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DC KOF XIII SE Online Tournament (12-28-2013)

Started by solidshark, December 11, 2013, 04:46:12 PM

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What - An online Steam matchmaking casual tournament event for KoF XIII Online. It will be FT10 (4 points), FT7 (3 points), or FT5 (2 points) matchings (optional FT3 [1 point] are optional in case the connection isn't stable enough from the beginning). All players will agree at the beginning of the match on # of matches. In case connections become totally unplayable, matches will be reduced to when both players agree to stop (example: a FT10 can turn into a FT5 or FT3 if it becomes unplayable). All players wins will be tallied, ranked and posted at the end. It is recommended you try to play as many different people as possible, but you are allowed to rematch with previous opponents.

When - Sept. 28th (Saturday) starting for North America at 1:00 PM PST, 2:00 PM MT, 3:00 PM CST, or 4:00 PM EST.  Based on current connections on Steam, we're keeping it USA/Canada/Mexico for stability for now. Please arrive early to be counted and for pre-game preparations. The tourney will last 4 hours.

Why - The KOF community now has the Steam Edition on PC, and has an improved netcode that can allow for much better online experiences, and now is a good time to test it, and grow the community in the process with a new playerbase.

Who - DreamCancel members. Anyone who would like to participate, we would ask that you sign up here and create a Chatango (or current chat format) account so you can be accounted for in the tournament.

Where - Games will be played on PC/Steam (obviously) but players are encouraged to meet up in the Main KOF 13 Online Chat Lobby. It is recommended doing as LITTLE on your internet connection as humanly possible in order to have a more solid, stable, online experience. Remember to do WIRED in as well: wireless NOT recommneded!

How - Fill out the following form:

Steam Handle:
Speedtest.net/Pingtest.net results (Connect to a server FARTHEST away from your own connection!)
Most played team:
Matchups you want more experience against(optional):

Steam: solidshark51
Location: Japan

Most played team: Kim, Ryo, Andy, Terry, Hwa, Kensou, Billy, Chin, Takuma
Matchups I want more experience with: everyone

To add to the Matchmaking, here are more DC online resources to be aware of.

Good Games Shoutout Thread in case you don't want to leave feedback here.

The Ultimate Opponent Lookup in the Netplay Wiki to see who's in your part of the country/world.

And a compilation of KOF XIII SE steam players organized by JennyCage and Oleander3s from Steam.

Don't forget to SAVE MATCH REPLAYS if you have some good ones to share!

And if you have feeback to leave for the match quality, please list it here under "Netcode Feedback: "
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Steam: ziwa[SoCal]
Location: Long Beach, CA
Speedtest.net results: download=16Mbps | upload=1Mbps
Most played team: Ex Iori, Beni, King
Matchups I want more experience with: Everyone