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Duo Lon (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, October 27, 2010, 06:28:12 AM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

* = EX version possible

;fd / ;bk + ;c / ;d

Command Moves
;fd + ;a (ground or air) = Genmu Ken *

;fd + ;b (ground or air) = Genmu Kyaku *

Special Moves
;qcf + ;b / ;d = Hike Kyaku Zen *

;qcb + ;b / ;d = Hike Kyaku Ushiro *

;qcb + ;a / ;c = Juon Shikon *

;qcf + ;a / ;c (x3) = Suteki Juryu *

Desperation Moves
;qcb ;hcf + ;a / ;c = Genmu Bakko Shikon

;hcb x 2 + ;a ;c = Juon Ko Ha

Duo Lon's Wiki entry.

Console changes:
*Hit stun on EX f.A is adjusted. It is possible to combo with a strong attack or qcb.A after EX f.A.
*EX rekka can be cancelled with a special or greater
*fb frames have been adjusted. It is now easier to include the weak version in attacks strings and combos as it is faster.
*f.B can be cancelled by super or greater
-Damage adjusted on NM from 400 to 480

f.B, aside from one shot cancels, the following is also possible: f.A>qcb.B>f.B>super ,so a f.A intitiated hit confirm combo. His fb is now easier to leave on the screen so coordinate attacks with it on the screen.


EDIT: -Kane317
Hijacking Zabel's post to list a bunch of links of competent Duo Lon players.  Personally, I found studying these videos very helpful when trying to learn this bizarre character.  Some of them are actual matches, and some of links of specific points in a match, basically points of interests like cool setups and so forth. All of the links are have all been posted before but most of them are in lost in the video thread or in this very thread so I felt it more useful to compile them together.  Some matches are very amazing and some still need to be sorted thru so this is a work in progress.

インフィニティ (Infinity)'s Duo Lon
1.2011 02-26 KOF XIII(Ver1.1) KCE公開動画 その264  アニメ杯 Part2
2.2011 02-26 KOF XIII(Ver1.1) KCE公開動画 その264  アニメ杯 Part3
3.2011 02-26 KOF XIII(Ver1.1) KCE公開動画 その264  アニメ杯 Part6
4.2011 02-26 KOF XIII(Ver1.1) KCE公開動画 その268  アニメ杯 Part7
5.2011-05-22 KOF XIII KCE公開動画 その281第2回アニメ杯1-4 Pretty tricky in confusing opponent

Tenka’s DuoLon
1.2011 02-26 KOF XIII(Ver1.1) KCE公開動画 その271  アニメ杯 Part10
2.2011 02-26 KOF XIII(Ver1.1) KCE公開動画 その271  アニメ杯 Part10 Cool setup
3.2011 04-24 KOF XIII カーニバル 大会動画-part8
4.2011-05-22 KOF XIII KCE公開動画 その281第2回アニメ杯1-4 Cool mixup

No.17 (Kunio)’s DuoLon
1.No.17 vs Mr Kof
2.AA 4/9/11 Part 9 - Reynald vs Kunio
3.CMD.Duc vs No.17
4.No.17 vs Pepe
5.Romance vs No.17

U-Rashia (Uラシア)
1.No.3 a-cho KOF13 1on1大会終了後 野試合
2.KOF XIII ふわふわ対戦 Round5 Uラシア vs とも@KP
3.KOF XIII ふわふわ対戦 Round6 Uラシア vs SHIMA
4.KOF XIII ふわふわ対戦 Round7 Uラシア vs SHIMA

Bala’s DuoLon
1.Bala vs Pepe

Need to sort thru:
1.KOF13 (KOF XIII)1on1大会(2010.11.28)
2.2010 1127 新宿カーニバル KOF XIII Ratio March Part2-2
3.No.1 a-cho KOF13 1on1大会終了後 野試合
6.KOF13 Combo video - Ash/Elizabeth/Duo Lon/Shen Woo
7.KOF XIII KCE公開動画 その242 まったり対戦1-2
8.KOF XIII KCE公開動画 その243 まったり対戦2-1
9. NEW! No.1 a-cho KOF合同大会 第3回カッザガーデン「KOF13」終了後 野試合(7m30s) <--Another basic setup into HD.
10. NEW! No.1 a-cho KOF合同大会 第3回カッザガーデン「KOF13」終了後 野試合  (9m30s) <--Similar setup but you can see him clearly walking forward to make the hop B --> air.f+B connect.
11.2011-08-15 KOF XIII(Ver1.1) 8/15 地域対抗戦 【前編】 <-- Use of vertical C as an anti air...

