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Dealing with Athena

Started by DoctaMario, November 15, 2012, 04:05:54 AM

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Re: Using King against Athena - I feel King can survive a fireball war for a while, since depending on the Athena you're playing they're bound to throw a reflector in between somewhere. Once you condition Athena to use it you can punish it with D Tornado Kick. EX Tornado Kick also blows through normal Psycho Balls. Neither is safe on block so space it well and make good reads.

Pretty sure King can punish Light Phoenix Arrow on block with EX Surprise Rose.

Athena is generally really good at punishing bad jumps too, so with any character you also want to get used to the distances you can safely hop / hyperhop Psycho Balls without eating a follow-up DP (superjumping generally doesn't work against Athena). You may even bait a few DPs this way, at which time go crazy on her.

Also like sammy said you can use air Venom Strikes to alter King's air trajectory and avoid fireballs. Athena won't getting meter if her fireballs never hit you. :)
360: Ryujinflame, playing XIII