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Kentucky Kof?

Started by dynamitekid, May 06, 2013, 06:47:42 AM

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Hey, I'm new to Kof and fighting games in general. Just been playing for 6 months. But I love Kof and want to become good at the game.  Just wondered if anyone close to my area plays and takes fighting games seriously.


Welcome to the site dynamitekid. There might be a section for Kentucky in the offline section. If not you can make one and see if anyone else responds. If you can get online with KOF and find people with good connections to you, I'd keep up with those players often too in case the offline is small or non-existent.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Alright man, thanks for the help


What part of Kentucky do you live in? I live in Cincinnati.
Just Don't look in the trunk...


I live in western ky. About 2 hours from Ohio


Do you guys have a good scene up there?