July 27, 2010, 03:49:53 AM

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Quote from: SAB-CA on May 25, 2011, 08:52:26 AM
That brings me to a question:

Do the normal and EX version of Double Vapor Cannon have full body guard point? Could you use them aganist sweeps?

If so, I could see them being very useful VS whiffed  ;df;c punishes.

I vaguely recall beating out a normal Double Vapor Cannon with a normal, most likely a sweep so I don't think it'll work. If I'm remembering this correctly I did a sweep, they did a Double Vapor Cannon, and then they fell down ;). My memory is fuzzy so I'd take this with a grain of salt until someone better comes in.


So in my quest to learn how to play every character I decided to start using Maxima. I know it's possible to DC the follow up of his command grab but I can't seem to get it. I'm trying to get a qcb+AC but it won't connect. Does the strength of the command grab I use before the follow up matter?

Rex Dart

Technically, the grab itself isn't DC-able. It's the follow-up (qcb+P) that you can DC.

So the strength of the grab doesn't matter.


Ah okay, that's a good explanation about why the strength doesn't matter. Never thought of it that way. I'm assuming the button I use for the follow up doesn't matter does it?

@Kane: Whenever I tried to drive cancel into the EX Vapor Cannon it whiffed for some reason. I'll give it a couple more shots before I post about it again haha.


Quote from: Rex Dart on June 03, 2011, 12:15:02 PM
Technically, the grab itself isn't DC-able. It's the follow-up (qcb+P) that you can DC.

So the strength of the grab doesn't matter.

My memory is foggy but I remember something like you can [SC] into a DM but you can only [DC] into his Ex Vapor Cannon.  I have seen them [DC] into dp+K but I dunno if it's a particular strength etc...


Ok here is the deal with Maxima, you can DC or SC after his command grab but here are the scenarios.

qcb+b: you can can do follow up qbc+P and after the follow up you can super cancel into qcf+Px2. 1 drive 1 Super. That is the only follow up you can do off his normal command grab.

qcb+bd[EX]:  Here you have a few different choices, you can follow up qcb+p and super cancel just like the scenario above or after the follow up you can cancel to EX qcb+p this will cause them to bounce of the wall. The last one is you can cancel the follow up to dp+b.

Remember all this cancels off the command grab are done after the follow up so you'll be doing command grab (ex or normal) to follow up qcb+p and than the DC or SC of your choice.


Oh okay so the strength of the grab you do beforehand does affect whether or not you get the follow up. I was trying it off the B/D grab, no wonder I couldn't get the ex Vapor Cannon to connect. Thanks a lot man!

Rex Dart

Sorry I lied to you.  :(


It's alright man! Honest mistake. I hope.


You are welcome, If you are doing normal version, it doesn't matter if you use b or d.


Gonna be heading to my local Arcade, Southtown, and I'll practice my Maxima press. Cheers to Maxima!


Sorry for the double post. I wanted to ask a bit about some footage I saw. I saw a player, acho I think, grab someone with a Maxima press. Instead of going for the follow up, he opted to let the opponent wall splat and roll behind him.

The avatar got back up, and just as he did, Maxima did a hop B. The player blocked, but the Maxima player landed and did d.A, d.B (hit), d.A into a EX vapor cannon. My question is what is the timing for this? How do I pull this off and if there are any visual cues or times I should take note of.


Were you referring to this from the page before?

Just study the video, hop B as they're getting up; it's a pretty standard crossup but a sweet setup nonetheless.


Reposting this from the Vid thread, because I think it could be useful to future/potential Maxima Players.

2011-06-18 KOF XIII 第3回関西対抗戦 兵庫 VS Kyoto Final Part1

He basically turned Maxima into Raiden! He made him nearly impossible to approach, changing the opponents gameplay style. He answered almost every jump-in with a fantastic anti-air throw. He had people afraid to approach him. He basically forced each opponent to play the game by a different set of rules than you would use aganist any other character, by exploiting his strengths in frustrating ways.

Just so many great moments! Auto-guarding invincible reversals, absorbing wakeup DPs, crossing up K' fantastic jump game, devouring No. 17's Shen Woo (I was suprised; he made it much harder for Shen to work than I expected!), using the buffed Guardpoints on stand ;d to totally throw off Raiden's jumping assaults, mixing people up so that they tried to reversal in the gaps of Block string -> ;c Vapor KANNUN...

It's a side of Maxima that we don't normally get to see in video, but it's all a very big part of his design. If you're willing to play risky, he can toss himself into situations that no other character makes sense in, and come out on top.


i will play risky damn it, lol.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!