Someone who can write Japanese please type up his name!
1.2011-05-22 KOF XIII KCE公開動画 その289第2回アニメ杯2-4

Another mystery "Ash, Athena and Duo Lon" player
1.のほほんと野試合 KOF13編 No.05-①
2.のほほんと野試合 KOF13編 No.05-②
3.のほほんと野試合 KOF13編 No.03 One of the few times seeing a j.B --> air.f+B --> HD
4.のほほんと野試合 KOF13編 No.05-③ A semi different HD combo ender

Duo Lon setups and a new corner HD variation for DL
KOF XIII 実用コンボ動画集 PART2
KOF XIII 実用コンボ動画集 PART4

Quote from: Zabel on October 28, 2010, 09:38:41 PM
Couple quick questions

What are the properties of Lon's EX J. Genmu Ken &  Genmu Kyaku? Any invincibility, extra hitstun, crossup potential or anything?

How fast is his  Juon Ko Ha?

And how easy is it to fake his whiff St. C into crossup Suteki Juryu or is it just not possible?


if i'm not mistaken, his neomax is a command grab. meaning, instant.
KoF XIII... Needs more Angel, Vanessa and Blue Mary! ^^


In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


I heard it was a counter move. Dunno.


Duolon's NM is a command throw.


A couple questions:

1.  Does Duo-Lon have any cross-up?

2.  If you combo into his air Genmu Kyaku from another air normal, does it still need to be blocked high?

Rex Dart

Air Genma Kyaku always hit mid, regardless of whether it was comboed or not.

Normal Genma Kyaku and Air Genma Kyaku should probably be listed as different moves, since their hit detection, damage and EX properties are different.


Technically, Genmu Ken and Genmu Kyaku aren't command moves either even though they act like they are. Even the Target Action mode counts them as Special Moves and EX Special Moves whenever I play Duolon in single player.


Wanted to discuss Duo's BnB

AFIK its
cr ;a -  cr ;a - Suteki Juryu (Rekka x3) - dash (forgot which one it is) -  ;a (the last  ;a resets)

You can see this player use it constantly in this video, and when I picked him up it seems to be his only real combo. I could be mistaken though because I haven't gone to the lab with him yet.


You can see how the dash cancel at the end sets Duo for more pressure, resets, and mix ups and can also be used as an end to a blockstring . I really want to know if he has any cross-ups or solid overheads before I go down to AI again ^0^


Some ground options I know:
;dn ;b (x2), ;dn ;df ;fd  ;a or ;c (x3),  ;dn ;df ;fd ;b,  ;a (reset)
;dn ;b (x2), ;a,  ;fd ;a

Air options:
normal/super jump, ( ;b,  ;fd ;b)


Quote from: Aenthin on December 07, 2010, 02:09:48 PM
Air options:
in air, ( ;b,  ;fd ;b)

Specifically it has to be j.B or hyper j.B.  The hop B versions don't cancel. I'm no longer sure, I need to test this.  UPDATE: All of his 4 jumps cancel (non-D of course).


thanks so I got the bnb right, but I didnt know that air combo. Ive seen his stretched fist and shadow kick thing combo as well, not to sure if you can combo that into DM as well.

;fd ;a - ;fd ;b - DM ????

might take a trip this weekend if I'm not busy


I've seen his ;fd ;a combo into a DM but I'm not sure if it's a super cancel or not.
Comboing it into ;dn ;df ;fd ;a or ;c costs half a drive though. Apparently it doesn't when it's canceled from a normal. For example: ;dn ;b, ;a, ;fd ;a, ;dn ;df ;fd ;c (3x) will combo without using any drives.

Now that I've been studying Genmu Ken more closely, I think it really is a special attack that acts like a cancelable command move when canceled from a normal. Otherwise, you'll need drives to cancel either to or from his rekka. Probably the same with Genmu Kyaku. I do wonder if it's the same with his EX version though.

Oh and it seems you can cancel  ;dn ;db ;bk ;b to ;fd ;b

Violent Ryo

Duo Lon has been a favorite from the new characters but i really miss the hard punch stomp move...regardless can't wait to ''dizzy play'' with him