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Shen Woo (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, October 27, 2010, 05:08:50 PM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

* = EX version possible

;bk / ;fd + ;c / ;d = Kokakugeki

Command Normals
;fd + ;b = Fusenkyaku
His forward kick to the gut from his previous version, good reach, cancelable by itself, best move to activate HD with, and perfect to be used in most his combos.

Special Moves
;qcf + ;a / ;c (C version chargeable, cancel charge by pressing ;b / ;d) = Geki-Ken *
Swinging punch that lunges himself forward, good startup and recovery for his light version. A version is the most abusable move in his repertoire, safe when blocked, perfect to stop grass hopping opponents. Fully charged C version mimicks his DM with a DM flash, does real good damage if it connects (~30% if I'm not mistaken), deceivingly good vertical hitbox, crumples opponent upon connection. Guarding a fully charged leads to a Guard Crash into full combo.
- Ex travels farther, starts up quicker, and goes through projectiles.

;qcb + ;a = Fuku Tora Geki *
;qcf + ;a = Kanyuu Ryugeki
Two-parter starting with his double hand overhead then swinging back upwards launches the opponent for a low juggle (can be Super Canceled (SC'd) into his ;qcf x2 + ;a / ;d DM). Retains it's overhead properties despite being in a block string however is not safe when blocked if your opponent has a fast countering move. Unlike XII, he can cancel his qcb + A off of his command attack f + B. Extremely useful in his mixups and most damaging special to SC off of.
- EX version juggles opponents higher (high enough to connect his qcf x2 + A/C DM).

;qcf + ;b / ;d = Tenrenken *
Lunges forward with a sliding grounded uppercut. Not as useful for anti-air as XII as he slides forward even with the B version. Only useful for anticipated hops and maybe some jumps. ;d version combos off his BnB s.;c, ;fd ;b chain.
- EX version is much more useful, does an added hit and allows for juggles but is not the anti-air move that you would expect. Follow up with a ;qcf + ;d for juggles (otherwise opponent is too high and falls down vertically).

;hcb  ;fd + ;a / ;c = Tamaken *
Command throw which combos off his ;fd ;b chain and even his light attacks if he's close enough. Without and drive canceling or super canceling, this is his strongest comboable special (even slightly stronger than Shen Woo Hammer).
- EX version crumples the opponent and allows for jugglable followups like (DM, ;qcb + ;a, EX ;dp ;b / ;d).

;qcb + ;c = Tamaken Deflect
Reflects incoming projectile. You can cancel the ending frames into any move however the most practical one is ;c Shen Woo Punch Lite and cancel if needed.

Desperation Moves
;qcf x2 + ;a / ;c = Tatsu!! Gekiken! *
Buffed up version of his of Shen Woo Punch Lite, does good damage, and is invincible after startup.
- EX version is much faster.

;c ;a ;b ;c (costs two stocks) = Bakuten
Causes Shen Woo to explode and glow yellow like SSJ. The explosion itself does about 312dmg and his attack increases by 30% while in this mode.  Note, normally the minimum any DM gets scaled down to is .5 but since he gets the 30% increase the minimum the CABC DM does in a combo is .65 of 240, or 156dmg.

;qcf ;hcb + ;a ;c = Tensho Bakushingeki
Fast chase down punisher, Shen glides across the screen and activates an upwards punch sending a blast upwards

Shen's Wiki entry.

Console changes:
* Gekiken Fakeout has faster recovery. It’ll fail if the kick button is pressed too soon.
Gekiken maxed out will chip half the opponent’s guard meter
* Danken(throw) comes out slower. Neither weak nor fierce has invincibility. However, it can be Drivecanceled.
* Danken(reflect) builds up meter on a success. No drive meter buildup.
* EX Fukkogeki>Kouryuugeki has slower recovery when blocked. Completely punishable

Producer Yamamoto says: We’ve did a lot of adjustments to his Danken. The throw version is no longer 1F, but it can be drive canceled for additional damage. Gekiken’s feint has quicker recovery so it can be used to lengthen attack strings.


