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Evo this Year SNK Side Tourney (2014)

Started by The Question, May 19, 2014, 02:30:21 AM

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Running Wild

Quote from: The Question on June 29, 2014, 05:10:42 AMSo other than dead being a dumb rule

It adds a certain level of randomness. Why should a player be eliminated just because of their K.O animation?

All that's gonna do is fuck up the bracket.


Good luck running your tournament. I'm out until someone else runs it. You seem a little off to me.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

The Question

RunningWild: I understand your concern and it is a valid one concerning the bracket running. How about this then? I still want to try out the idea and see how it goes tourney wise SamSho II is my favorite game and as this idea seems the most foolish Samsho II tourney will be free to enter this year. This will not effect the prize at all. Hopefully that will alleviate you and the others peoples fears. Nothing to lose everything to gain.

Des: Thankyou very much for your time, I am sorry you feel that way about me, but Ill tell you what I think, online correspondence is a terrible form of communication. You cant judge me accurately nor I you. If you are at EVO in the BYOC area come say hello, talk with me for abit and you can judge me in person. Im sorry you don't want to enter but I understand where you are coming from. Meet with me in person then you will be able to get a fair grasp of me. That's all I can ask for is a chance. Thankyou very much guys and if you have anything else I will appreciate it.

In the spirit of my poor decisions and inexperience entrance fees are as follows:

Samsho II is a free tournament to enter.

All other games are 2 dollars to enter as I like Samsho II.

Des, Running Wild, thankyou very much for the feedback. As well as your time to do so.


New changed of rules should stay that way. Good luck on the sam sho II idea

The Question

The rule set has been updated on page one to reflect what has been stated in the feedback and thankyou very much Yeti. Ill see how it goes.

The Question

Thankyou very much everyone who participated in both the tournaments that got ran as well as the hours and hours of casuals. Im glad you all liked it and got to participate. It was fun to run and the Samsho II tourney was a success! Everyone involved liked it and I even got some new players to enter which is always good for the scene. Desmond I'd like to thankyou again for your input and next year I can't wait to see you all again. Ill have some more stuff up my sleeve and well see about making next years Evo tourneys even better SNK all the way baby! Take care guys and Ill see you all at next years EVO! Ill be running some SNK stuff at SCR next year also so take care all and I am going to get some much needed rest.

Thankyou again.


It was nice meeting you, The Question. Next time try to run brackets on bracket paper, and try to run your SNK titles on a small laptop (with an alternative screen if need to be) using Mame (or FBA) with an XBOX 360 for titles that aren't on the Neo-Geo (like 98UM, 02UM etc.).

Also, it would be best to run & organize the games you have planned and not change them last minute (example: 98 instead of 98UM). This will give players in advance to practice and prepare.

If you really want, I can even help you run & organize the tournament next year since it can be a handful to run it all alone. Then we can advertise better and get a stronger turnout.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

The Question

Hey thanks a lot and in regards to the first suggestion you made I have gotten a 360 the same day that I got back in order to run the UM games as well as a card so now I just need to download them and make them more accessible.

In regards to the laptop I talked to Giby at the venue and he suggested the same thing. Im not really up on online gaming or emulating though so I deffintely need to look into how to go about it.

Would an Asus work for a larger monitor to run off of the laptop? Also is there some kinda splitter for USB ports or would the come as is on the initial laptop work? This is something I have no exp in.

Also does anyone know a good place to get roms? I own all of the games and in some cases multiples so there is no piracy going on.

I also got the template for the bracket paper so I will for sure make multiples of those.

In regards to the last part I very well may take you up on the offer next year Desmond if it still stands. Thankyou very much for all of your help and suggestions. As always I am learning and any help is appreciated. Thankyou.


Laptops nowadays usually either have a VGA or HDMI output port that you can hook up to an ASUS monitor (or any other flat screen monitor).

Roms, you gotta use google for that, we don't really share rom links here.

For the 360, I can try to bring my ps2 to 360 controller converters next year for people can use their PS2 pads if need to be.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

The Question

Ok man sounds good! I know roms are a touchy subject all over people try to stab you on SRK over them so I get that. Alright man Im gonna get a jump on this then and Ill come back if I have any more questions.

The PS2 converter might be a good Idea I know Garou Mike was using a PSX pad in the tourney so yeah that will be something to look into. The laptop I gotta get some more cash together but Ill start on the roms right away. Thanks again.