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Execution errors are driving me up the wall

Started by Rovi, October 03, 2013, 07:46:30 PM

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It might be because I came from lenient (execution wise) as hell Marvel, but my execution in the game is notably worst than in any other fighting game I've played, even SF.
One big problem I'm facing right now with Terry (for example):

;c, ;fd ;a, ;c+ ;b (HD), ;c, ;fd ;a, ;dn ;db ;bk ;a xx ;dn ;up ;b xx  ;dn ;db ;bk ;c xx ;dn ;up ;b xx   ;dn ;db ;bk ;c xx  ;dn ;db ;bk ;b, (;dn ;df ;fd x2)  ;a+ ;b

I can't consistently passed the first (or second or third for that matter) lp.Burn Knuckle xx lk.Rising Tackle xx hp.Burn Knuckle

This problem seems to come up with a lot of characters. I might be able to do the combo a couple times, but never 100% of the time. I was wondering how you guys leveled up your execution for this game? Or do you literally just have to grind it out until it's lodged into your brain?


To be honest I wish the game had more shorter and stricter input windows which is what I feel causes some of my execution problems, but I've gotten use to it but it's still a nuisance sometimes.

For me I just have to keep grinding until it's habitual and natural. Plus, I had to understand that I needed to grind outside of training mode too, which meant I had to play more matches offline with people and experiment with different ways to keep combos from dropping and misfiring. One thing when I'm alone is to use the random guard option in training mode and challenge myself to do a combo a certain amount of times. Another thing I've been doing is survival mode (which a few players have recommended) which helps me land combos whenever I get the meter. The CPU starts out easy but then gets progressively more random and risky...also, you have to deal with Boss Saiki and Dark Ash who are cheap as hell but help you with hit confirming and challenges you to not drop your combos. Try those things out for a while and see if they help.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Never thought about using the computer like that to test out hit confirms on a moving target, especially not survival mode. I'll try it out.

Also, does anyone have any experience regarding this game and the Hit Box (as in the all button arcade stick)? I was thinking about trying one out, but haven't had any luck in borrowing one. Don't wanna buy one and regret it though.


Quote from: Rovi on October 04, 2013, 01:40:52 AM
Also, does anyone have any experience regarding this game and the Hit Box (as in the all button arcade stick)? I was thinking about trying one out, but haven't had any luck in borrowing one. Don't wanna buy one and regret it though.

The stick seems to work well with KOF XIII.

You can see in their Youtube channel:


that they have tutorials for several characters.

I made a thread for this specific fight stick. It only has one reply (lol), but in case you wanna use it, it's right here:


Chrome Homura

To be fair, the example you listed (Terry's HD) is among the toughest in the game depending on who you ask. (Also, you probably want Close  ;d instead of  ;c after the HD activation (before as well if it's a clear punish) since  ;c scales more.  My main team includes Terry and I enjoy playing him a lot, but I've long since given up the prospect of ever being able to complete his Rising Tackle xx Burn Knuckle loop more than once or twice out of 20 attempts in training mode. Luckily he has decent options to get comparable damage without it (simple confirm into Power Geyser Max cancel is fairly close, EX Geyser xx Max Cancel is almost lethal, and at 2 bars with the right spacing you can just Neomax + followup combo. With 1 bar or less I just do drive cancel bnbs instead) so rather than hate the game for being what it is I just dismiss the optimal combo route in favor of something I can actually land consistently. As such, depending on whether or not you actually plan to attend majors, I feel there's no shame to be had in "giving up" on certain execution trials in favor of doing slightly less damaging combos if you feel it'll improve your chances of putting your local KOF scene's tournament money in your pocket.

As an aside, consider this: Kim's main HD loop is remarkably similar ( ;dn ;up + ;d xx  ;dn ;db ;bk + ;d) only it's stupid easy in comparison to Terry's, since Kim's Flash Kick has substantially more hitstop on the 1st hit before going airborne, making it much easier to DC out of. His  ;dn ;db ;bk+D also has massive hitstop between it's multiple hits which lend themselves to an insanely easy followup DC as well. As such, Kim's HD combo is practically impossible to drop in comparison to what some characters are forced to endure in order to land big damage. If execution troubles in KOF are giving you headaches, there is always the option of playing lower execution characters and/or (as mentioned above) committing to easier combos.
Shen's is the Cr.C that pierces the heavens...


Grind it out. Terry's HD combos really aren't that hard, the real difficulty lies in how they can fail if you're just a little too close/far from the corner or if they're at the wrong height, causing Terry to end up on the wrong side or some other stupid thing like that. That said, anytime you're gonna put them into the corner you don't want to do Terry's NeoMAX, but rather to use his EX moves to add extra damage. The easiest example is the ol' "Burn-BURN KNUCKLE!"

cl.D f.A HD cl.D f.A qcb.A DC qcb.AC d~u+Cc DC qcb+C DC qcb+AC DC d~u+C qcb+C DC qcb+B or D d~u+C or AC

EX Burn Knuckle gives you forever to charge Rising Tackle and to prepare yourself mentally to immediately do the qcb+C


I think Terry is better going first anyways, concentrating on pressure cross ups and force desperated jumps to avoid his standing C and B is more profitable than trying to land his HD, there are characters with relatively easier execution that pay off much more from HD combos.


The thing with Terry's bnbs is that not only is it hard to go all the motions, but you need to time the Rising Tackles properly too; too early, it'll whiff later, too late, it'll whiff later. I try doing my combos with my eyes closed, helps me get the timing. ^^

Yeah, doing stuff on a moving target helps, cuz it challenges you to balance multiple factors in a match without losing your concentration in the execution aspect. After awhile, though, execution will be the easiest part of the game. Yomi man. Dat shit's really hard. XD
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


That's what I hate about his rising tackle in the corner sometimes because you have to time it properly

Quote from: AirLancer on October 07, 2013, 01:03:18 AM
cl.D f.A HD cl.D f.A qcb.A DC qcb.AC d~u+Cc DC qcb+C DC qcb+AC DC d~u+C qcb+C DC qcb+B or D d~u+C or AC

I don't know if its me but I had to delay the second qcb + AC after the qcb + C in order to connect the rising tackle in the end :X