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KOF XIII 10th General Thread: America on Top (@EVO2013), Everyone Back to Work!

Started by solidshark, July 15, 2013, 12:05:17 AM

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Quote from: Xxenace on August 31, 2013, 11:59:44 PM
god im getting beat hard im really not used to playing this game with people still

I know the feeling! My old Xbox crew are at all time high levels of beast mode. Will take a long time to catch up, but regardless of winning or losing, it's always infectiously fun. In fact I think I have more fun when losing because it motivates me to improve and try new things. The new netcode opens up a lot of possibilities for on-reaction play, something I was never strong at. Time to put our noses to the grindstone. :)
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


Really hope they bring it back to v6 netcode, because v7 and v8 have been unplayably bad. I played some 3 bar matches just now that were worse than 3 bar matches I've had in KOFXIII on PS3.

I seriously can't believe they screwed the netcode up this bad when it was near perfect on patch 6. I hear you apparently get one chance for a refund on steam, and this just might be it if it doesn't get fixed. 3 days left and it's getting worse, not better.

EDIT: I played with a friend from California again (other side of the country for me) and it runs smooth as butter for us.

He's even on a DSL connection, so it's not like our net is ideal. However, we both have modern rigs made to run the latest games. Rigs at least higher than the minimum requirements in all areas, some areas much higher.

As such, I really hope they have a rig rating next to the connection rating in online matches a la SF4/SFxT.

Homies Over Shotos

My laptop runs this game like shit.  I can't play until I get a new laptop.  Muggfugga.  I even removed the graphical crap and it still runs off.  BAH.  At least when I get my new laptop, I'm going to get ready for some Foot Action.


New patch, uses less resources, and I've noticed smoother matches thus far.


From the staff at Osaka Kohatsu's twitter (Take this with a grain of salt):


Seems that a new 2D (or rather in KOF's case, 2.5D) fighting game will be announced in October. It could or could not be KOF, but let's not go crazy and speculate just yet.

Source: http://twitter.com/machy_kohatsu/status/374866769321545728


Has anybody tested v9.7 yet on steam? I havent had good online matches since v8, not sure what they did to netcode but it feels now worse than console with those random lag spikes which i didnĀ“t have while playing with the same people.  :(


They didn't make any changes to the net code since like v5. I think it's the changes they've made to address the offline issues that people were experiencing that's causing any issues you're seeing online. In any case they've extended the beta til the launch of the game so they'll be working on these issues.


If the netplay doesn't improve much more, I probably won't be able to play much online :< I'm getting sketchy connections with people in the same town, and it seems to be an absolute terror against anyone outside of America.


REN TIME is starting to work with a taiwanese esport company, and I hope all my friend from all over the world will join me on the stream, I miss all of you. We will be stream KofXIII and SSF4AE,every friday at 8pm (GTM +8) please join us at http://zh-tw.twitch.tv/ttapollos/
台灣電競公司有很多間 其中之一""曜越太陽神""給了阿仁一些機會,在""曜越太陽神""的直播台直播格鬥遊戲,也是由阿仁親自跟大家線上同樂,希望你們能給阿仁和台灣的格鬥環境多一點點的支持,同時很高興能夠成為,第一個在台灣電競聯盟直播格鬥遊戲的玩家<<應該是拉 哈哈>>,你們多來收看多支持,台灣的格鬥遊戲環境一定會起飛的 星期五晚上八點 準時見面喔...http://zh-tw.twitch.tv/ttapollos/


KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


I read the first sentence of that post as "Taiwanese escort company".

I am a horrible person....


QuoteAdditional titles have already been spotted on the Steam DB ā€" so, thereā€™s the chance we may see those brought to Steam.

SNK pls.


KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma