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KoF Rookie Tournament [Milpitas Golfland, Milpitas, California]

Started by Reiki.Kito, December 17, 2012, 09:45:42 AM

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Bringing KoF back to South Bay! All that is required is venue. Pot bonus brought to you by NorCal KOF players looking to get new people into the latest installation in the series: King of Fighters XIII

New players are welcome. Top players in KOF XIII are encouraged NOT to enter the tournament, but are welcome to play casuals! If all goes well, we'll do this every month!

Game �" The King of Fighters XIII

Platform: Sony Playstation 3
Location: Milpitas Golfland - 1199 Jacklin Rd, Milpitas, CA
Start Date: Friday, January 4th, 2013
Start Time: 7pm Registration, 8pm Start time
End Time:TBA (+/- an Hour)
Entry Fee: $8 venue, pot provided
Max Entries: 32
Prizes: 70/20/10% of the pot for 1st/2nd/3rd Place (pots are paid out at the conclusion of each session)
Tournament format: Double Elimination - 2/3 matches for all matches except Grand Finals (3/5)

More rules TBA.


Quote from: Reiki.Kito on December 17, 2012, 09:45:42 AM
New players are welcome. Top players in KOF XIII are encouraged NOT to enter the tournament, but are welcome to play casuals! If all goes well, we'll do this every month!

I hope so too!! This will be a wonderful way to start off the new year!


... "Top players in KOF XIII are encouraged NOT to enter the tournament"?... Why?


Why aren't "top" players allowed to enter the tournament? What constitutes as a "top" player?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Regular tournament attendees of any venue for KoF XIII in our region are going to be discouraged from playing because they'll likely discourage new players from participating in the event. However, they're invited to play casuals.

Let me run some statistics for you. At Southtown Arcade, our average attendance to our Sunday tournament was on the slip. From one season to the next, we lost more and more people. The reason? The skill gap. They didn't even come to play casual events. Right now, although there were atleast 5 or so players in the area near Starbase arcade, none of them showed. It's a waste of money for them. That's the reality. We played round robin because we only had 6 players who bothered. That's fact.

I'll give you another example. More than a year ago was the last arcade version tournament for KoF XIII. The owner and I put in an additional 50 dollars each (100+) into the pot. I posted everywhere I could an shamelessly advertised the last day to play arcade version KoF. Only 10 people showed, all regulars.

When events were run in the area of my choosing, nobody showed up. Why? Nobody played the game, therefore there was no money. See the trend? Although new players would like to play it competitively, there's nothing drawing them to play. There's no ignition. Although it's not a lot of money, 100 dollars into a pot just for players to try out the game is a draw. They're not wasting money because it's not their money to waste.


I see the point of running a rookie-only tournament, but I'd still have more pro-level players involved in some way. For members who are constantly on the Runback, see if one can make an appearance and let him challenge the rookie winner. It'd be a nice pipe-dream to see veteran players who want to put in the time training rookies who would dedicate themselves to learning and being mentored, and show off the results in a tournament.

In any event, I really hope this works out for you; but I hope you find a way to include more players into it or similar stuff. The most important thing should be it's KOF centric.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Well, I'm hoping to have 4 casual stations. I invited top players to play casuals and just be general faces that people have seen on stream. We could do an exhibition match, but this is also based on other people.

The problem with that is I have to depend on the kindness of others to do something for no profit. For some people, that's not going to fly and I don't want to suggest anything that I do not directly control or not directly responsible for delivering.

That's the kind of problem I want to avoid on a first impression. If it succeeds and more people throw support behind it, I'll do more stuff! Right now, I have few supporters in my area as displayed on KOFcast "Super Desperation Radio".


 6-man Round Robin Results

1. Thrustin (Clark, K', Ex Kyo, Kyo) 5 W - 0 L
2.NewbTrait (Yuri, Kensou, Takuma) 4 W - 1 L
3. Nick_LamBORGHINI (Mr. Karate, Ex Iori, Kula, Takuma) 3 W - 2 L