Assuming you start each combo with j.C/D, s.C, f.B, here's a guide to use which combo to use under which circumstance:

No stock or Drive gauge -
hcb~f+P or corner qcf D, far C (~311dmg)

1 stock, no Drive gauge -  
Ex qcf K, qcf D x2, hyperhop C (corner d.C instead~430dmg)

1 stock, 1+ Drive gauge
Ex qcf K, qcf D, qcb A.qcf A, [DC] qcf C, qcf A, (corner) d.C (~524dmg)

2 stock, 1+ Drive gauge
Ex qcf K, qcf D, qcb A.qcf A, [DC] qcf C, qcf A, qcf x2 +P DM (575dmg)

3 stock, 1+ Drive gauge
Ex qcf K, qcf D, qcb A.qcf A, [DC] qcf C, qcf A, Ex qcfx2 + P DM (~622dmg)

Naturally, should use HyperDrive if you have two cancel guages, so the rest are non-Drive guage combos:

2 stocks -
Ex qcf K, qcf D x2, qcf x2+P DM (~526dmg)

3 stocks -
Ex hcb~f+P, Ex qcf K, qcf D x2, qcf x2+P DM (~601dmg)
corner  Ex qcb A.qcf A, qcf D, qcf B, C.A.B.C (~608dmg)

4 stocks -
Ex hcb~f+P, Ex qcf K, qcf D x2, Ex qcf x2+P DM (~663dmg)
corner Ex hcb~f+P, Ex qcf K, qcf D x2, qcf B, C.A.B.C (~671dmg)

5 stocks -
Ex hcb~f+P, Ex qcf K, qcf D, Ex qcf P, Ex qcf x2+P DM (~682dmg)
corner Ex hcb~f+P, Ex qcf K, qcf D Ex qcf P, qcf B, C.A.B.C (~691dmg)


There are so many variations to his HyperDrive combos (HD) so it's really about picking your own poison.  Fortunately, all his (Ex) DMs juggles so SCing/MCing isn't a problem.  

If you don't like the fancy stuff then do the 5 stock:

(1) j.D, s.C, f.B, HD s.C, f.B, C.A.B.C, MC qcf~hcb+AC is already ~977dmg (if you add a qcf+A [HDC]... before the CABC the damage is 983)

If you like to conserve stocks:

(2) NEW! In High-Def j.C, s.C, f.B, HD, s.C, f.B, qcb A.qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C, [HDC] qcf D, qcf D, [HDC] C, [HDC] D, qcf D, qcf B, Bakuten (C.A.B.C) (2 stocks, 831 dmg)

(2c) NEW! j.C, s.C, f.B, HD, s.C, f.B, qcb A.qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C (charge slightly), [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcb A(whiff).qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C (charge sightly), [HDC] qcf D, qcf D, qcf B, CABC (2 stocks, 813 dmg)

(3) j.D, s.C, f.B, HD, s.C, f.B, Ex hcb~f+P, qcb A.qcf A, delay [HDC] qcf+D, qcb A.qcf A, [HDC] qcf C, qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C, [HDC] D, qcf D, qcf B, CABC (3 stocks, HD, 870 dmg).  

(3b) Also in High-Def starting with the HD bypass shortcut (hcb~f+ABC).

(4) Made popular by Haregoro's white Shen from the KCE vids: s.C/d.C, f.B, HD, s.C, f.B, qcb A.qcf A, ([HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C, qcf A) x3, CABC. (2 stocks 818dmg / 822dmg if you do Ex qcf x2+AC instead)

4 stocks 100%:

(5) j.C, s.C, f.B, HD, s.C, f.B, qcb A.qcf A, ([HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C [charge half a sec]) x3, qcf D, CABC, Ex qcf x2+P DM

(2b) j.C, s.C, f.B, HD, s.C, f.B, qcb A.qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C, [HDC] qcf D, qcf D, [HDC] qcf C, [HDC] D, CABC, Ex qcf x2 +AC. (1012dmg)

100% combos 5 stocks

(5b) j.C, s.C, f.B, HD, s.C, f.B, qcb A.qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C, [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C [charge half a sec], [HDC] qcf D, CABC, Ex qcf x2+P DM

(5c) j.C, s.C, f.B, HD, s.C, f.B, qcf A, [HDC] qcb A.qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C, [HDC] qcf D, qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, CABC, MC NM.


4leaf's Shen 4 hit 100% combo.

