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Team St1ckbug 1/26 Results

Started by DaiAndOh, January 29, 2013, 12:23:43 AM

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1: Xaqshinor (HW/BE/SA)
2: A3R (MK/CH/KY)
3: Hard Bread
3: Metalface
5: Digiops
5: Knight of Zero
5: Apollo
5: GroovyMAngo
9: Mindgame3
9: Mynus
9: Krispy

1: Chickzama's Female (CH)
2: LPT (YU)
3: Danny (SL)
3: OmniSScythe (CH)
5: Crown
5: Hard Bread (TE)
5: Omni H
5: Xaqshinor (MI)
9: Blackstar
9: Mynus
9: Arbitrary Asian
9: A3R
9: Metalface
9: Mojo
9: Sgt. Pancakes
9: Sodelic
17: Liston
17: Edwin
17: Apollo
17: DreamyRobot
17: Digiops
17: Knight of Zero
17: Umai
17: Mindgame3
17: DaiAndOh
17: Nise Cirno
17: Lyoto
17: C Tier Change God
17: TrueGunnerShadow

1: Chickzama's Female (JI)
2: Danny (VA)
3: Xaqshinor (RE)
3: Buck Your Brackets (TA)
5: C Tier Change God
5: OmniSScythe (MA)
5: Mynus (LI)
5: Sodelic (BA)
9: digiops
9: Sgt. Pancakes
9: OTP Ashawn x Nicole
9: Arbitrary Asian
9: LPT
9: KPB Judex
9: Mindgame3
9: SKD
17: Eevee Itsu
17: CrisisEdge
17: Metalface
17: Crown
17: TrueGunnerShadow
17: GroovyMAngo
17: Scott x Allie

1: Mahouko (BR)
2: Alzarath (TE)
3: Phrek (ZA)
3: Xaqshinor (DI)
5: A3R (JO)
5: Mindgame3 (SL)
5: Hard Bread (RO)
5: Mynus (IN)
9: Apollo
9: Mojo
9: Jailhouse
9: Eightman
9: DreamyRobot
9: OmniSScythe
9: DaiAndOh
9: CrisisEdge
17: Knight of Zero

Next event is 2/16.


Good stuff KOF guys, glad everyone's supporting when you can, sorry I couldn't make it, got some issues that I need to take care of so it may be awhile before you see me in a tournament again.
"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku


"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku