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When will we see...? (General suggestions thread)

Started by Anakron, July 27, 2010, 06:12:31 PM

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I resurrect this topic because i can't mark all messages as read, it appears this message:

An Error Has Occurred!
Unable to verify referring url. Please go back and try again.

I can swear there was a thread about this problem, but couldn't find it, or maybe i'm going blind.


I had to monkey around with some settings trying to get the SMF>Wordpress bridge working again. I've restored the settings to the way they were so this error should be solved.


Nilcam, sorry buddy, i know i'm being a pain in the ass, but after your previous message (of this thread) , everything went normal for some hours, then the same problem again.

This problem appears on IE, but with FireFox things are normal, and for some time i will use my brother's PC so it's IE only with it.


It has something to do with cookies. Do you know if he has them turned off or something? Which version of IE?


EDIT : Yup, it looks like it's them damned cookies, i'm using IE 9 (9.0.8112.16421), i enabled the cookies, then deleted them , and i could mark forums read only once, tried to do again, and the same problem.

One thing , i can mark forums read in the forums (like social club for example), but in the main forum page it appears that error.

EDIT2: I did the same thing, enable and delete cookies, and it appears all is solved, need to make some tests before bothering you again :\

Thanks for the tip nilcam.


Thanks for helping me figure that problem out. I thought it might be cookies when I got that error on a fresh install of Chrome.


Is there any way to make when you receive a message more dynamic?  I tend to not even notice I've received one until like 30 minutes or more later because I don't even notice.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Sadly, there is not. I've looked for this before and just rechecked. The notification system is the best thing about SRK's new forum software.



An increase in posts for page would be great. Was a bit of an adjustment coming to DC when I was previously used to Gaf page lengths.

Is this something we can do?

Too bad re: PM notifications. I think this is what is being asked by Saitsuofleaves, but would it be possible to have the link (or the button) show up in orange? Should be a fairly straight forward java script addition.
So this way we are avoiding a pageload upon message receipt which I think would be hard to handle, but at least when a page does get loaded via user action, the presence of mail becomes pretty obvious.


I would really like 40+ per page if at all possible.


Hmm... I would like the board to be wider or at least depending on the monitor resolution for it to stretch and allow more to show. Dunno if that is problematic to do or not.