Fullscreen wall carries:

(7a) j.C, s.C, f.B, HD, s.C, f.B, qcb A.qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C, [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcb A (whiffs).qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C (charge slightly), [HDC] qcf D, qcf D, qcf B, CABC (2 stocks, 813 dmg).

(7b) j.C, s.C, f.B, HD, s.C, f.B, qcb A.qcf A, [HDC] qcf D, [HDC] qcf C, [HDC] qcf D, ([HDC] qcb A (whiffs).qcf A, [HDC] qcf D) x2, qcf D, CABC (2 stocks, 779 dmg).  <-- I accidentally forgot the last qcf D, right before the qcf B (that's before the CABC) should be ~approximately 800dmg if you include it.


Miscellaneous (will expand on later):

Although the patch removed roll-cancelling, Shen still has some viable techniques of bypass HD'ing:
1) Empty hop, then perform: hcb~ub~u~uf+ABC right before you touch the ground.  If you do it when you land he'll just do his regular activation frames.  This will activate Shen's HD and go into his Ex Command Throw so you can combo away (See combo 3 in the HD section).
2) Due to lacking a reliable crossup, the chances of landing a "s.C, HD, s.C --->" greatly diminishes.  Fortunately, his s.B/Far.B is a great poke and after "d.B x2, s.B" you can activate on the last hit which will of course make you dash so you can press s.C (It might even do the s.C for you depending on distance but I gotta test that one out).


Just a note that only the first and last links are still up. at least, when i tried them.


Quote from: FataCon on October 27, 2010, 11:44:40 PM
just a note that only the first and last links are still up. at least, when i tried them.

There are two broken links there, I'll remove them now but the rest should all work.  EDIT: Done.


Shen wiki template is up, you can add more stuff now Kane


Quote from: krazykone123 on November 15, 2010, 04:56:05 PM
Shen wiki template is up, you can add more stuff now Kane

Thank you kk123, I'm slowly revising my Chin so it's more readable.  I'll c&p some Shen stuff later on today.  UPDATE: Finally got around updating the wiki combo section.

4leaf's Shen 4 hit 100% combo.

UPDATE: Cool new variation fullscreen wall-carry HD combo.


so i heard shen has some really strong option selects. anyone mind sharing them?
kof scrub in training


If you mean his mind games/ mix ups (is option select a SF term?)

Most of it revolves around the ability to cancel his charge punch (qcf C(hold)). It pretty much keeps your opponent guessing if you're going to sweep, hop, dash command throw etc.

Couple with the fact he's got great pokes (a special auto guarding far C) , fast running speed and great jump attacks makes him a force to reckon with.


option select is when your input is ambiguous (covers one or more possible actions) and the computer decides what to do for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nL2zpySSymE this vid is a good example. ryu does a jump in fierce by doing dp motion strong + fierce. if rufus blocks or gets hit, ryu jump fierces. if rufus backdashes or does ex messiah, ryu ex dp's. ryu is only doing one input, but it covers his bases for three different outcomes.

anyways, i just heard from the commentary on one of the ai matchvids that shen has option selects that make it hard to approach him at neutral. i'm afraid i'm clueless as to what they might be.
kof scrub in training


There's really aren't many very many option selects in the game. I think in the video they were saying option select but actually meant mix up options.

Here are a couple option selects but they are conditional.

1. Anyone with air throw such as Mai, if you attempt an air throw but doesn't connect will do a jump attack.

2. If you drive cancel without hit confirming, it will only come out if the attack hits and is not blocked. Otherwise nothing will happen.


For Shen's Bakuten, is it possible for me to input it fast enough so that he just does it without doing a st.C first?


Quote from: Demoninja on March 23, 2011, 02:10:39 AM
For Shen's Bakuten, is it possible for me to input it fast enough so that he just does it without doing a st.C first?

No, but you can use something else to buffer it like d.A


Ah okay, thanks a lot. I'll try to get that down. I think being able to anti air with it or reversal with it would be a good trick to have.

How exactly am I pressuring as Shen? What I'm doing is fishing for a knock down and then constant hop C or run for way longer than I should aiming for a counterhit C into a combo. I'm also using things like C f.B qcf+C and either charging or canceling into sweep right away. Any other techniques I should be aware of that would help my pressure game?