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KOF XIII 10th General Thread: America on Top (@EVO2013), Everyone Back to Work!

Started by solidshark, July 15, 2013, 12:05:17 AM

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Running Wild

Watched the archive of TFC KOFXIII Grand Finals.

ChrisG seems to be doing better in KOF, his Mature seems on point. I think he could try being more offensive with King. I dunno about that Benimaru though. But lordy Xian and EX Iori. For Petes sake.

I still think you can't call yourself a KOF player if you don't at least play 98 though.

It's the same with SF players. You don't play ST? You aren't a Street Fighter!


Of course real men would play Fatal Fury Special, Garou:Mark Of The Wolves or Real Bout 2.

Or even Samurai Shodown II and Last Blade 2!


Quote from: Mr.Minionman on September 19, 2013, 07:26:58 PM
Hey, do you guys know if the pc kof is still lagging in fullscreen? I kinda prefer playing in fs, but...

I can only speak for myself and my experience so far. I still feel some input delay on fullscreen and windowed on my new setup. About 1-2 frames it offline.


A quick one on the PC version, how's the netcode like? Is it way better than the console version? Will they be patching the netcode on and off for better performance?

Running Wild

Netcode on the PC version is way better than console. They patched it alot during beta, can't say for sure if they will provide patches in the future with it being released.


"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Quote from: Running Wild on September 20, 2013, 10:38:43 PM
I still think you can't call yourself a KOF player if you don't at least play 98 though.

This rule would disqualify a lot of Mexicans from being considered KOF players because a lot of them only play 2002 (the majority of the people in 2002 on GGPO are Mexicans; also, whenever I go there, that's all I see them play).


Quote from: Running Wild on September 20, 2013, 10:38:43 PM


Of course real men would play Fatal Fury Special, Garou:Mark Of The Wolves or Real Bout 2.

Or even Samurai Shodown II and Last Blade 2 !

OMG I'm so Manly because I play all of these (was playing Last blade 2 at the arcade last night)....!
and add to them Ninja Master's Haoh Ninpo cho :D

UAE's KOF casuals and tournaments


Quote from: Running Wild on September 20, 2013, 10:38:43 PM
Watched the archive of TFC KOFXIII Grand Finals.

ChrisG seems to be doing better in KOF, his Mature seems on point. I think he could try being more offensive with King. I dunno about that Benimaru though. But lordy Xian and EX Iori. For Petes sake.

I still think you can't call yourself a KOF player if you don't at least play 98 though.

It's the same with SF players. You don't play ST? You aren't a Street Fighter!


Of course real men would play Fatal Fury Special, Garou:Mark Of The Wolves or Real Bout 2.

Or even Samurai Shodown II and Last Blade 2!

There's a difference between playing them and actually being good at them.

Running Wild

Quote from: marchefelix on September 22, 2013, 08:18:13 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on September 20, 2013, 10:38:43 PM
I still think you can't call yourself a KOF player if you don't at least play 98 though.

This rule would disqualify a lot of Mexicans from being considered KOF players because a lot of them only play 2002 (the majority of the people in 2002 on GGPO are Mexicans; also, whenever I go there, that's all I see them play).

I dunno what GGPO you were on, I see alot of Mexicans in various 98 rooms often. 2k2 I mostly see Brazilian players. With some Mexicans for good measure.

Regardless, everybody loves Angel.


I mostly see Koreans in the 98 rooms... I guess we must go on different times of the day.

Also, I hate that annoying bitch.


Angel's a love/hate thing with me. I love her, but hate the things my opponents will do to me with her.

Also, out of curiosity, are the players on SE running into more varied teams and characters, or is it what they're used to still?

Or if you're online seriously now for the first time with XIII, are you surprised at the character make-up you're finding online?
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

Mr Bakaboy

Actually on XBL I find a lot Mexicans on 98UM, but they have dropped off a bit in the past 6 months. I see them more in 02UM. Mostly Japanese in 98UM anymore.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

The Fluke

I've seen far less robert/andy/takuma and similar teams though instead i've seen more top tiers but almost no hwa jai. I think that there might be slightly better variation on steam edition than console aside from the differing favorites as it seems to have a bit more varied player base.


I've seen random mixes along the occasional "I'm going to play top tier and hope it wins for me" teams.

Though online Kims I'll say are freaking annoying.